
The Geek Easy Podcast – Ep. 014 – Wrestlemania 30

Settle in my friends! You’re in The Geek Easy!

Dan and Jonathan are once again joined by their good friend Jarin for some wrasslin’ talk! Wrestlemania 30! It’s the grandest stage of them all, and the “big one” for all pro wrestling fans! And what an epic event it was! Dan, Jon, and Jarin run down the entire show to give their thoughts on it all! What was the best? What was the most shocking? Is Dan going to freak out over the big Undertaker moment? There’s only one way to find out!


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  • Burgl3cut says:

    Nice commentary, guys. I just wanted add my endorsement to the comments about the Undertaker match. I am in agreement that the streak needed to end. I just did not think it was appropriate to end it with Bock Lesnar. I have never liked him. I have always felt that the only reason that big ape has gotten over, both with the fans and with the brass, has been less from him and more from Paul Heyman. I did not have to be told that Taker was hurt. I saw it when he barely crawled out of the arena, and I could tell that it was not a put on for the show. This only adds to my feelings that Lesnar is no ring technician. He is just a bruiser who got lucky.

    That is to say, I am okay with a character who is a brute. Those guys have a place in wrestling. I just do not think Lesnar has EVER successfully been able to temper that persona in the ring in order to present a quality match or not seriously hurt someone.

    Honestly, I would have been much more satisfied had the streak ended with CM Punk last year. I propose that was the original intention. However, William Moody died, and it was more important to turn the match into a tribute to him.

    • Pixel Dan says:

      Interesting thought about CM Punk vs Taker. That's something I never thought of before, but very well could be possible. And really, I do have similar feelings to you when it comes to Brock. I've never really been a fan. Still am not. I liked him much better with his first run with the company, but not at all in his most recent. So yeah, one of my initial reactions was definitely "Why Brock?! Why THIS guy?! That's not right!"

      But, what's done is done, and as we explained I have sort of moved past it and am seeing exactly why that moment is now one of the biggest Wrestlemania moments of all time. And I am very interested to see if anything comes of it concerning Taker. I'd like to see him at least one more time, so I am just holding out hope that he's not walking away forever without at least one more appearance.

      Thanks for listening!!

  • TMC1984 says:

    great show guys

    i don't watch WWE anymore as for me, it's lost it's draw and become just a bunch of muscle-guys slugging it out (characters like the wyatts are so refreshing to see) … but i still like to check in now and again to see where the land lies with it etc. …

    i watched the taker – lesnar match on a replay, and it was completely underwhelming … when takers injury was realised they should have broke from script and let him win – one more year and then he can go out on a big one next time … surely they have contingencies written into matches whereby they can break from script? … anyway, if that is his last match – id be disappointed …

    i guess this was recorded before the news broke about warrior? …

  • Burgl3cut says:

    Rumor control: I was told by someone that someone on the internet, because everything on the internet is true, that the Lesnar/Taker match was not supposed to be the streak ender. There was supposedly a miscommunication with the writers, brass, and performers. Have you heard anything similar? Is there any veracity to the statement that you know about. It does not matter to me either way. What was done is done and there is no going back. However, I am still curious.

    • Pixel Dan says:

      There were a few fake storis that went up stating it wasn't supposed to happen that way, but I'm pretty certain those have all been proven false. All signs point to this match ending exactly as it was supposed to. It was the match itself that just wasn't very good because of Taker's legit injury, but he was supposed to lose and end the streak.

      I feel like this will be debated forever, though. It was such a shocking moment that I feel like everyone is going to be forever looking for "reasons" why it happened like it did. I guess the only fo9lks who will ever know for certain are Taker, Lesnar, and Vince.

  • rankinman says:

    Great discussion guys, as much I love hearing ya'll talk about comic and toy stuff, I love when ya'll talk about wrestling. I've been out of the WWE game for a while, last one I watched was Wrestlemania 28 with my newborn daughter. I almost got this last one, but didn't and was shocked about the streak ending. I'd rather it fallen to CM Punk, he is just a pleasure to watch. I would've said HHH back at 28 and it would have felt right to me, but not Brock. He's not the bottom of the list, but not the top either. I do have to disagree with Jarin though, Taker does have a DVD called "It's my Yard" I believe that chronicles his time in WCW and his reign through the WWE. It's a great DVD and worth getting if you haven't heard of it. I would love ya'll to talk about your top 5 or 10 matches of all time. Hope to hear about Captain America soon. Thanks again guys.

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