
Category: Interviews

Power-Con 2013 – Interview with Voice Actor Brian Dobson

From Power-Con 2013, Pixel Dan sits down to chat with voice actor Brian Dobson, known as many voices including that of Skeletor from the MYP Masters of the Universe cartoon series!

Power-Con 2013 – Interview with Voice Actor Townsend Coleman

From Power-Con 2013, Pixel Dan sits down to chat with voice actor Townsend Coleman, known for many voices including that of Michelangelo from the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon series!

Mattel Voltron Wrap-Up Interview with Jeremy Corray

Now that the Mattel Black Lion is out and everyone is able to form their very own 23″ Voltron, Pixel Dan catches up with Jeremy Corray of World Event Productions for a wrap-up interview!

So join Dan, Jeremy, and a young Voltron fan for some fun and laughs as we put a cap on Mattel’s Voltron line!

Video after the jump!

Interview with “Design Your Own Trashie” 2012 Winner Brian Roberts

It’s no secret to those who follow me that I have become a big fan of Moose Toys’ Trash Pack toy line. The series of gross little characters known as the “Trashies” has a very retro vibe to it that really appeals to the kid in me. They absolutely feel like something I would have picked up on a random trip to the toy store with my mom back in 1987.

And I’m certainly not the only one who has a love for this line, as it has been running strong for just over a year now, and is already three waves in with hundreds of Trashies available! Collectors and kids alike have been drawn to this incredibly fun line.

Earlier this year, Moose Toys ran a “Design Your Own Trashie” contest, allowing fans to create their very own character with the winner receiving a real mini figure of their creation!

Brian Roberts was the lucky fan who won, with his incredibly cool character creation “Macaroni & Sneeze!” Brian was gracious enough to speak with me and answer a few questions I had about his winning entry!

Making the Mosquitor Mask – An Interview with Glen Coleman

You may recall the challenge made to me by Scott Neitlich prior to this year’s San Diego Comic Con.  And if you were at the show or saw pictures from it, then you know I was able to meet that challenge.

But I never would have been able to if it weren’t for the very talented Glen Coleman contacting me and offering to help me out by building an amazing Mosquitor mask! Many of you have contacted me and asked me how the mask was made, and I kept promising that once SDCC was all wrapped up, I would shine the spotlight on the man behind the making of that mask.

So, here we are. It’s time to talk to Glen Coleman! Click on through to learn how he did it, complete with images and video of the actual mask making process, and even grab the specs so you can try yourself!

Interview with Daniel Benedict, creator of MOTU Classics Castle Grayskullman

At the 2012 San Diego Comic Con, Mattel revealed the winner of their Masters of the Universe Classics Create-A-Character contest. The winner announced was Daniel Benedict for his creation Castle Grayskullman.

For his win, Castle Grayskullman will get a release in the 2012 Masters of the Universe Classics 30th Anniversary Collection toy line. He will receive the same treatment as the other figure, even getting sculpted by the Four Horsemen.

The new figure was on display at the show in the the Mattel display cases. He’s a very interesting design, featuring the look of the famous castle from Masters of the Universe. His face is that of the castle’s, his shield is from the drawbridge, and even his swords are taken right from the designs seen on the flag that stood atop the vintage Castle Grayskull playset. It’s a very creative idea for an action figure, and I immediately felt that this felt like a great figure for a “create-a-character” contest win.

Soon after the event, I was contacted by the winner himself, Daniel Benedict. I took this opportunity to ask him if he’d be willing to do an interview with me, and he obliged.

Read through to find out Daniel’s reaction to winning, and to see his incredibly creative “vintage” toy commercial for Castle Grayskullman!

For the Love of Toys!