
Tag: Figma

Good Smile Company TMNT & Nintendo Figma at New York Toy Fair 2017

Pixel Dan gives you a look at the new Nintendo and TMNT Products on display at the 2017 New York Toy Fair!

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From Pixels to Plastic: Figma Legend of Zelda Link by Good Smile Company

The Legend of Zelda is no stranger to the world of action figures. There have been many over the years. But still, there has always been something lacking. Until now, that is, because thanks to the Good Smile Company, we may very well have the ultimate action figure of the hero Link!

Remember that awesome Figma Samas Aran action figure I took a look at recently? Well now it’s time to look at the next figure in the Nintendo Figma action figure series!

From Skyward Sword, say hello to Figma Link!

Pixel Dan’s Top 5 Favorite Toys of 2012 – Plus MOTUC Mosquitor Giveaway!

Update: The contest has ended! Congratulations to supergonzo1980! Thanks to everyone for taking the time to enter, and stay tuned for more toy giveaways comign soon!

Original post: 2012 is gone, but not without giving us a bunch of cool new toys! Everyone has their own personal favorites, but what were mine? Check out the video to find out my personal Top 5 Favorite Toys of 2012! Then, enter to win a prize!

BBTS cancels all figma Link pre-orders

For anyone who pre-ordered the figma Legend of Zelda Link figure from BigBadToyStore.com, you should be receiving an e-mail notice letting you know that your order is unfortunately being cancelled.

While this is certainly terrible news, it’s worth noting that this is out of BBTS’ control. It appears that Diamond Comics Distribution has failed to secure the licensing needed to bring the figma Link to North America.

If you had your Link pre-ordered with BBTS, you may want to hurry up and start seeking alternate means of securing this figure. BBTS says they will keep all pre-orders open just in case they find an alternate way to fufill them, but point out that it does not look good. If figma Samus showed us anything, it’s that these Nintendo figma’s will sell out and then get pretty pricey on the after market. So don’t delay in finding another one to purchase before it’s too late!

Full announcement from BBTS after the jump.

The Round-Up: figma Kid Icarus, D-Arts Mega Man, Weaponeers of Monkaa

It’s been too long since I’ve posted a Round-Up, so here we go! Some of this is probably old news to most of you at this point, but it’s all stuff I felt like sharing nonetheless.

  • -As if figma Samus Aran from Metroid and figma Link from The Legend of Zelda weren’t exciting enough, it was recently reported that the next Nintendo character getting the figma treatment will be none other than Pit from the Kid Icarus games, based on his appearance in the recent Kid Icarus: Uprising game on the Nintendo 3DS. I am overjoyed to keep seeing these classic Nintendo characters get modern, nicely sculpted and articulated action figures. It’s like a dream come true, and I’m hoping there are even more to come after this one! 8cough Star Fox *cough*
  • -On a very related note, Bandai Japan has revealed the next figure in their Mega Man D-Arts line! Like the figma Nintendo figures, I’ve been very happy with the D-Arts figures based on the Mega Man X franchise. I was thrilled to see that their next will be straight from the classic Mega Man games: Mega Man with Rush and Metall! Yes! Here’s hoping for many more of these figures based on the classic NES games! I want to fill my shelves with Robot Masters! Make it happen, Bandai Japan!
  • -Today’s round-up is practically video game themed! My friend Chris of Hunter Knight Customs is always making cool figures, but this one in particular really caught my attention. He made a MOTU Classics style Mega Man, which hearkens back to that bad US box art on the old NES games! You can check out his video here and bid on Ebay to try and add him to your collection here!
  • -In case you missed my post yesterday about the new stuff coming from Spy Monkey Creations, you really need to head over to http://www.weaponeersofmonkaa.com and scope out all of their mouth-watering teasers! While we still don’t know exactly what they are up to, I know I for one am incredibly excited and can’t wait for the reveal at Power-Con later this month!
  • -Speaking of Power-Con, are you going? I can’t believe that we are a mere three weeks away! All of the details and the schedule of events are available at http://www.ThePower-Con.com! Make sure to come up and say “Hi” if you’re attending!

Lots of exciting toy news there! I’ll do my best to try to stay up to date with these Round-Ups going forward. Stay tuned, as there are plenty of new video reviews on the way as well!

From Pixels to Plastic: Metroid Samus Aran Figma by Good Smile Company

Welcome to another episode of From Pixels to Plastic, the show all about our favorite video game characters turned action figures!

In today’s episode, Pixel Dan takes a look at another sweet Japanese import action figure from the Good Smile Company! It’s the newly released Samus Aran Figma from Metroid: Other M.

Metroid is a game franchise that really hasn’t received the action figure treatment much, but thankfully we now have an amazing Samus action figure! Tune in to check it out!

The Round-Up: Warlords and Warriors, Figma Samus Delayed, T-Shirts

Welcome to the weekly Round-Up, giving you some quick updates and things you should check out!


  • I’ve been asked this a lot, so to make things clear: I have not received Snake Man-at-Arms or the Griffin from Mattel for review. Mattel notified me last week that they themselves had not received samples for these items yet, so they would be late in sending them. Of course, now the figures have gone on sale and many folks already have these items in hand. My subscription figures are set to be delivered on the 28th (ugh…Newgistics.) When they arrive, I will absolutely rip them open and review them.


  • I received a notice this morning that the Figma Samus figure I currently have on pre-order has been delayed. The release date is now set for late July. So if any of you out there have this figure pre-ordered as well, be sure to adjust your budget accordingly.


  • I have a T-Shirt coming! Yep, the first ever official Pixel Dan T-Shirt. Is that something you guys will actually care about? I guess we’ll find out! It will be sold through the He-Man.org T-Shirt store on Printfection. My good buddy Eamon O’Donoghue designed it. I hope to have it up for order before SDCC. I’d like to see some folks wearing my shirt at the Con, if possible.

That’s all for now! Stay tuned, because I have a TON of reviews on the way! I’m trying to crank out as many as I can before I leave for San Diego in two weeks, so be on the lookout for reviews of Trash Pack, Kotobukiya ArtFX, more Mattel SDCC exclusives, Hasbro Avengers, and more!

Figma Link from The Legend of Zelda images!



Just look at him in all his glory! If you’ve been following me online for a while, then it’s no secret that I’m quite a big fan of The Legend of Zelda series. In fact, one of the very first toy videos I ever made was about Legend of Zelda action figures.

This new Figma Link figure looks like it may very well be the Link figure I have always dreamed of. Good Smile posted details and images showing off the amazing detail, poseability, and interchangeable parts that will make this the ultimate Link for your collection!

I’m not usually one who imports figures from Japan, but I have long dreamed of owning amazingly detailed and articulated action figures of my favorite classic video game characters. Between the D-Arts Mega Man X from Bandai Japan, the Figma Samus Aran and now this Link, I am well on my way to finally achieving this dream.

 You can pre-order Figma Link from our sponsor BigBadToyStore.com

For the Love of Toys!