
Tag: X-Men

Kotobukiya SDCC 2014 Exclusive Marvel Bishoujo Psylocke Statue Video Review

Join Pixel Dan for an early look at the upcoming 2014 Exclusive Marvel Bishoujo Psylocke!

The Geek Easy Podcast – Ep. 016 – X-Men: Days of Future Past

Settle in to the Geek Easy! It’s time for a movie review!

Join Dan and Jonathan as they discuss the latest film from Fox’s X-Men franchise, Days of Future Past! Is this the movie that fixes the X-Men movie universe? Tune in to find out! Lots of spoiler filled discussion ahead, bub!

The Geek Easy Podcast – Ep. 003 – The Wolverine

Grab a seat and get comfortable! You’re in the Geek Easy!

Joining me once again is my good friend Jonathan, as we’re diving back into the cinematic comic book universe! This time, we’re examining the most recent release in the X-Men movie franchise from Fox Films: The Wolverine.

Flashback Friday: 1991 Toy Biz Uncanny X-Men Toy Line Review

Welcome to Flashback Friday, the newest feature of Pixel-Dan.com!

Flashback Friday is a chance for me to share some of my past videos with everyone again. This will allow newer viewers to see a video they might not have yet seen, and allow the long-time viewers a trip down memory lane! It also serves to show just how much my videos have evolved over the years. Warning: the quality will not always be very good in these older videos!

For the Love of Toys!