
The Geek Easy Podcast – Ep. 005 – DC’s Masters of the Universe Comic

It’s a Roast Gooble Dinner invasion of the Geek Easy!

Pixel Dan is joined by good friends and fellow He-Fans Eamon O’Donoghue and Danielle Gelehrter  for a discussion on the brand new DC Comics Masters of the Universe Series! It’s a discussion about the 6-issue mini series, the current ongoing series, and the start of the DC Universe vs MOTU mini series all in just under two hours!

You better fasten your seat belts, as this episode features three die-hard MOTU geeks and their opinions! It could get crazy!





  • Ronrodman says:

    Hello P-Dan, Penny D and Eamon!!! Thank you guys for this episode! It was great to hear all of you together to talk he-man… I am really missing the Gooble episodes…. Good Journey!

  • Kevin522 says:

    Great podcast! I like hearing Eamon go off.lol.

  • eddie3429 says:

    great work, i don't dislike the comics as much as you guys (in fact i actually enjoyed DCUvs MOTU ) but i did get some Behind the scenes info from after a few at a comics after party. I don't think it would surprise folks to know there has been some bad behind the scenes stuff going on with this title. Redesigns were purely a corporate choice, no creator wanted them.

    loving the podcast keep up the top work

  • TMC1984 says:

    awesome show!!! … loved hearing 3/4 of the RGD crew on this one! …

    i really liked the MOTU eras and styles discussion – that was so cool to listen too … and i agree, why deviate from the original source material and style which was the reason why MOTU was a successful brand in the first place?! …. nothing will ever top the original 80's MOTU – period! …

    i had no intentions of reading the DC/MOTU comics before i listened to this show … i still have no desire too! haha! 🙂

    good work guys – thanks

  • platypusrex82 says:

    I loved the hell out of this episode, I listened to it twice today at work. Pretty much agreed with everything you three said, but I think I may be one of the few people not totally offended by the way Teela is drawn. Her outfit is too revealing, but women in comics are always drawn inhumanly perfect with costumes that are essentially painted on. That being said, it is the wrong way to portray Teela. They have a pretty messed up depiction of women: Evil Lyn's crazy and hyper-sexualized, Teela's just an unpleasant, awful, hateful human being, and the Sorceress is….dead. There aren't that many female characters in MOTU, and they've gotten everyone wrong except for Adora.
    I loved that Danielle mentioned how bad the dialogue is, which is one of the first things I noticed about the comic. It isn't so much dialogue as it is constant set-ups for lame, sarcastic quips. Also, The Origin of Hordak was probably the worst comic I've ever read. All that aside, I own every comic they've released and I'll keep buying them until they stop making them. Long live MOTU and I hope to hear more of these with the entire RGD crew!

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