
Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light Collector’s Guide on Kickstarter!

Another awesome toy Kickstarter has popped up! This time, a proposal to make a collector’s guide for the small yet awesome toy line known as Visionaries!


Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light was a toy line produced by Hasbro in 1987. The figures, vehicles and accessories prominently featured holographic or foil stickers to represent the characters ability to invoke magical powers or adopt animal forms.

As was typical with many children’s properties of its time the toylines launch was accompanied by a comic and cartoon series of the same name, produced by Star Comics (an imprint of Marvel Comics) and Sunbow Productions respectively. Both of which were ultimately cancelled with the discontinuation of the toy line as a result of rising production costs.

This Kickstarter projects aims to produce a printed collector’s guide, a reference book for the toy line depicting the figures, vehicles and accessories that saw release and their incorporated play/action features.

We have already received a permission of use from Hasbro to produce the publication based upon the license and Bob Hall, whose previous work you may be familiar with from both Marvel and D.C comics as well as Valiant/Acclaim has been commissioned to produce a snazzy front and back cover, which we intend to print in blinding fluorescence!

If funded, the printed publication will be absolutley free (with the exception of a post and packaging charge, which will depend on your geographical location) and avalible worldwide to anyone, not only those who initially backed the project.

We hope this will be the first of many vintage toy line guides we are able to produce through crowd funding, from Bravestarr and M.A.S.K to Action Force and Mighty Max!

Check out the Visionaries Collector’s Guide Kickstarter and consider backing today!



One Comment

  • TMC1984 says:

    this was a total surprise to see the other day! … aside from MOTU, visionaries was the coolest toy line i had as a kid … the cartoon was awesome too, and in my view really underrated – it still holds up now and the dvd is a must have for 80's cartoon fans

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