
Category: Podcasts

The Geek Easy Podcast Ep. 56: Netflix Daredevil CANCELED

Welcome back to the Geek Easy!

We hope you’re enjoying the new format, because our three hosts have a lot to discuss this week! Don’t forget new episodes post every other Wednesday!

Here are the show notes:


2:15 -Topic #1: Christmas Chronicles – A discussion on the recently released Netflix film.

14:50 -Topic #2: Ralph Breaks the Internet – A discussion on the recently released Disney film.

51:20 -Topic #3: Netflix cancels Daredevil. Disney confirms it’s not being picked up.

1:11:37 – Main Topic: What’s next for the MCU – A discussion with speculation on the next phase.

1:31:35 – Marvelgoodyay!

1:31:50 – Fan Questions.

Got questions or topic suggestions for Dan and Jonathan and Jarin? Give us a “Like” on Facebook and post ask away! http://www.facebook.com/GeekEasyPodcast

Audio episodes of The Geek Easy Podcast are available on your favorite podcast platform, including iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and more! Subscribe! Follow! Rate us!

The Geek Easy Podcast – Ep. 051 – Wonder Woman Good Yay?

After a 6 month hiatus, Dan and Jonathan are back to get their geek on! Welcome to episode 51 of The Geek Easy Podcast! Pull up a stool, grab yourself a beverage, and enjoy our geektastic conversation.

Today’s topic include:
-Wonder Woman movie review
-Masters of the Universe movie release date
-No Skeletor in a He-Man movie?
-New She-Ra cartoon on the way?
-Animaniacs making a return
-Plus more!

Got questions or topic suggestions for Dan and Jonathan? Give us a “Like” on Facebook and post ask away! http://www.facebook.com/GeekEasyPodcast

Audio episodes of The Geek Easy Podcast are available on your favorite podcast platform, including iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, and more! Subscribe! Follow! Rate us!

The Geek Easy Podcast – Ep. 030 – Rocksteady, fella!

Welcome, my friends! Pull your self up a seat and get ready for some fun. You’re in The Geek Easy!

The Geek Easy Podcast – Ep. 028 – Marvelously Marveling Over Marvel

Jonathan and Dan are back, and it’s an episode chock full of geek!

For the Love of Toys!