
Three toy-related Kickstarter campaigns you should check out

I wanted to take a moment to help bring attention to three different toy-related campaigns currently in progress on Kickstarter. If you are unfamiliar with Kickstarter, it’s a site dedicated to helping folks realize their creative goals by collecting funds from “backers.” You can back any project on Kickstarter you wish, and usually donate any dollar amount to help out. Sometimes in return, you receive a little something for your donation. In these particular cases, you receive some cool toys.

O.M.F.G. – Outlandish Mini Figure Guys Series 2: You’ve probably heard me talk about these guys before. I’m friends with George and Ayleen over at October Toys, so I certainly love helping them spread the word. But that’s not the only reason I am plugging this. OMFG is a genuinly cool toy line! If you are a fan of the old M.U.S.C.L.E. or Monster in my Pocket toy lines, then you’ll love O.M.F.G.!

Each character in this line is designed by members of the October Toys forums, and then voted on to actually be produced! The designs are fun and quirky, and the amount of care that goes into the sculpt and quality of this product is top-notch.

Series 2 is currently being offered through Kickstarter. Their goal of $12,000 has already been met, but there are still 10 days to go to get your pledge in so you can receive some of these cool toys!

The Hero Project: Action Figures of Cultural Heroes: Many of my viewers have sent me a link to this one. It’s a very cool and unique project. The idea here is for a line of 8″, fully poseable, high quality action figures based on the cultural heroes throughout history. Kicking off the line is a figure of Rama (pictured above.)

The line is being created by some of the guys who worked on the G.I. Joe Sigma Six line at Hasbro, so if you were a fan of those then this may be something worth checking out. They have some very cool ideas and great designs planned for future figures.

This one still has a long way to go to reach the goal of $125,000, and only 12 days left to do it. So if this looks like something you’d be interested in, back it and spread the word!

Agent 88 – The Web Series: This one isn’t really a campaign to back toys, but it’s worth noting because this web series is from the inventor of MiniMates himself, Digger T Mesch.

So by backing this, you’re funding his proposed web series. Agent 88 is a dark action comedy which tells the story of the world’s deadliest assassin: an 88-year old British woman on the verge of Alzheimers.

What may be most notable for you  MiniMates fans is that by backing this project you can receive exclsuive Agent 88 MiniMates figures that you’ll only be able to get through this Kickstarter campaign!

This one needs to reach $88,000 and only has 12 more days to reach that goal, so spread this one around to all of those MiniMates collectors!



  • ADPriceless says:

    Hey Dan – -have you heard any news on the Rise of the Beasts line that started off on Kickstarter but go pulled last min? I'm sure they said look for something to happen July?


  • wayne says:

    Thanks for the HeroProject plug, Dan! Much appreciated!

    Go, Go, Dynamo!

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For the Love of Toys!