
Tag: Castle Grayskull Man

Fan-made Castle Grayskullman Mini Comic debuts

My good buddy and creator of MOTUC Castle Grayskullman Daniel Benedict has collaborated with a team of artists to create a series of Castle Grayskullman mini comics!

Joe Amaro’s Castle Warriors Customiztion Kit Video Review

Joe Amaro has teamed up with Castle Grayskullman creator Daniel Benedict to bring you the Castle Warriors Customization Kit, perfect for sprucing up your MOTU Classics Castle Grayskullman action figure!

Join me for a look at this set before it goes on sale!

Castle Grayskullman Customizing Kit from Joe Amaro on sale December 12th

You might remember that awesome Warlords of the Universe commercial I posted a while back. It was a collaboration between toy-maker Joe Amaro and Castle Grayskullman creator Daniel Benedict which showed off some cool new accessories to turn your MOTU Classics Castle Grayskullman figure into, well, a different looking version of Castle Grayskullman! Basically, the idea would be to create an army of Castle Warriors!

Well good news! Soon you’ll be able to buy your very own Castle Warriors Customizing Kit!

Warlords of the Universe – Fake toy ad from Daniel Benedict and Joe Amaro

My good friends Daniel Benedict and Joe Amaro have teamed up to bring us this incredibly fun fake toy advertisement! Gotta love how the commercial looks like it came right from an old VHS tape!

I know what you’re thinking, but I can tell you that as of right now there is no word on if this is something Joe and Daniel will actually be selling. But, they do have a website set up at WarlodsoftheUniverse.com. So, I’d probably keep my eyes peeled there just in case an announcement is made about a sale!

Commercial for the MOTU Classics Castle Grayskull Pre-Order

I had the pleasure of teaming up with Castle Grayskullman creator Daniel Benedict on a fun commercial to help promote the current Masters of the Universe Classics Castle Grayskull pre-order on MattyCollector.com! Enjoy!

Masters of the Universe Classics Castle Grayskullman Figure Review

The MOTU 30th Anniversary line concludes with the winner of the Create-A-Character contest: Castle Grayskullman!

Join me for an early look at this brand new fan created character!

Video after the jump!

Interview with Daniel Benedict, creator of MOTU Classics Castle Grayskullman

At the 2012 San Diego Comic Con, Mattel revealed the winner of their Masters of the Universe Classics Create-A-Character contest. The winner announced was Daniel Benedict for his creation Castle Grayskullman.

For his win, Castle Grayskullman will get a release in the 2012 Masters of the Universe Classics 30th Anniversary Collection toy line. He will receive the same treatment as the other figure, even getting sculpted by the Four Horsemen.

The new figure was on display at the show in the the Mattel display cases. He’s a very interesting design, featuring the look of the famous castle from Masters of the Universe. His face is that of the castle’s, his shield is from the drawbridge, and even his swords are taken right from the designs seen on the flag that stood atop the vintage Castle Grayskull playset. It’s a very creative idea for an action figure, and I immediately felt that this felt like a great figure for a “create-a-character” contest win.

Soon after the event, I was contacted by the winner himself, Daniel Benedict. I took this opportunity to ask him if he’d be willing to do an interview with me, and he obliged.

Read through to find out Daniel’s reaction to winning, and to see his incredibly creative “vintage” toy commercial for Castle Grayskullman!

For the Love of Toys!