
Pixel Dan’s Top 5 Favorite Toys of 2012 – Plus MOTUC Mosquitor Giveaway!

Update: The contest has ended! Congratulations to supergonzo1980! Thanks to everyone for taking the time to enter, and stay tuned for more toy giveaways comign soon!

Original post: 2012 is gone, but not without giving us a bunch of cool new toys! Everyone has their own personal favorites, but what were mine? Check out the video to find out my personal Top 5 Favorite Toys of 2012! Then, enter to win a prize!




Then when you’re done watching, tell Dan what YOUR top 5 Toys of 2012 were! Post your Top 5 list in the comments section below! On Monday, January 21st I will randomly choose one person who posts their list, and that person will receive a brand new Masters of the Universe Classics Mosquitor action figure!

So get to it!



  • @Count_Marzo says:

    FIRST!!1! (sorry had to do it!)

    So Glad Trash Pack series 3 made the list! Especially after all the fun Mini Figure Madness episodes!

    Also "Pixel Dan's Top Toys of 2012" + "Mosquitor Giveaway" = SPOILER ALERT!! lol

  • James Scott says:

    1. DCUC Wave 20 Sinestro-Favorite character and I'm glad they corrected his proportions.
    2. Power Rangers Samurai Megazord- Love the Super Sentai series and it is the cheapest way to get Shinken-Oh.
    3 TMNT Donatello- This line brings me right back to childhood. I think Donny looks the coolest and has the best facial expression.
    4. Marvel Legends Punisher- Great accessories and great figure.
    5. Prometheus Engineer- I enjoyed the movie more than most and love this figure.

  • Dan says:

    #1 MOTUC Filmation King Randor.
    #2 Evil Dead 2 : Farewell to Arms Ash
    #3 MOUTC Spikor
    #4 MOTUC Stinkor
    #5 MOTUC Granamyr

  • William G. Dumire says:

    Hi Dan – Thanks for hosting this give away and for all the time and effort you put into your fantasic reviews! My top 5 toys of 2012 include:

    #5 -Mekaneck
    #4 – Castle Grayskull Man
    #3 – -Procrustus
    #2 Sorceress
    #1 -Granamyr

    Happy New Year!

  • benny mc says:

    5. Dark Knight Rises Movie Masters Bane
    3. ThunderCats Classic 6" Lion-O (think it was 2012??)
    2. MOTUC Draego-Man
    1. TMNT classics line! leo if I had to choose just one 🙂

  • Markus says:

    5. Transformers BotShots

    4. TMNT Donatello

    3. MOTUC Rattlor

    2. Figma Link

    1. LEGO Star Wars Jabbas palace (can’t wait for the rancor pit)

  • Nevarky says:

    Here are mine:

    5.- Figma Link

    Beautiful Sculpt, a little bit limited on articulation and accessories but still pretty solid overall.

    4.- Super Robot Chogokin Dayzujin (original megazord)

    This thing only needs to combine to be perfect, but seriously, I can do without since it looks amazing, it has a nice weight to it and the articulation is the best so far for this character, he also comes with everything he needs.

    3.- S.H. FIguarts Cell

    Spot on sculpt, although he is a little skinny, but they worked the design into an articulated figure pretty well, they could have skipped the effect part and include more hands and faces, but he is still great.

    2.- Figma Charming Drossel

    This figure is super fun, one of the most posable figures I own, it's just so irresistible to mess around with.

    1.- Riobot Gurren Lagann

    For me, a really cool piece of engineering, articulated eyes, moving plates, right amount of accessories, amazing paint job, a little bit expensive but worth it.

  • Zac says:

    5- Granamyr
    4- Uncanny X Force three pack sdcc
    1-Stinkor !! my favorite MOUTUC figure!, I still love him forearms or not!

  • FreshAnubis says:

    Great top 5 list, Pixel Dan! I wasn't able to get all the figures in my list, but here's my top 5 of 2012:

    5. Jakks' Slug Zombies
    4. Moose Toys' Trash Pack
    3. Neca Lightning Gremlin statue
    2. Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles line, especially the Fishface figure
    1. October Toys' O.M.F.G and Baby Deadbeet mini figures

    Good luck to everybody entering the giveaway!

  • Joe says:

    5) LEGO Batcave
    4) MOTUC Fisto
    3) MOTUC Granamyr
    2) Masterpiece Thundercracker
    1) Classics Voltron

  • Eduardo says:

    5. TMNT Classics Donatello (was my favourite when a kid, and it captures the cartoon feel like no other)
    4. Revoltech Takeya Ashura (these budhist figure are a new concept on their own, plus, the details and articulation are fantastic)
    3. San Diego Comic con Marvel Legends X-froce Set (has to be the best ML made by hasbro in a looong time)
    2. NECA's Smeagol DX (it looks sooo real I have to cover him, to not fright my small brother when he is in my room!)
    1. Thundercats minimates box 1 (c´mon… I have dreamed of this for soo long! They are perfect! From the tinniest sword of omens ever to panthros spikes… it is the coolest minimate set ever!)

  • John says:

    Great video Pixel!

    1. TMNT classics(leo). I LOVE these figures, easily my favorite of 2012. 9I have been waiting for a TMNT line based on the 80's cartoon forever.
    2. MOTUC Draego Man. I was pretty excited when I saw the early pics of this guy, but nothing prepared me for the real thing. He is so well sculpted and designed, great addition to MOTUC.
    3. Figma Link. I was totally blown away by this figure. He is by far the best Link figure I own.
    4. OMFG series two Puke Knight. What a great throwback to my childhood. I love gross out figures ;like this
    5. Ghostbusters classics: Tony Scoleri. It may not be the best figure in the line, but it completed my Scoleri bros and it's more than I could have hoped for. These guys are awesome!

    Keep up the great work!

  • SleeplessKnight says:

    5. MOTU Classics Shadow Weaver

    4. Hot Toys 1989 Michael Keaton Batman

    3. Takara Masterpiece Sideswipe

    2. Playmates Nickelodeon Basic TMNT Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello & Raphael

    1. Hasbro Masterpiece Optimus Prime

  • Juan Soto says:

    For 5 best toys of 2012:

    5.Slush Head (MOTU Classics)
    4.Wheel Jack (Transformers Prime Beast Hunters)
    3.TMNT Classics (Donatello)
    2.Captain Action
    1.Batgirl (Batman unlimited)

  • Ryan Staino says:

    #5. Voltron Matty Lions
    #4. Batman Arkham City Action Figure
    #3. TMNT Classics Leonardo
    #2. MOTU Classics Mek a Neck

    And #1………. MOTU Classics Kobra Khan w/little PIXEL!

    I know i have two motu, but this is the most powerful line in the universe.

  • stink e says:

    Only 5?? 🙂
    I didn't collect much other than MOTUC in 2012; otherwise the toys I bought were for my son, but he got some cool stuff! haha
    But it was a good year, Stinkor and Mekaneck, two of my fav MOTU characters were brought to us, so that was cool! Castlegrayskull man was cool, but doesn't crack my top 5.

    1. MOTUC Stinkor
    2. MOTUC Mekaneck
    3. MOTUC Spikor
    4. Batman's Gotham Jail (Imaginext)
    5. Playskool Hero's Spiderman Stunt City

  • Noah says:

    5. Nick TMNT Michelangelo(I just love his design and colors.)
    4. Sh Figuarts Cell(I love DBZ so I had to put this on the list.)
    3. TF Masterpiece Sideswipe(Don't know why, I just like it.)
    2. NECA Gollum(Looks so real and very articulate.)
    1. SH Monsterarts King Ghidorah(Wanted something like it for years.)

  • yodasoup says:

    1. TMNT Classics Mikey [if i had to choose only one turtle]

    2. MOTUC Granamyr [obviously awesome]

    3. Marvel Legends Bucky Captain America [great figure!]

    4. MOTUC Draego Man

    5. Star Wars Vintage Collection Emperor's Royal Guard [I've always loved the look of this character]

    • Pichon garcia says:

      My top 5 for 2012 are:

      5.motuc mekaneck – one of my favorite characters when i was kid loved his extending neck feature
      4. 3a adventure kartel tommy mission red – awesome figure cool weathering effect
      3. Hot toys dx esb bespin luke skywalker – bang for your buck comes w/2 bodies w/different looks plus w/an awesome base w/light up feature. Plus im a big star wars fan & esb is my fav. Star wars movie of all time
      2. Figma link – awesome sculpt plus brings back memories of playing at my friends place taking turns playing to finish it.
      1. Saint seiya EX sagitarius aiolos/seiya – improved from the scm line but articulation better armor plus multiple accessories . One of my favorite gold saints wings cool armor & sn awesome weapon. Watched several episodes as a kid & it was awesome

  • DTD says:

    1. TMNT Leonardo
    2. Figma Link
    3. Monsterarts King Ghidora
    4. MOTUC Draego man
    5. Motuc Fisto

  • alan says:

    My top 5 toys are: 1 wii u mario. 2 trash pack series 3. 3 dr. dreadful. 4 hex bug. 5 M.A.R.S. robots. (ps I sent you the old gogos and trash pack series 3.

  • John Anthony says:

    Top 5 Toys of 2012 :
    5.) Walking Dead Minimates – Rick Grimes
    4.) DC club infinite earths – Metron
    3.) MOTUC – Horde Prime
    2.)Marvel Legends – Thor
    1.) Star Wars Vintage Collection – Shae Vizla

  • James says:

    5. Trash Pack Series 3 Liquid Ooze – Gotta love the Trash Packs! Not only did I really like the trashy designs in Series 3 but per your suggestion and used the ooze in my vintage MOTU Slime Pit. Works great!
    4. MOTU Classics Eternos Palace King Randor – Have been a HUGE fan of the Filmation cartoon since I was a kid and I love seeing any figures based off the Filmation series! I'm feeling like this years Fang Man may be my fav of 2013!
    3. MOTU Classics Stinkor – Always thought he was a great character. Loved he finally got a backstory in 200X and love the classics figure came with the vintage Mer-Man head and the 200X head. And the fact that he still had his stink just made it a slam dunk.
    2. MOTU Classics Granamyr – One of my favorite episodes of the Filmation series was "The Dragon's Gift". This giant figure captured that version of Granamyr perfectly and I always think of that episode everytime I look at him on my shelf!
    1. MOTU Classics Kobra Khan – He and Clawful were always my 2 favorites of Skeletor's evil warriors. The Four Horseman did a great job combining the classic version with the sculpt but also incorporated the 200X series with the inclusion of the alternate hooded head and his little buddy 'Pixel'.

  • othnin says:

    #5 The Marvel Legends Future Foundation Spider-man.
    #4 MOTUC Draego Man
    #3 DC CIE Lead
    #2 DC CIE Platinum+Tin
    #1 Play Arts Mass Effect 3 Garrus Vakarian

    • Jimnarious says:

      5. Transformers Fall of Cybertron Soundwave
      4. S.H. Monsterarts Baby Godzilla. Never thought I would ever see a toy of this when I was a kid
      3. MOTUC Draego Man
      2. MOTUC Granamyr I have him sitting on a shelf next to my Transformers Armada Unicron as they are both toys I never thought would be produced but always dreamed of owning.
      1. MOTUC Fisto! Like Dan with Mosquitor fisto was my favorite as a kid. I have mine straddling a vintage Stridor right on my desk.

  • Lenin says:

    1- MOTUC Castle Grayskull annoucement.
    Not exactly the set or the figure, but just the annoucement by it self was a really great surprise.

    2- Saint Seiya Myth Cloth EX Gemini.
    Finally arrived with a WOW factor. Really great detail.

    3- Mumm Ra (mezco)
    Finally I have a really great sculpt from Mumm-ra, like he was just came out of the screen. Placed with Leon-o classic and just look fantastic.

    4- Mazinger DX
    Big and heavy, really nice done. Great on the outside, but the inside too.

    5- T-800 Hot Toys new sculpt for 2013
    Have you check him out? Looks fantastic!!

  • goldschool says:

    5. Star Wars Vintage Style Emperor's Royal Guard
    4. MOTU Classics Granamyr
    3. Transformers Masterpiece Sideswipe
    2. MOTU Classics Mosquitor
    1. MOTU Classics Shadoweaver

    • David (Barezz) says:

      I'll give this a whirl :). I am trying to keep it contained to figures that I personally bought

      #5: Mosquitor (MOTUC): They really did a fantatsic job with him, updated vintage with 200X elements.

      #4: Nikto Skiff Guard (Star wars Vintage Collection): A great update to one of my favorite figures of the vinatge line. he is a textbook example of how every Star wars figure should be. Great articulation, perfect sculpt and paint.

      #3: Draego-Man (MOTUC 30th Anniversary): What a fantastic figure. Just so cool and worthy edition to the MOTU mythos, and heads and tails above the rest of the 30th anniversary line (and I tended to like most of them).

      #2: Weequay Skiff Guard (Star wars Vintage Collection): Despite being frustrated that this figure did not find its way to stores, I am very happy to have an updated version of one of, if not my favorite, of the vintage aliens. And he turned out great, sculpt is dead on, articulation is perfect, and FINALLY a Weequay who can do more than hold his force pike! very nearly my #1…but that goes to….

      #1: Horde Prime (MOTUC). When Horde Prime was announced, I could have cared less. Slowly the figure design and sculpt won me over enough to purchase him, but once I had him in hand he won me over. His colors are great, and he looks like pure evil, just as the "Biggest bad" and Emperor of the Horde Empire should be. This is a guy that Hordak bows to, and he lives up to the visual. When I think of what toys have been the most fun to get, he makes the top.

      • Domingo Hernandez says:

        Hi Dan! This are my favorite 5!
        1. Motuc Granamyr
        2. Motuc Fisto
        3. Motuc Shadow Weaver
        4. Motuc Draego Man
        5. Motuc Castle Grayskul man

  • 5. Marvel Select Amazing Spider-Man
    4. Transformers Masterpiece Sideswipe
    3. Marvel Legends Future Foundation Spider-Man
    2. Transformers Masterpiece Optimus Prime MP-10 TRU Release
    1. TFC Hercules/ Devastator

    I'm sad that not one Marvel figure made your Top 5 . . . but hey, at least there weren't any DC figures that made it there either.

  • Jik says:

    In no order, most are Japanese.

    Ultra Magnus, Transformers Prime. I like his mold being different then Optimus, not just a white repaint.

    Purple Haze, Jojo's bizzare Adventure. His face is neat and back story is very strange.

    Venus Mcflytrap, Monster high. The hair is neat, never had a doll but these blow them out of the water for not looking human. Webseries is also cool.

    Dark Pandora, Danball Senki LBX. Pandora is nice, I prefer the blue variant with unicorn horn

    Flashwing, Spyro Skylanders. Purple Rainbow dragon. Works with a video game too.

  • crashmurdoch says:

    Hey Dan

    I didn't buy a lot of toys this year, but of the ones I did get, these are my favorites.

    1. Marvel Universe Thanos & Adam Warlock (2 of my all-time favorite Marvel Characters)
    2. Battleground Evil-Lyn (Amazing Evil-Lyn finally with a removable Helmet!)
    3. Avengers 3 3/4" Loki figure (Best looking Loki ever, once you toss the action figure weapon lol)
    4. Nickelodian TMNT Raphael (Finally a set of Turtles that are fully articulated!)
    5. Nickelodian TMNT Donatello

  • sean says:

    my top 5
    1.)TMNT Raph
    2.)Doctor Who Journal of Impossible Things and Master's Ring
    3.)Castle GrayskullMan
    4.)DCUC Golden Age Flash Jay Garrick
    5.)Paper Bag Spider-Man

  • Ryan McKeirnan says:

    Nickelodeon TMNT Raphael
    Hasbro Star Wars Vintage Darth Malgus
    Hasbro GI Joe Renegades Stormshadow. Best Stormshadow ever.
    ChaSideshow Collectables 12 in. Zartanracter
    Options Eleven Doctors Collectors Pack (the Doctor IS just one man) If I have to pick one, it's the 10th Doctor

  • Jarrod says:

    I don't need to be entered into the contest since I've already got Mosquitor, but I thought I'd throw my Top 5 here anyway.

    1. TMNT – I can't pick just one figure from this line. Everything about this line brings back great memories of playing with the vintage line when I was a kid. Playmates has pretty much knocked it out of the park with this.

    2. Monster High Robecca Steam – The Monster High designers took their already crazy attention to detail to new lengths by sculpting an entirely new body for her that makes her look as though she's made out of metal plates that are all riveted together. And how can you not love a character wearing rocket boots?

    3. MOTUC Fisto – Fisto has been one of my favorite MOTU characters since the 80s, and I couldn't ask for a better update than the Classics figure. You get the best of the vintage and 2003 versions all rolled into one.

    4. SLUG Zombies – Another line that I couldn't pick just one from. It seemed like this line came out of nowhere earlier this year and has become a favorite for my fiance and I to collect. These have some great sculpts and awesome pop culture spoofs. Plus, it's reminiscent of Monster In My Pocket, which I loved when I younger.

    5. Transformers Generations Data Disc Ratbat – Soundwave has always been my favorite Transformer, but Ratbat has always been my favorite of his minions. My love of Ratbat is eerily similar to Dan's love of Mosquitor. I was pretty much giddy when I found this guy right before Christmas. He's got a great sculpt and a pretty fun little auto-transformation gimmick.

  • Zargon2099 says:

    All MOTUC because just about all I can afford to collect….

    5. MOTUC Granamyr – excellent, dragons rule!
    4. MOTUC Fisto – one of my favorite Heroic Masters, couldn't have been done any better.
    3. MOTUC Draego-man – dragons really do rule! Best of the 30th anniversary figs.
    2. MOTUC Spikor – one of my all time favorites done right
    1. MOTUC Stinkor – my all time favorite MOTU character brought to life perfectly.

  • SuperSaint says:

    This was a tough one. I cut back a lot on figures this year but here is what caught me:

    1. Figma Link.
    2. Neca Gordon Freeman
    3. NECA Hero Ash (honorable mention to hennrietta)
    4. Avengers movie 6″ Hawkeye
    5. TMNT Donatello (new nick version)

    Lots of honorable mentions. Great year for figures.

  • Mike says:

    1. Yamato Vf-19
    2. Yamato VF-4G
    3. Yamato VF-17S
    4. Bandai VF-25G renewal
    5. Masterpiece sideswipe

  • Buzz Chuck says:

    5 Archfiend Ultimate Evil Edition – realm of the Underworld by Zoloworld
    4 Poison Ivt – DC Universe
    3 Footloose – GI Joe CC
    2 Leonardo – TMNT
    1 Fisto – MOTUC

  • Kyle Rey says:

    1. Super Robot Chogokin Daizyujin – Highly articluated, and fully die cast Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Megazord? Yes please!
    2. Power Rangers Megaforce Deluxe Gosei Morpher
    3. TMNT Classics – If you can pick an entire line Pixel Dan, so can I!
    4. Megabloks World of Warcraft Deathwing Stormwind Castle playlet
    5. Kamen Rider Wizard: DX Wizardriver

  • Caleb Longenecker says:

    5 Lego lord of the rings mines of moria
    Great design and figures that displays well
    4 masters of the universe classics Castle greyskull man
    Great to finaly get the figure and it looks amazing
    3 the dark knight rises movie masters bane
    Great detail and looks so great on a shelf
    2 teenage mutant ninja turtles she’ll raiser
    I couldn’t think o a spacific figure so I think that the shell raiser has the look and style for all the turtles
    And number 1
    Mattel Voltron it was a great ride getting all the lions and sven, it is so grand and great looking, sure it has some problems but still the greatest thing I got all year, or ever for that fact
    So that’s my top 5 toys of 2012

  • Justin Walker says:

    5-the main 4 TMNT 2012 figures, details are great
    4-DCUC Metal men, at last the full team is together
    3-Horde Prime, the unseen is finaly seen
    2-Marvel Legends Wreaking Crew, my favorite earth bassed Thor villians
    1-Draego man, love Dragons and this figure shows

  • Branson says:

    Here's my top 5 of '12

    5. Marvel Legends Thor
    4. MOTUC Fisto
    3. Walmart exclusive Avengers Hulk
    2. TMNT
    1. Toys R Us Masterpiece Optimus Prime

  • bcrduke says:

    MY Favorites of 2012:

    5) TMNT Classics Michaelangelo: Impressive articulation that didn't detract from the sculpt… plus, this character has always been my favorite in the TMNT line 🙂

    4) MOTUC Star Sisters 3-pack – Yeah, yeah, I know… lots of people SAY they had a problem with this… but it was pretty epic to get a POP 3-pack in the MOTUC line, AND they had never been made before… just awesome MOTU/POP fan-boy fun.

    3) MOTUC Draego-Man – Excellence from the 4H!!

    2) MOTCU Temple of Darkness Sorceress – a beautiful figure, a cool repaint that works REALLY well and gives us a mini-comic figure at the same time

    1) MOTUC Shadow Weaver – FINALLY… and she was executed in such a brilliant way… A+++++

  • Yoda2245 says:

    5. The Dark Knight Rises Battle For Gotham City Battle Pack

    The figures may be limited in articulation, but they surely pack a punch when you are looking for something to reenact the epic finale of last summer's big blockbuster, The Dark Knight Rises. This set includes five figures. There is Batman of course, his arch nemesis Bane with his walrus mask, Catwoman with her goggles, an unarmored "ninja" style Bruce Wayne, and a Stealth Vision Batman, which I like to think is John Blake as the next generation Batman. As a sucker for 3.75 inch figures, I like these figures simply because they are standard in design and they fit in well with other 3.75 figures, like the Marvel figures and Star Wars figures. Speaking of which…

    4. Hasbro's Darth Maul Returns Battle Pack

    As a huge Star Wars buff, it was shocking to learn that Darth Maul had survived his bisecting at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi in The Phantom Menace. Brought back from the dead with a new set of robot "chicken" legs, Maul teams up with his brother, Savage Opress to spread chaos and despair throughout the galaxy, and the magnitude of Maul and his companions couldn't be better represented in this set. You get Maul of course, who is sporting his new General Grievous style legs, his bro Savage, who wields an axe like weapon to strike with, and a Nightsister, sporting white face makeup and a red cloak. All three of these figures fit in perfectly with my Clone Wars collection and putting Maul up against his old foe Kenobi couldn't be more satisfying.

    3. The Dark Knight Rises Movie Masters Bane

    Some people think Bane is hard to understand in TDKR, but you can't deny that his representation in Movie Masters form is down to a tee. This figure gets all the details, from the worn look of Bane's mask, to the formal nature of his jacket. Underneath, Bane's armor is accurate to it's movie counterpart, and with a grand amount of articulation, you are able to get some dynamic poses out of the big beefy dude. I know how a lot of people are going to be displaying Bane, having him raising the Movie Masters Batman figure over his head to reenact the classic scene in the movie and in the comic Knightfall where the evil Bane breaks Batman's back over his leg. I WILL BREAK YOU!

    2. Hasbro's The Amazing Spider-Man Super Posable Figure

    Spider-Man is without a doubt my favorite of the super heroes, and his latest interpretation on the big screen couldn't be made into a better action figure, at least in my opinion. Sure his eyes are white instead of yellow and he seems to be missing some paint in his webs, but what this figure lacks he surely makes up for in his sculpt. THE SCULPT IS SENSATIONAL! The sculpt has everything, from the textured layers of the red portions of his costume, to the engraved webbing seen from head to toe of his outfit. He even has his heals painted silver just like they were in the Amazing Spider-Man movie. And the articulation, WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN? This guy is packed to the brim with 20 points of movability and with an amount that high, it is not that hard to get some "Spiderific" poses out of our favorite wall crawler. This is a Spider-Man figure I have always dreamed of owning.

    1. Hasbro's The Avengers Figures

    What better way to celebrate the success of a long awaited super hero team up? With some super hero team up action figures of course? And The Avengers figures hit that nail straight on the head, giving us some pretty cool representations of our favorite heroes from the movie. From Captain America, to Thor, to Iron Man, to the Incredible Hulk, you can set up some pretty kick butt action scenes in your own living room or bedroom or wherever. Of course there were 6 inch figures released of the Avengers, but as I said earlier, I'm a sucker for 3.75 figures, so the 3.75 Avengers figures were right up my ally. And Hasbro has released interpretations of all the Avengers characters, from Black Widow, to Hawkeye, to Nick Fury, even the Chitauri aliens the heroes are put up against in the movie's climax. Yes, the Avengers figures are spot on and the best thing of all is that you can put them with the super posable Spider-Man figure to get a pretty stellar fantasy display.

  • Jeremy DeWitt says:

    5. Figma Link

    What an amazing figure! The Link I’ve been looking for my entire life! So many Mario figures, not enough Legend Of Zelda.

    4. MOTUC Spikor

    One of my personal favorite evil warriors from Masters! So glad we have a Classics version now!

    3. TMNT Classics Michelangelo

    Awesome year for the Turtles!!! I love these highly-articulated, toon versions! Mikey was always my favorite Turtle. The real chains on the nunchucks were such a cool touch.

    2. Nickelodeon TMNT Michelangelo

    These chunky, little dudes are a great addition to my ever-growing TMNT collection! The sculpt, posability and weapons are all top-notch. Once again, Mikey is my favorite, so he gets the nomination. Plus, his variety of weapons were fantastic!

    1. TMNT Secret Sewer Lair

    Yeah, it was definitely the Year Of The Turtles for me. This massive playset tops almost every single playset I’ve ever seen (aside from vintage Castle Grayskull.) The best part about owning this masterpiece is the playtime spent with my daughter, as she may love this new line more than me!

  • Dan says:

    5 motuc draego man
    4. Motuc mekaneck
    3. Star Wars vintage emporers royal guard
    2 motuc griffin
    1. motuc snake men 2pack.

  • bulavonc05 says:


  • Dwaine says:

    My top 5 toys of 2012!

    #1 General Gorgax By Ben Spencer of Galaxxor

    #2 Draego-Man MOTUC By the Four horsemen.

    #3 OMFG By October Toys..

    #4 Drowlok the Cyborg Space Barbarians. By Ben Spencer of Galaxxor.

    #5 series 3 trash packs slime pack.

  • Goldenbane says:

    1. MOTU Classics Mosquitor: Possibly one of my top five MOTU figures ever, I'm so excited to see this Evil Horde member back in action!

    2. MOTU Classics Fisto: I really loved the updates they gave to him. His figure really reminds me of a viking now. Really awesome!

    3. LEGO The Hobbit Spider Rescue Set: Really love the elf characters in the set as well as the weapons they have. Add to that I really enjoy Fili and Kili and that the set is just so much fun!

    4. LEGO Monster Fighters Were Wolf Attack: Great looking werewolf minifigure, and even the little monster fighter guy and his car are awesome!

    5. MOTU Classics Thunder Punch He-Man: This was one of the He-Man figures I had as a child where I didn't break him or lose his equipment. I have always adored the color scheme of the figure as well as the silly childish back story I gave to him. To see him back, and fully updated for the Classics Line really makes me smile and I'm so happy to finally have him back in action!

  • @Snowx2k5 says:

    5. Masters of the Universe Classics Ram Man
    4. Hasbro Star Wars Trade Federation MTT
    3. Kotobukiya DC Comics Bishoujo Harley Quinn
    2. Figma Legend of Zelda – Link
    1. Kotobukiya Star Wars ArtFX+ R2-D2 & C-3PO

  • Mightyrain says:

    5. MOTUC Filmation Style Randor… I don't care what others say. I have wanted a figure of Randor in that outfit since the 80's!
    4.MOTUC Fearless Photog. for some reason I have been upset since I first discovered Photog was never made! He might not be the coolest figure ever made, but he was the result of Mattel Finally making good on a deal!
    3. MOTUC Sorceress, despite her low numbers and wing drums… she is a gorgeous figure!
    2. TMNT Classics Donatello!!! I just really like Donny!
    1. MOTUC Granamyr I think this was by far my favorite release of the year!

  • Xombie Zach says:

    1.S.H Figuarts Kamen Rider Stronger :-I've been a Kamen Rider fan for quite some time and I've been wondering if Bandai would ever release this guy and eventually He was,fantastically sculpted,detailed accurately to the costume in the show,He came with a lightning effect to have him pose doing a punch or a rider kick,highly articulated,just phenomenal.

    2. Figma Tekkaman Blade: Like the previous entry,I've been a fan of this series and While the figures for this guy have been either hit or miss. But when Max Factory announced they were producing it,I had to acquire it and boy was I not disappointed,fantastic sculpt,highly detailed in every respect to the Show's main star.

    3.S.H Figuarts Kamen Rider Den-O Sword Form: Another Home run on Bandai's part,The detail on this figure is remarkable,both in paint and sculpt. Highly articulated,is a lot of fun to mess with and recreate his poses from the show. His Accessories are detailed nicely as well,He even came with an effect part to recreate his final attack like in the show. While the other forms for the character were nice to look at,this one really stood out and made me really wanted a figure.

    4.2012 TMNT: Of All The Ninja turtles I have had during my time as a collector and a long time turtles fan,these blew the previous ones out of the water. they incorporated things from their previous counter parts along with some modern articulation, these are just fantastic figures.

    5. Mattel Ghostbusters Rookie: Not much to say, I loved the video game and really wanted to get this guy,While my only gripe is the Proton pack isn't accurate to the game,still an awesome figure to have in my collection.

  • Cocoasmooth says:

    5. Fansproject Assaulter (3rd Party Transformers Broadside Triple changer)
    4. TFC TOYS Hercules (3rd Party Transformers Devastator)
    3. MOTUC Mosquitor
    2.Fansproject Steelcore (3rd Party Transformers Power Master)
    1. FP-DX Armored Battalion – Set of 3 – Limited Edition Holiday Exclusive (3rd Party Transformers Insecticons)

  • Dedboy says:

    My top 5 are as follows:
    Lightning Gremlin
    SDCC Mezco Glow-In-The-Dark Mumm-Ra
    Nickelodeon Style TMNT Basic figures
    MOTUC Rattlor
    FIGMA Samus

  • Robotlover10lb says:

    5. Lord Of The Rings Lego (no particular set)
    4. DCUC Atrocitus
    3. MOTUC Draego-man
    2. Goodsmile Company's Figma Kaiji Itou (This figure was technically released in 2011 but I didn't get my hands on it till a year later)
    1. MOTUC Fearless Photog

  • Binks says:

    MY TOP 5 FAVs OF 2012!!

    #5 Star Wars Kotobukiya Emperor Royal Guards:
    An absolute must have for any Star Wars fan! Put these guys alongside the Kotobukiya Darth Vader, Storm Troopers, Boba Fett and Darth Maul and you have one bad ass looking display piece!

    #4 Playmates TMNT
    It's the classic, cartoon looking turtles! Freaking great!

    #3 Sideshow Collectables Snake Eyes with Timber:
    It comes with an articulated, pose able Timber! NUFF SAID!

    #2 DC Collectables New 52 Darkseid:
    This figure is massive and the definitive Darkseid toy!

    #1 Transformers Toys R Us exclusive Masterpiece Optimus Prime:
    The trailer, Roller, Spike, energy axe! Pure awesomeness!!!!

  • Joey kelly says:

    5. Cy-Chop
    4. Draego-Man
    3. TMNT Classics Raphael
    2. Mosquitor
    1. Shadow Weaver
    Really hope I get picked because I actually missed this guy!!

  • Paco608 says:

    5. DC Direct New 52 Batman
    4. Halo 4 Master Chief
    3. Transformers Fall of Cybertron Starscream
    2. Transformers Fall of Cybertron Voyager Soundwave
    1. Neca Customizable Portal Gun

  • Nathan says:

    5. Slug Zombies
    4. TMNT Classics
    3. Trash Pack series 3
    2. D-Arts Vile (Mega Man X Line)
    1. Figma Link

  • Jim K. says:

    1. MOTUC Thunder Punch He-Man
    2. Marvel Select Avengers movie Hulk
    3. DCIE Lead
    4. MOTUC Rattlor
    5. MOTUC Castle Grayskull Man

  • Heath says:

    5. Griffin. 4. New TMNT. 3. Battleground Evil Lynn. 2. Furby. 1. Draego Man

  • MastersGuy says:

    I'm obviously biased toward Masters, but what the heck? 🙂

    5. MOTUC Slushhead
    4. MOTUC Shadow Weaver
    3. MOTUC Rattlor
    2. MOTUC Fisto
    1. MOTUC Granamyr

  • mat otoole says:

    5.ML THOR
    4.MOTUC Vykron
    4.hobbit THORIN
    5.Prometheus Engineer ,

  • joe says:

    My 5 for 2012 in no certainorder include marvel select ultron( they finally gave us what we asked for! A comic accurate version of the avengers 'mechanical nemesis!)Fisto( my favorite he man heroic warrior was simply the best!)granamyr( best dragon figure ever!)the sorceress of grayskull( exquisite even with that wing design which did not bother me)and finallyi would say stinkor( all the fun and smell of the original plus anew head gas mask and airtanks to improvehis looks!) Those are my picks.:)

  • Alex A says:

    5. MU Hulk
    4. MOTUC Rattlor
    3. MOTUC Draego-Man
    2. Retaliation Red Ninja
    1. Retaliation G.I. Joe Trooper

  • Chop says:

    1. Fisto
    2. Spikor

  • CHop says:

    Oops, posted the one above in error.

    1. Fisto
    2. Spikor
    3. DraegoMan
    4. Rattlor
    5. Snakemen 2-Pack

  • supergonzo1980 says:

    5: Beast Saga BS-20 DX Starter Set – I love Battle Beasts and Beast Saga is one of my favorite new lines of 2012. Hey Dan, have you purchased any more Beast Saga figures other than the ones you have reviewed? I would love to see some more reviews for these guys.

    4: MOTUC Kobra Khan – My favorite MOTU character. The Four Horsemen really knocked this one out of the park! Every accessory I was hoping for was included, especially little Pixel the lizard companion!

    3: Sideshow 12" IG-88 – An excellent rendition of a really cool character. Amazing detail, great figure.

    2: Soul of Chogokin Daioja – I Never knew who this character was before I bought this, but I'm a sucker for big die cast metal robots. This figure turned out really nice. Nice and heavy, plenty of accessories, decent articulation, really amazing transformation.

    1: Hot Toys DX-09 '89 Batman – I wouldn't consider myself a huge Batman fan or collector, but this is the one toy of 2012 that really blew me away when I first saw pictures of it. This was always my favorite version of Batman and the toy came out amazing. Definately check this out even if you are a casual fan.

  • @Toy_Empire says:

    For my top 5 toys they would have to be the following:

    5. G.I. Joe (Dollar General Figures – I love all of the figures that were released in this line. The level of articulation and detail far exceeded many of the regular released. In this line one of my favorite figures is Cobra Commander.
    4. Voltron – Great update on a classic toy. Had its qwerks but when put together…. WOW!
    3. MOTUC Castle Grayskull Man – This is a really cool figure that I was happy to see released. Some really great detail and attention to components of the actual castle. This was a must have figure for my collection.
    2. Masterpiece Optimus Prime – This has to be one of the best reditions of Prime to-date. Love the detail on Prime. In addition some of the cool accessories (Spike, Matrix) that come with him.
    1. TMNT Toy line – This is just an awesome line bringing some great updates to the vintage line. I love the Turtles specificly. Great articulation!

  • TJ Nix says:

    1. Nickelodeon's TMNT Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello & Raphael
    2. Figma Link
    3. MOTU Classics Granamyr
    4. SLUG Zombies
    5. Lego Minifigs series 8

  • Jason says:

    Hey Dan! Great video and awesome giveaway!! My 5 favorite toys are
    5# dark knight rises movie masters bane
    4#marvel legends us agent
    3# Walmart exclusive 6inch amazing Spider-Man
    2# marvel legends xforce deadpool
    1# nickelodeon TMNT Leonardo

  • Chris says:

    3.Castle Grayskull Man

  • darthdrew13 says:

    Top 5 toys from 2012
    5. Marvel Universe Hulk (comic pack with Wolverine version) – best Marvel Universe Hulk figure of them all. Is my "go to" Hulk for the line.
    4. G.I.JOE Collector's Club membership figure: Footloose – EXCELLENT choice of re-used parts. Perfect deco and amazingly well thought out accessories.
    3. Star Wars Jar-Jar Binks in Carbonite from SDCC 2012 – humor in an action figure release from a major toy line. (I actually don't own this toy)
    2. Draego Man from MOTUC – extremely well thought out character and figure. Well executed and very well received. (I actually don't own this toy)
    1. Fans Want It FWI-02, Transformers Ironhide weapons attachments (aftermarket add-on pack lets you upgrade your Dark of the Moon Leader Class figure to become more movie accurate). EXCELLENT design and execution. Awesome add-on that brings more value to your existing toy as well as drives more sales for Hasbro. I couldn't be without this upgrade pack!

  • rick says:

    1-Neca Lightning Gremlin statue (never thought i would see this and always wanted it as a kid)
    2-sir lazer lot ( i submited something very similarly to the contest)
    3-ghostbusters rookie (gave me hope for the extream ghostbusters)
    4-spy monkey weapons (great for my motuc toys)
    5-Knex Nintendo (these are just a fun ,cheap little treat i enjoy)

  • Vega says:

    Well, my personal 5 toys from 2012… Hard task, man, a lot of great figures came out last year, I don't have them all, but I'm really looking forward to get all of them in the next months, well, let's start:

    5) T.M.N.T. Classics (All the 4 of them): Yeah, nostalgia factor here, these figures were amazing, highly detailed and articulated, the bonus base is a great accessory, those 4 guys are a must to all the vintage T.M.N.T. fans, even with Donatello's crazy eyes, gonna buy that set in April.

    4) M.o.t..U.C. Fisto: He has become the Holy Grail of the Classics line, an amazing face, detailed arm, I was very surprised with the quality of the figure, my second favorite from the Classics line for 2012.

    3) Megaman X's Vile (D-Arts): Another HUGE nostalgia shot with this purple robot, highly poseable, a lot of extras and accessories, you really gotta love this guy, getting him soon.

    2) Saint Seiya Mermaid Thetys Myth Cloth(BanDai): Besides Masters of the Universe Classics, I am a huge Saint Seiya fan, the Myth Clothes have been getting better year by year, a long awaited female sea warrior, finally appeared in December, her color, her armor, everything is really amazing, a gorgeous figure.

    1) M.o.t.U.C. Shadow Weaver: Hehehe, I guess I don't need to say more, simple, but quite elegant and a very long awaited figure, also, the first Filmation character in the line, she is simply stunning.

  • Smashtoys says:

    5) Micro Chargers Loop Track from Moose – Just pure racing fun! and in such a conveniently small size.
    4) Nickelodeon TMNT Shellraiser – A great shout out to the fun toy vehicles of yore!
    3) Lego 9474-1 The Battle of Helms deep – Such an enjoyable build! Very detailed! And has one of the best number of bricks per buck ratio among Lego sets.
    2) MOTUC Fisto – What every MOTUC figure should be. A perfect mixture of Vintage nostalgia with modern design sensibilities!
    1) Nickelodeon TMNT Secret Sewer Lair Playset – Nostalgia? Check! Price? Check! Size? Check! Playability? Check, Check and CHECK! Whoever designed this playlet is a genius! A perfect mixture of functionality and fun!
    No corners were cut on this one!
    And at a sale price that's just shy of a 100USD, the upcoming MOTUC Castle Grayskull better be damned good!

  • scwonkey says:

    5. Transformers Generations GDO Wheelie – A crazy redeco that doesn't make any sense, but between the almost terrifyingly friendly headsculpt, the terrific colors, and the fantastic quality of the base figure (Reveal The Shield Jazz — yes, they turned a Jazz into a Wheelie, you see how nuts this is?) this is one Transformer I couldn't pass up or put down.

    4. Transformers Prime Ultra Magnus – While this figure has some obvious weaknesses (literal ones: unless you modify them, he's got some WAY weak shoulder joints), I really dig the look of this take on the classic Autobot City Commander, and the giant gun that transforms into his Transformers Animated-style hammer is the spring-loaded, LED-charged icing on the cake. Not, like, a super-great figure, but one I was way looking forward to (the original Ultra Magnus was my very first BIG Transformer back in Christmas of '86) and, once in hand, didn't disappoint.

    3. Mattel Voltron – Even with the leaning, the occasional sloppy paint, the crooked stickers, and the Green Lion legs that won't stay in, this thing has PRESENCE. It's huge, it actually poses, I way dig the "blazing" Blazing Sword it comes with (why in heaven's name would you use the plain metal Blazing Sword if you have that one?!), and while the pilot figures aren't great, I'm glad we have them. It could have been so much more, but it's enough that it's still an impressive piece of work. If only it hadn't cost so blasted much …

    2. Beast Saga (line) – Takara, the original creators of the toys we called Battle Beasts, went back and did their own 21st century take on the property. Instead of a simple Fire-Wood-Water thing, they now shoot dice out of their chests as part of a game. But that's not why they're here. They're here because they retain the absurd charm of the original line. My favorite so far? A turtle wearing a captain's, or maybe an admiral's cap. He's even got little ribbons on his chest. BigBadToyStore is selling these guys for about eight bucks a pop, which based on the level of quality of product — flawless paint applications, tight joints, and solid heft — and the fact that these are imported from Japan doesn't feel like a rip-off. I foresee a pile of these dudes in my future, and I'm not complaining.

    1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Raphael – The psychotic grimace, the crack in the shell, and the fact that hey, he's been my favorite Turtle since 1987 means he gets the top spot, but the four Turtles all got fantastic figures in 2012. The thing is, I wouldn't have scooped up the other three if I hadn't fallen for this one. He really looks like he's going to take those sais and stab you, and he's got the articulation to go ahead and do it.

  • Andy W Ditoto says:

    1. Thunder Punch He-man classics because I got that He-Man for Christmas in 1984 & has been my favorite .
    2. Dragon Blaster Skeletor classics that was last Skeletor that I get in 1987.
    3. Leo of TMNT he is favorite TMNT .
    4. WWE John Cena vs. CM Punk be cause saw CM Punk in person .
    5. Transforms Pime because it like G1 Transforms voice 1984 are back.

  • Dennis says:

    5. The Dark Knight The Joker Cosbaby – too cute, plus joker is my all time favorite DC character.
    4. DC CIE Elastigirl – love love love the face sculpt.
    3. Hot Toys DX 08 The Joker 1989 – do i really need to explain this?
    2. MOTUC Rattlor/Kobra Khan/Stinkor – my top 3 for 2012 in my fave toyline!
    1. TMNT Classics Collection – Turtle Power! Playmates should continue this line!

  • Salvatore martino says:

    5- tmnt classics Michelangelo
    4- tmnt (new) splinter
    3- marvel universe beta ray bill
    2- ultimate spiderman grab zags
    1 marvel universe professor X

  • Derrick Jones says:

    5. Classics Donatello
    4. Classics Raphael
    3. Classics Michelangelo
    2. Classics Leonardo
    1. Nickelodeon Ninja Turtles Line

  • The Castellan says:

    1: Transformers Fall of Cybertron Combaticons: My favorite Transformers combiner finally have a new form, and each member is a new mold, and forming Bruticus that can actually move his legs all around, that's impressive. And in keeping tradition of releasing Combaticons, there's already several different colors to choose from, now. XD

    2: MOTUC Netossa: It's always a good thing to see a more obscure character come out, and when it also comes out looking fantastic, it's even better. It's better than bad, it's good! 😀

    3: Character Options/Forbidden Planet's Doctor Who Classics Pyramids of Mars set: What's not to like about a ticked off, alien worshiped in Egypt as a god, and with 2 blinged out robot mummies ready to crush a person's rib cage? http://www.doctorwhotoys.net/pyramidsofmarsset.ht

    4: Figma's Samus Aran: There's hardly any figures of Metroid's heroine, and that she can switch her arm gun from beams to rockets is excellent and she comes with her morph ball, the Maru-Mari as I call it. 🙂 Only thing needed was a second head without her helmet on.

    Figma Link: There's other Link figures out there, but that all pale in comparison to this one. Coming with his shield, the master sword, and a boatload of articulation to go with it, you'd be a fool not to like this one. go and get one, now, we'll wait. 😀

  • Colin says:

    5- Trash Pack. I was on a flight to Australia and the kid next to me had them- and well….it was awesome to play with them….

    4-Mosquitor- a great visitation from a past MOTU toy. The Horde are ust amazing.

    3-Steam Punk Wonder Woman by Robert Tonner. Wonder Woman is just awesome.

    2- Justice league Aquaman by DC Direct. Im loving the comic by Geoff Johns- if you arent reading Aquaman youre missing out.

    1- Procrustus- without a doubt a DREAM come true. I wanted this guy since I see him crawl out of a hole in the mini comic from the 1980s the magic Stealer. I love mythological Eternia and the Gods are my favourite. Im wanting a Pantheon.

  • Alex says:

    1-MOTUC Star Sisters
    2-The Hobbit Goblin King
    3-My Little Pony Zecora
    4-Monster High Robecca Steam
    5-Dc Universe Classics Lead

  • Glostofus says:

    As I only collect MOTUC, my list is nearly all about it:
    5. MOTUC Dekker
    4. TMNT Fish Face
    3. MOTUC Kobra Khan
    2. MOTUC Shadow Weaver
    1. MOTUC Frosta (yes, indeed! :-))

  • Mostly MOTU, since that's what I collect.
    5. MOTUC Draego-Man
    4. MOTUC Shadow Weaver
    3. TMNT Retro Figures (all four are awesome)
    2. Legend of Zelda Link (saw it on the video, I must have it!)
    1. MOTUC Granamyr

  • pH6 says:

    I could make a list based on what I've seen and heard…but I'll go with what I've actually held in hand.

    5. Stinkor…would've been higher if mine had had the scent.
    4. Kobra Khan, who most likely is keeping the place for Rattlor which I sadly never even had a chance at…but SNAKE MEN! nevertheless.
    3. Slush-Head, Hero of the Quagmi Swamp, one of my all time favourite characters in any line.
    2. LEGO Monster Fighters 9466…because Victor von and his Monster rule! As do gitd pieces.
    1. Snake Men 2-pack becaussse SNAKE MEN!

  • mangusito says:

    5- Figma Samus Aran
    4- NECA Spring Loaded Robocop
    3- MOTUC Snake Men Two Pack
    2- TMNT Classics Line
    1- Nickelodeon TMNT Turtles

  • DavidTMNT says:

    My top 5
    1)TMNT Classics Raphael
    2)Furby (Black)
    3)Thundercats Mini Series 1
    4)Claudus (Thundercats 2011 Series)
    5)TMNT Leonardo

  • The_Fun_has_been_Doubled says:

    Choosing Items from different lines is a bit tougher.
    5: Mattel's Voltron (While the lion's legs popping off when forming him is a random event, holy crap! it's a BIG Voltron!
    4: MLP FIM "special SDCC Pony" aka Derpy Hooves (the only way Hasbro would release this "controversial" figure)
    3: NECA's Ivan Drago (Clubber lang would come in second, but It's a great articulated Dolph Lundgren figure. I never saw the Jakks one)
    2: TMNT Classics (any turtle)
    1: Masters of the Universe Classics Granamyr… Very poseable (he's able to do the Gangnam Style horse riding dance)

  • Sam (aka straightedgehe-man) says:

    1) MOTUC Spikor
    2) FOC Soundwave
    3) TMNT playset
    4) Marvel Legend Bucky Cap
    5) Mattel Voltron

  • (sic) says:

    5. Monster High Skelita Calaveras- Her detailed skeleton body sets her apart from the others.
    4. Weaponeers of Monka Empyreas- This is the only toy I bought this year that I actually played with for hours.
    3. MOTUC Castle Grayskullman- He's a little new of something old, he's EPIC!
    2. TMNT Classics Michaelangelo- I love all 4, but Mikey was always my fave, plus his fact his chucks have real chains.
    1. TF Generations FOC Soundwave w/ Laserbeak- If you are a Soundwave fan(and who isnt), this toy with all his disks is a MUST!

  • JProctor666 says:

    All MOTUC…
    5. Procrustus
    4. Cy-Chop
    3. Frosta
    2. Granamyr
    1. Shadow Weaver

  • Joey Cruel says:

    1. MOTUC Shadow Weaver, there's no surprise, it's one of my four favorite MOTU characters.
    2. MOTUC Mosquitor, it's terrific!
    3. MOTUC Fisto, simply perfect!
    4. MOTUC Granamyr, I wanted him since 1984… along with the Mask Of Power demons it's one of the minicomics characters that I craved.
    5. MOTUC Horde Prime, finally we had him! Unbelievable!

  • Josiah Bloom says:

    #5-NECA Prometheus Engineer (Chair suit) Although the articulation isn't the best on this guy, the sculpting is phenominal!
    #4-Mezco Earthworm Jim figure – Huge fan of the original game, and I love the more realistic, based-off-the-art look of this guy!
    #3-Hot Toys Avatar Jake Sully – Come on… an Avatar in 1/6 scale… What's not to love?!
    #2-NECA Hero Ash – Great great great figure! I LOVE Evil Dead II… and that laughing Dear head accessory… PRICELESS!
    #1-Max Factory (Smile company) – Figma Samus Aran – I FREAKIN LOVE METROID! THIS IS POSSIBLY THE BEST FIGURE OF ALL TIME!!!!!

    Thar you have it. My top five. Check me out on youtube under the username Blojos

  • nic says:

    All mine are MOTUC because that's all I collect.

    #1 MOTUC Stinkor – One of my favorites as a kid, I love the color and the awesome smell.
    #2 Mekanek – Same as above except for the obvious, the color. : ]
    #3 Spikor – Same reason I'm a big fan of the vintage line. : )
    #4 Mosquior – Love the vintage accurate look. He is one of the few vintage figures I didn't have as a kid so I esspecially love his vintage sculpt!
    #5 Fisto – Would be higher, but the face sculpt, as great as it is, is just too much of a departure from the intage look. : /

  • Man-E-fan1977 says:

    1) Toy World Grind Rod
    2) TF:U Ultra Magnus
    3) Generations Legends Tcracker
    4) Voltron Classics Sven
    5) Classic 6″ Lion-O
    Bog-Nar just missed the top five, but he made the top ten You Tube video.

  • iron_pride says:

    5 MOTUC Draego Man
    4 MOTUC Spikor
    3 MOTUC Mosquitor
    2 MOTUC Shadow Weaver
    1 MOTUC Fisto

  • Man-E-fan1977 says:

    Whoops, direct paste and copy from my notes.
    1) Toy World Grind Rod (Third party Transformers Rollbar)
    2) Transformers: United Ultra Magnus
    3) Transformers Generations: Legends Thundercracker
    4) Voltron Classics Sven
    5) ThunderCats Classic 6″ Lion-O
    Bog-Nar and MOTUC Shadow Weaver did make my top ten list.

  • Man-E-fan1977 says:

    1 and 2 were difficult for me, I’m still not sure I made the right choice.

  • PCGamer77 says:

    1. Transformers: Masterpiece Sideswipe/Lambor
    — Now I need Sunstreaker!

    2. DC Unlimited: Hawkman
    — DCU finally has a "Wolverine" character.

    3. MOTU: Frosta
    — Her hair is fine with me, she's really quite beautiful.

    4. MOTU: Granamyr
    — Kudos to Mattel for doing such a large figure.

    5. Transformers: Masterpiece Thundercracker
    — Seekers rule!

  • @bookshoff says:

    1. Lego Hobbit: An Unexpected Gathering (Bag End)
    2. Thundercats Minimates Boxed Set #1
    3. Classics Michelangelo
    4. MOTU Sorceress
    5. Lego Monster Fighters: Vampyre Castle

  • @bookshoff says:

    I would also have added Icon Heroes Thundertank, but I didn't know if it would classify as "toy." I love it, though!

  • SpiethNet says:

    Of the toy lines I collect here are my top 5:

    5) TMNT Classics: Donatello
    – This line is all I ever wanted in turtle figures, great articulation and sculpting and Don is my favorite turtle.

    4) MOUTC Draego Man
    – The best of the 30th Anniversary line, wicked awesome dragon w/ great accessories

    3) Masterpiece Optimus Prime Hasbro version
    – Its Optimus Prime! Nothing was skimped and has better paint apps than the Takara version IMO.

    2) MOUTC Fisto
    – My second most favorite MOTU figure updated perfectly.

    1) TF Masterpiece Thundercracker
    – Completes my Hasbro MP seeker set, has great updates from the previous two and is a fantastic shade of blue.

    Now if this was lines I didn't collect it would probably all just be Hot Toys Batman and Iron Man related figures.

  • Che Elmo says:

    5 – Mezco Earthworm Jim. I never played the games, but I loved the tv show back when I was a kid. Despite there being very little articulation, it's still a very detailed, awesome figure! I hope Mezco expands on the franchise.

    4 – Playmates Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012. I only have the four turtles, but they are as awesome as everyone else says they are. The articualtion if great, the individual sculpts are brilliant. So Awesome!

    3 – Bandai Japan Ultra-Act Denkou Choujin Gridman a.k.a Servo. Aah, Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad. Good times for Power Rangers-style adaptions… for me at least^^ Looking forward to all his upgrade armours!

    2 – Bandai Japan Ultra-Act Ultraman Zoffy. I had a vinyl figure of this character, but never knew who it was. Having this figure is what I always wanted the vinyl figure to be! Super dtailed, and super articulated!

    1 – Bandai Japan Super Robot Chogokin Daizyujin a.k.a. The Megazord. Being a child of the 90's, I grew up with Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers., watching it almost religiously all day everyday! Plus dat Die-Cast! Love me some metal toys!

  • Bill Neumann says:

    1. TMNT Classics Leonardo
    2. MOTU Classics Shadow Weaver
    3. MOTU Classics Fisto
    4. MOTU Classics Castle Greyskull Man
    5. SDCC ML X-Force 3 pk

  • crapmandingo says:

    My list is:

    5. The Dynamic Duo Funhouse Escape – This is a bit of cheat since it came out in December about 2011 but no stores near me got it until February Easily one of my favourite lego sets; the mini-figures alone were worth the price.

    4. Poison Ivy – The DC Subscription Poison Ivy went on to be my favourite figure in the year I've had the subscription, even beating out the equally cool Atrocitus.

    3. Avengers VS X-Men Minimate Comic Con set – This set got my into Mini-Mates. I LOVE the Hope and Emma Frost in the line, the tiny little detailing is fantastic.

    2. Transformers: Generations Shockwave – Fantastic representation of the Fall of Cybertron model. Great transformation into both modes

    1. Masterpiece Optimus Prime – Diecast steel and a trailer. What is better than this? Possibly Granamyr but I'm still waiting on him.

  • sloc187 says:

    5. 200x MOTU Snake Teela
    4. MOTUC Snake Man-At-Arms
    3. 200x Samurai Armor Skeletor
    2. MOTUC Gygor
    1. MOTUC Procrustus

  • rsj8000 says:

    My favs were all MOTUC:

    5) Fearless Photog
    4) Stinkor (love the gas mask head!)
    3) Draego Man
    2) Mosquitor
    1) Shadow Weaver

  • 5. STAR WARS VC Luke Skywalker (Lightsaber Construction) – Yes, the part of his hair is on the wrong side and his cloak is the wrong style, but everything else about this figure is stellar from the sculpted details to the belt that finally allows Jedi Luke to be depicted in full Jedi uniform. (I've been wanting this version of Luke since I was 9.)

    4. TMNT Classics Leonardo – All 4 turtles in the line combine fantastic styling and sculpting with great playability, affordable price, and forethought into how they fit together as a group and in the line as a whole. And their unique heights, expressions, and details like chips in their shells make them look great when posed together. (Leo just happens to be my favorite turtle.)

    3. LEGO Lord Vampyre's Castle – The Monster Fighter's toys were loaded with play story potential and this playset had more than any other with the unique rooms, action features, and accessories to spark the imagination.

    2. G.I. JOE Kim Arashikage (Jinx) SDCC Exclusive – Finally, a super-articulated female ninja! Both versions are at the same time vintage tributes and modern updates which is no easy feat.

    1. MOTUC Castle Grayskull Man – This figure is one fan's love letter to Castle Grayksull, the vintage line, and the 80's all wrapped up in one package. I couldn't ask for more in a new MOTUC offering.

  • keiths001 says:

    5. Transformers Masterpiece Optimus Prime
    4. MOTUC Mosquitor
    3. SDCC Transformers Fall of Cybertron Bruticus
    2. MOTUC Draego-Man
    1. MOTUC Granamyr

  • He-Maniac says:

    Top five faves of 2012. This was harder to do than I thought it would be. Here we go!
    5) Because these would have been 5 and 6 and I couldn't decide which ones I liked better, my number 5 is the Glyos system figures from O'Nell Design and from Spy Monkey Creations, Weaponeers of Monkaa. Fantastic fun!
    4)This one might have been in the top two if it wasn't delayed. Number 4 on my list, MP-13 Takara Masterpiece Soundwave. My absolute favorite Transformer character as a kid and I still can't get enough of Soundwave.
    3)Procrustus! This is a figure I never thought would get a figure treatment. Too cool for words.
    2)My favorite Cobra Enemy gets a 1/6 scale figure. Sideshow Collectibles Crimson Guard. I can only hope for a repaint in black in 2013.
    1)Another MOTU Classics figure is my number 1. If this top toys of 2012 list was expanded it would be full MOTU, but this figure is my all time favorite. Fisto! A fantastic update to Fisto and I couldn't be happier. With the Battle Fist fiasco behind us this is my favorite figure so far in the MOTU Classics line. Love Love Love!
    Honorable mention: Playmates TMNT 3.75 scale Ninja Turtles. Personally, I think these are the best versions of the Turtles thus far.

  • KeldorTheCursed says:

    1 – Draego-Man
    2 – Dollar General Storm Shadow
    3 – Db Skelly (even with the blastic)
    4 – Horde Prime
    5 – Thundercats Classics 6" Lion-O

  • Rinzler says:

    5.Motu Classics Draego-Man
    4.Transformers fall of cybertron Shockwave
    3.NECA Gordon Freeman
    2.figma samus
    1.Motu classics mosquitor

  • Major Header says:

    5. MOTUC Sir Laser Lot (I don't care! He looks like he fits in Filmation line. I hope they issue a yellow one for the robot that hunted Orko or repaint to be the Windraider pilot!)
    4. ZOMBIES (They remind me of M.U.S.C.L.W. guys and have great sculpting to them! KFC guy is my fav.)
    3. Imaginext Batcave (It's fun and it's Batman!)
    2. The Six Million Dollar Man Steve Austin mustache variant (My favorite show and a clever release!)
    1. Procrutus (It's been a while since I did not like a figure originally, but then it just grew on me. It's a nice feeling. Granamyr was close to this spot as well)

  • Calcifer says:

    1. WWE Elite 16 CM Punk.
    2. Rocky III Clubber Lang (black trunks)
    3. Transformers Masterpiece Thundercracker
    4. WWE Legends Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. I know they are technically separate releases, but these guys were a team and need to be here together. Plus I'm not sure either would make the list alone.
    5. TMNT modern Donatello

  • Henrik H says:

    5:LOTR Lego sets. Lord of the Rings lego cant be more fun!
    4:MOTUC Spikor. One old favorite made into an awesome Classic Motu version.
    3:MOTUC Kobra Khan. This one is truly classic.
    2:MOTUC Stinkor. He was the first Motu figure I got as a kid so he has a special place in my toy loving hearth.
    1.FORTRESS MAXIMUS IN BOX. Okey, this wasnt released in 2012 but this was the year I had the chance to buy my old Max back since I had to sell him 5 years earlier due to financial distress. And you can beat that feeling.

  • Gundam_Warrior says:

    I honestly couldn't narrow it down to 5 so here is my top 10.

    10. Alfred (The Dark Knight Rises) – While this figure is mostly comprised of reused parts, the likeness to actor Michael Kane is fantastic. Plus the addition of a collect and connect Bat Signal makes this a must for any Batman, DC or Superhero collector.

    9. Fearless Photog (MOTUC) – While the 30th Anniversary Line was met with mixed reaction. but I was one of the minority that was happy with the line and the first figure left one of the best impressions. The long forgotten Masters character felt like he came out of the original 80's line Filled with goofy but awesome at the same time. The details from the belt full of film reels, the camera gun, the sticker and even a action feature made me wish I had this guy back in the 80's,.

    8. Photo Finish (MLP: Mini Sets) – This MLP line was filled with many great things this year and many fan demanded characters but one of the best is the fashion themed Pony, Photo Finish. While the mini-figure wasn't apart of the main line her detail captures the Lady Gaga inspired Pony and I imagine some awesome re-use from Hasbro.

    7. Nightmare Moon (MLP) – The Main line of MLP gave us the alter eho of Princess Luna. After many years MLP finally has a villain in the line.

    6. Superma vs. Power Armor Lex (LEGO) – LEGO brought out many sets this year but the one that stood out the most (and affordable) was the Superman vs. Power Armor set. Not only did you get the awesome mini-figures including Superman, Wonder Woman and Lex Luthor but a awesome Mech unit that give the KERO Transformers a run for their money.

    5. Rochelle Goyle (Monster High) – While Monster High had another great year, one of the stand outs of the Daughter of the Gargoyle. With a French theme she come out one of the best new characters this year, Considering her stone origins she is bright, colorful and incredibly detailed.

    4. Starscream (Transformers: Prime) – The backstabbing Decepticon, in the Deluxe line remind one of the best of the Prime line. He skinny body stand head above the Autobots with a sly smile and slim body.

    3. Bruticus (Transformers: Generations) – If you were to tell me we would have another combining Transformer anytime soon, I would have call you a lair. but now the video game based figure towers over the Autobots and Decepticons, Even the the uncombined versions are pretty cool as well. The figures holds together very well and dosen't have pointless action features unlike a certain Lion based Mech.

    2. Drago Man (MOTUC) – The Four Horsemen gave us the best new Masters of the Universe character this year. The detail is fantastic giving us a awesome anthro Dragon character with awesome wings, awesome sculpt, and hige size. The only fault was having to buy his weapons separate granted at least we got them near the end of the year.

    1. Fisto (MOTUC): – The man with the giant fist takes down the compaction this year. Great detail, accessories, and the ability to make your Fisto come from the Vintage era or 200X era. Fisto just stood out at the beginning of the year and stayed with me.

  • Darren Garcia says:

    5) NECA Robocop
    4) MOTU Classics Fisto
    3) Dollar General Exclusive GI Joe Snake Eyes
    2) TMNT classics and 2012
    1) Voltron Classics VOLTRON

  • Barney says:

    5. Terra Firma, Outer Space Men, Do I really need to explain why I love her ;~)
    4. Masters of the Universe Classics, Spikor, Colors are vibrant! His face sculpt has such a presence! Amazing figure overall!
    3. Masters of the Universe Classics, Mekaneck, Long awaited favorite character from my childhood. Love the longer extension!
    2. (((PROCRUSTUS))) A four armed giant that holds Eternia together at it's core. What's not to love? How amazing would he be, along with Tytus and Megator, with all the articulation the regular scaled figures have!
    1. Masters of the Universe Classics, Castle Grayskullman! Taking one of the most iconic playsets and turning him into a figure was a great idea. I was instantly hooked on MOTU when I first had seen Castle Grayskull at a cousin's house. This figure truly brings out the child within.

    Happy New Year, Dan and Family. Keep the great videos coming in 2013. Enjoy!

  • Commetal says:

    1. Onell design Armorvor! The battle beast-ness of it is just awesome!
    2. Onell design Syclodoc: Sure, its just a new head on an old body, but the zaku-ness of it just makes it look awesome
    3. Hero Factory Core hunter Gaw i love me some hero factory, and core hunter is the perfect mix of menacing and awesome!
    4.Kre-o blind bags! I love me some blind bags, so this takes number 3
    5.Hero Factory Speeda demon: 4 armed villain with a motorcycle? sign me up!

  • wallbie says:

    Most of my favorites are based on what my three-year-old son loves playing with and will likely be based on action figures geared for much younger audiences.

    5. Jake and the Neverland Pirates Musical Pirate Ship: My boy really loves playing with these toys and checks out their features in the store. This thing is durable and provides some decent interaction that could rival some playsets for kids his age. It's even cooler that it doubles as a vehicle.

    4. Thomas & Friends Take N Play – The Great Quarry Climb: My son got this playset for his birthday this year. It links up great with all the other Take N Play tracks and playsets, and it brought him plenty of enjoyment leading up to the holidays before he got other toys to distract him. LOL

    3. The Dark Knight Rises Interactive Bane: I don't own this toy, but considering it scared the bejezus out of me when I left my hand in the box, pushed the button and completely ignored the idea of this thing moving while I focused on watching my son at TRU, I think it deserves a spot here. A toy has never freaked me out like that since those weird Boo-Bahs were on the shelves.

    2. MOTUC Shadow Weaver: It's nice to get a sub figure that isn't He-Man! This is seriously the coolest way to translate FILMation into the Classics line. I wish I would've been able to have a second subscription to have her out of the package, but I hope to remedy that (and get extras of all the other Classics figures) some day and give my boy more MOTUC to play with.

    1. The Dark Knight Rises Giant Size 31" Batman: This isn't the greatest toy and I'd consider it more of a collectors' item. Still, it was awesome be able to see my son's eyes light up when he saw this standing tall in front of the Christmas tree as a center piece to his other presents awaiting him.

  • Oscar David Gonzalez says:

    My favorite 2012 toys:

    #5 GI JOE SideShow Crimson Guard Exclusive Figure- To Have a 12inch Version of the baddest Cobra uniform PLUS a Fred head?! How awesome is that?! (I'm also a BIG JOE fan! Nobody's better than Larry Hama!)

    #4 MOTUC King Randor -Most of us 80's kids still LOVE the Filmation He-man. This was the version of King Randor that we've always wanted! The 'REAL' version!

    #3 Mezco ThunderCats Panthor- Wow! This figure's sculpting is FLAWLESS! And to have him in this BIG size is an added bonus!

    #2 Lego Jabba's Palace Playset- I'm a LegoManiac (like Zack) and I've been waiting for this one for years! Beautiful! Great play value! Great Figs!

    #1 Hot Toys Michael Keaton 1989 Batman-What a Gorgeous figure! Great Articulation! Master Sculpting! Awesome Accessories! This was always my favorite Batman costume compared to ALL the different versions. Displays nicely with the Chris Reeve Superman!

    Keep up the Great Work Dan! Peace & Love of toys!
    Great Teacher Oscar (GTO)

  • meads11 says:

    1. HMM Berserk Fuhrer – I made a Grimlock custom out of it.
    2. SH MonsterArts Burning Godzilla – One of the best Godzilla figures out there.
    3. Riobot Gurren Lagann – Looks like it's made of die cast, but it's not. Great Quality and details
    4. Hero Factory XT4 – Reminds me of the Loaders in Borderlands 2
    5. Figma Insane Black Rock Shooter – One of my prized Figma…I was crazy enough to get it.

  • BrathAttack says:

    5. LEGO SuperHeroes sets.
    4. NECA's Gremlins line.
    3. Walmart exclusive 6" Avengers
    2. MOTU Classics Draego Man
    1. Playmates' TMNT basic Turtles

  • Vektar says:

    5. Hasbro Master Piece Optimus Prime – cant go wrong with a huge classic very nicely detailed Prime.

    4. NECA Friday the 13th part 3 Jason (bloody version)- I love Friday the 13th as a kid and part three was always my fav. So to get a figure of Jason from that movie just blew my mind.

    3. D-Arts Zero Type 2 – Mega Man X3 was always my fav. X title and the fact that you could use zero and his Z-saber made it awesome. Much like the Figma line D-arts are very detailed and articulated.

    2. Super robot chogokin megazord – This thing might be small but its heavy and has amazing proportions and articulation it looks better then the costume from the show.

    1. Playarts Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the 4 turtles) – I really cant just pick one all four turtles are great and very detailed. I love the overall design of these figures a bit of a modernized classic feel to them. With a bit of detail paint and wash here and there these four turtles look freaking amazing.

  • hvyv says:

    1.nickelodeon Raphael
    2. nickelodeon Leonardo
    3.nickelodeon Michelangelo
    4.nickeloeon Donatello
    5. nickelodeon splinter

  • Trey Warren says:

    5. Frosta – My favorite POP character. Happy to see her as a figure. I wish the paint job was more accurate and the face paint was better
    4. Dana Barrett – We needed the Gatekeeper since we have the Keymaster.
    3. Sorceress – I have been waiting for this since 2008. The drums don't bother me. I'm finally happy to get her!
    2. Mekanek – One of my absolute favorites as a kid! I'm so happy they finally gave him the classicsa treatment!
    1. Shadoweaver – I have been waiting for this figure since I was a kid! Now we just need lizardman and Scorpia.

  • Orion_11937 says:

    5. MOTUC Mosquitor- I have such fond memories of pestering friends & family with the original hastily ripped from his blistercard prison. "He's sucking your bloooood!!" I would intone, after sneaking up on my BF & pressing his pointy proboscis to her neck, pumping that button like tomorrow may never come. Felicity.

    4. MOTUC Spikor- Again, ever the source of transgressive fun as a child. He frequently found himself discretely placed in the seat of a lazy-boy before some loved one was to watch the evening news. Tacks in teachers chair with far less guilt.

    3. Re-issue Wacky Wall Crawlers- Found these at the check out in a Bath Body & Beyond. They may seem humbled by the other toys here mentioned, but racing glitter pink vs neon green octopi down a 40 ft. plate glass facade will make a believer out of the most hard-bitten cynic.

    2. MOTUC Stinkor- In my teens, years after relegating my motu(temporarily) to a rubbermaid tub in the attic, I first viewed "This is Spinal Tap". Shortly after mention of "Smell the Glove", I could think of only one thing. Rocketing up the steps amidst old Christmas detritus & dust devils to recon that stench once more. It's heartening to know somethings never change. Thank you Mattel.

    1. MOTUC Granamyr – The posing possibilities with this guy are endless! Reading Rilke by candle light, Knitting, smoking Marlboros & shooting back alley craps with Buzz-off & Mechaneck…

  • Cxb452 says:

    No particular order…….
    1. Play arts Kai arkham asylum batman
    2. Masterpiece sideswipe
    3. GI joe zombie trooper
    4. Motuc demo man
    5. Playmates modern tmnt Raphael

  • Victor R says:

    5. TMNT classics Leonardo
    4. Motuc Fisto
    3. Motuc Granamyr
    2. Motuc Shadow weaver
    1. Voltron

  • Arun Nayar says:

    My top 5 Favorite Toys of 2012:

    5. Granamyr
    4. SDCC Uncanny X-Force Marvel Legends 3 Pack
    3. Transformers G2 Fall of Cybertron Bruticus
    2. Transformers Masterpiece MP-10 Optimus Prime
    1. New 52 Justice League We can be Heroes Set

  • XeQUae says:

    5. TMNT Classics
    4. Star Wars Orrimaarko
    3. Voltron
    2. MOTUC Fisto
    1. Hot Toys Bespin Luke

  • Duncan says:

    5. Igear’s Hench (Not Brawn) – It was a great year for TF MP (Prime, Starscream, & Sideswipe), but to finally get a cartoon accurate version of this mini-bot after nearly 30 years, pushes him into the top 5.

    4. TMNT Classics – Number four goes to these four…I couldn't imagine them more cartoon perfect.

    3. Mezco’s SDCC Mumm-Ra – Panthro was fantastic, but Mumm-Ra’s extras (glow-in-the-dark paint, cloth wraps, and cloaked version figure) put him over the top.

    2. MOTU Shadow Weaver – Even with two of my favorites (Spikor and Stinkor) being released this year, Shadow Weaver edged them out because she was finally made and she kicked off the long awaited Filmation figures.

    1. MOTU Granamyr – He was a remarkable character in the show, and he is a remarkable figure in hand. He is at the top of my list because he was least likely to ever see figure form, yet it happened in 2012!

  • Vito says:

    Such a great question. TOP 5. This was very hard to answer, there are so many i collect. So many different reasons to like a toy, aside from them just being AWESOME!!!!!!

    5) Drago (Battle Damage) – Rocky Series 2 – NECA
    Why?: Straight up….it's Dolph Lundgren. You might ask…."so what Vito? It's only Dolph Lundgren". And i would say "watch your mouth, Dolph here played He-Man in the live action movie". And that movie was AWESOME. Unfortunately NECA made a Drago figure and not a He-Man figure…..so i guess you can say this is the closest to getting a Dolph Lundgren as He-Man action figure as i could get….so far 😉
    Plus, there is something about having him posed punching Rocky (Battle Damage) in the face, just suspended there forever punching Rocky for eternity (theoretically)….that just gets me every time.

    4) Earthworm Jim – Mezco Toys
    Why?: Cause he is so WEIRD!!!! Ever play the game? Ever watch the cartoon? It's so WEIRD!!!!! Articulation wise not the best, but the sculpt on Jim's face is just so great, instantly loved it the moment i saw it. The ray gun was sculpted quite nicely as well. Not a figure i planned to own, but man….i could not pass it up. Too bad i could i couldn't get the variant.

    3) TMNT – Lego
    Why?: Uhm….yeah, for X-mas….that's right. it was Awesome. Lego + Ninja Turtles = possibly the most fun i have EVER had with a Ninja Turtle. Specifically this was the Baxter Robot Rampage, came with Donatello. I was just so impressed. Instantly fell in love. Instantly had to collect all 4 Turtles (which happened fast). Each of the Turtles came with there vehicles and whatnots, but it was the skateboards that again….REALLY did it for me, like i can't stop touching them….EVER.

    2) Link – Figma
    Why?: Because of countless hours of video gaming. And that's the truth. Possibly by far my most favourite game series….EVER. This figure is a long time coming. I ain't gonna lie…..A FANTASTIC FIGURE. Its missing in my opinion 1 articulation that would make it perfect for me…the bicep one. Don't get me wrong, still posable like a &#$%$#%$#. I had Link here do battle with D'arts Megaman…..such a sweet sweet scene…..i am so happy that thanks to technology and mad sculpting skills, we can get awesome accessories such as Link's sword swipe effect. The pose-ability options with the these figma figures are great, they leave my mouth drooling for more, it can get messy.

    1) Metron – DC Club Infinite Earths – Mattel
    Why?: I am a huge fan of Jack Kirby, pretty much anything Kirby i am in love with. When they had the voting for the figure back then, i just knew i was going to finally own an awesomely sculpted Metron and his Moebius chair. Undeniably possibly the greatest accessory…..EVER. I have a had a huge thing for chairs once i got my office job (worked retail, mostly on my feet), so i know what its like to finally get that well deserved chair (which by the way, is not only his lounge machine, its his car too). I feel Metron and I instantly bonded.

  • 1. 4 inch TMNT line – These are some of the coolest-looking TMNT figures that I have ever seen and looking at them on my shelf every day is a constant reminder that the TMNT brand at large is in good hands.

    2. Jazwares Sonic and the Black Knight Sir Lancelot figure – Lancelot is an absolutely beautiful figure with fully detailed armor and his blade, Arondight. The sculpt and paint are spot on, his articulation is nice, and he has mostly tight joints. (Save for his arms, which is why he only made #2.)

    3. Power Rangers Megaforce 4 inch figures – Megaforce debuts with not only the same great, well detailed and articulated figures as the previous line, but also tight joints and a bonus trading card that's compatible with the Morpher packed in with each one!

    4. Pop! Vinyl My Little Pony Derpy Hooves figure – Derpy looks just like she flew right out of the show and for such a decent price, how could any MLP: FiM fan resist?

    5. Marvel Universe Guardians of the Galaxy figure pack – Rocket Raccoon figure. 'Nuff said.

  • Nuker says:

    5. MOTUC Draego-man
    4. TMNT Classics (any turtle really)
    3. MOTUC Fisto
    2. S.H. Figuarts Jetman Redhawk (Power Ranger)
    1. Hot Toys DX 12 The Dark Knight Rises Batman

  • TMC1984 says:

    hey dan – great video, thanks! 🙂

    my top 5 toys are;

    5. ghostbusters courtroom ray movie master
    4. trash pack series 3 ooze/slime pack
    3. MOTUC fisto
    2. MOTUC spikor
    1. MOTUC rattlor

    happy new year!

  • AGE says:

    5. Battle Cat
    4. He-man
    3. Ram Man
    2. Scareglow
    1. Mosquitor !!!!

  • Matthew Churchill says:

    #1 Castle Grayskullman
    #2 LEGO The Battle for Helm’s Deep
    #3 Cy-Chop
    #4 Fisto
    #5 LEGO Modular Town Hall

    Can’t judge December’s MOTUC figures yet though since I haven’t got any!

  • Eric Perez says:

    1.- Boba fett Sideshow
    2.-snake eyes Sideshow
    3.-Darth Malgus
    4.- Hobbit 6 pk
    5.-rebel trooper hasbro

  • simonj says:

    1. MOTUC Rattlor
    2. TMNT Michelangelo ( new series version)
    3. MLP derpy hooves SDCC
    4. DCUC the flash Jay Garrick
    5. MOTUC Stinkor

  • @RReep says:

    1 lego monster fighters
    2. tmnt 2012 metalhead i never had this as a kid
    3 transformers F.O.C TOYS
    4 LEGO Minifigures series 8 the manbat i got a squad of them i wish i got the brown verison
    5hot wheel knight raider car K.I.T.T

  • @RReep says:


  • RyanBrandonCook says:

    1. TMNT Classics Raphael & Michaelangelo
    2. Nickelodeon TMNT Sewer Home Playset
    3. Trash Pack Series 3
    4. Batman Power Attack Mr. Freeze
    5. Lego DC Super Heroes Batcave

  • Countangus says:

    #5 MOTUC Draego Man

    #4 TBD Hobbit Gandalf and Bolg 2 pack

    #3 TMNT sewer playset

    #2 MOTUC Fisto

    #1 MOTUC Granamyr

  • Marshall Maslovsky says:

    5. TMNT 2012 Donatello
    4. Transformers Marterpeice Lambor
    3. MOTUC Granamyr
    2. DC New 52: Justice League Cyborg
    1. TMNT 2012 Metalhead

  • Eddy says:

    1. Stinkor
    2. Spikor
    3. CastleGrayskull Man
    4. Scarlet Spider (Marvel)
    5. Black Spiderman (Marvel)

  • Bernie says:

    1. GI Joe Big Boa – one of my favorites when I was little
    2. TMNT Leo
    3. MOTUC Spikor
    4. WWE Legends Andre
    5. Figma Link- the only one on my list that I didn't have a toy version of when I was a kid

  • KingHeMan says:

    5. Motuc Fisto
    4. Mattel Voltron
    3. Motuc Thunderpunch He-Man
    2. TMNTC
    1. DC new 52 Superman

  • kwilkins3 says:

    My top favorite toys of 2012
    #5 Master of the Universe Classic Sorceress
    Of all the Masters toys I manage to keep from my childhood the Sorceress was the one I manage to save. To see her in classic form brings a nostalgia feeling out of me; even though her wings are not perfect.

    #4 Transformers FOC Soundwave
    Soundwave has been one of my favorite Transformer characters since the 80’s . I’m am not a fan of his vehicle mode I wish that they would have him transform into something that resemble a communication device like the satellite from the movie but it still cool never the less. I love the new disk cassettes and the lunching feature, and it has and the robot mode that is awesome.

    #3 Star Wars MTT Droid Carrier
    While I never been a big Star War fan I will have to admit this thing is just so cool. With all those action figures you can get and the automatic parts, you know it’s on my list to get. There is so much you can do with it and all I want to do is play with it once.

    #2 TMNT series
    I want the whole thing the figures, vehicle, playset and the ooze .Is it fair to stay that I am jealous of my nephew for getting some of them before me. I still have many of my originals: I want them I want them I want them!!!! Ahhh sorry about that 

    #1 Mattel’s Voltron
    This hit me in many ways, as an anime fan and a collector it just so perfect. I seen many reviews on it and so far the only thing that bothers me is I don’t see a figure of Sven in it, I would like to have all six Pilots. Other than that that who would not want that behemoth of a toy the only question is do I buy one or two? One to keep in the box the other to play with

  • -Raccon- says:

    5. The Walking Dead Minimates – I absolutely love this toy line. I'm not a big of a fan of the TV show, but I am a huge fan of the comics. These little guys crack me up. I can't get enough of them.

    4. Hot Toys DX Luke Skywalker – Hot Toys + Star Wars = Pure Awesome.

    3. MOTUC: The month of February – This was the month that gave us my three favourite MOTUC figures of the whole year. The Sorceress, Fisto, and Shadow Weaver. All three are amazing figures.

    2. Transformers Masterpiece Thundercracker – Just when you think they can't make the new Starscream mold look any better, they release my favourite Seeker, Thundercracker. I don't usually buy Masterpiece Transformers from Hasbro, as I find that they feel like a cheaper quality than Takara, but this is Thundercarcker and I love him. I know Takara will eventually release a version that better matches Starscream with thinner stripes and upside-down Decepticon insignias(and hopefully without a coronation set) and I will buy it, but I don't mind having an extra of one of my all time favourite Transformers.

    1. Transformers Masterpiece Sideswipe – In actuality, I do prefer the new Thundercracker to Sideswipe. I just chose Sideswipe for what he brings to the Masterpiece line, hope. Hope that after 8 years of getting very little from this line (mostly repaints), we will finally be getting a G1 Transformers toy line that is comparable to what MOTUC is to Masters of the Universe. Aside from G1, this is the only Transformers toy line that I collect. Sideswipe is the first Autobot car in this entire line, and it's about time. Because of him, I find myself getting excited about this line again, anxiously awaiting the next reveal. And with the upcoming release of Soundwave and his cassettes, the future of this line looks bright.

  • The Savage Collector says:

    1) Twight Zone’s “The Mystic Seer” Replica by Bif Bang Pow! This is Pure BadAssary people
    2) MOTUC Castle Grayskullman by Mattel TRULY AMAZING CONCEPT and ORIGINAL IDEA (hats off to you Daniel Benedict)
    3) DC’s The Dark Knight Rises “Build a Bat Signal” by Mattel (really freakin’ Cool, love the have to find and buy all figures to build. takes me back to Toy Biz Marvel Legends and Mattels DC Universe Classics Build-a-Figures)
    4) MOTUC Shadow Weaver by Mattel (Wow have i waited WAY too long for this Figure!)
    5) The Venture Bros. Brock Samson by Bif Bang Pow! (who wouldnt want to own a brock samson figure?)

  • ragingnerdgasm says:

    5. Mezco convention exclusive Mumm-Ra 2 pack
    4. Universal Monsters Retro Creature from the Black Lagoon
    3. NECA Prometheus Engineer vs. Trilboite Action Figure 2-Pack
    2. Monsterarts King Ghidorah
    1. Hot Toys DX 1989 Joker

  • Theo Kan says:

    5. Playmates 2012 TMNT Leonardo
    4. Dc Direct Killer Croc from Arkham Asylum
    3. Neca Daffy from Gremlins 2
    2. MOTU Granamyr
    1. Hot Toys Iron Man Mark I 2.0

  • Bswayn says:

    Ok, so here goes;

    5. The new Tmnt Lego Sets
    4. Castle Grayskull Man
    3. TMNT Classics Figures
    2. Batman Arkham City Action Figure
    1. TMNT nickelodeon Playmates Basic Figures (all of the current figures, basic 12)

    Good luck everyone who enters! 🙂

  • stormtripper says:

    5. MOTU classics Horde Prime
    4. MOTU classics Kobra Khan
    3. MOTU classics Griffin (love that beast, awesme paint job)
    2. New Marvel Legends Thor ( didn't think that I would like this figure, until I opened it, its really cool, Plus got it for sale just before Christmas for $10
    1. Easy one here………………… MOTU classics Fisto ( brought back some great childhood memory's, glad they are doing this line of figures, its gonna suck when they stop making them)

  • Master Beas says:

    5 – MOTUC Stinkor : The smell is alwsome and takes me back
    4 – MOTUC Fisto : One of my favorite for childhood
    3 – MOTUC Rattlor : Love the snakeman was always my favorite faction
    2 – Nick TMNT : Love the turtles they will always be in my top 5 forever
    1 – Skylander Giants Figures : Part Game part toys how can you go wrong.

  • Dustin Leoncini says:

    5. Bot shot shock wave( clear purple version)
    4. Lego Monster fighters (whole line)
    3. Transformers gdo/generations protectobot hotspot.
    2. Tmnt classics Raphael.
    1. Sdcc tf/gijoe crossover shock wave/destro

  • ikyzro says:


  • Sizz-Lor says:

    Thanks for the contest (and content) Dan, truly appreciated!

    My favorites of 2012 would have to be (in no particular order, as I'm far too indecisive for that)

    5) MattyCollector Voltron
    -Not without it's well-documented issues, but as a whole? WOW! The centerpiece of my collection display whether I like it or not. People just like looking at 23" of badass robot eye candy!

    4) NECA Evil Dead 2 Series 2 Hero Ash
    -Definitive plastic version of this favorite horror-movie anti-hero. The accessory deer head is also a nice (but weird) touch, from a truly memorable moment in the film.

    3) TMNT Classics (all, as they're nearly identical)
    -Awesome, expressive articulation (though they do like to drop weapons when moved around) allow some amazing poses, and the display bases actually add to the figure (in my opinion) as opposed to just being there. Love these and can't wait for the next wave!

    2) NECA Gremlins Rambo Gizmo
    -These figures are cool as ice! Great sculpts, and a feature you never knew you needed (but are essential to the figure overall now that they're there) in poseable eyes. Excellent figures and this guy is a must-have.

    1) MOTUC Mekaneck
    -This year this was the MOTUC figure that got me most excited. Long-demanded and they incorporated the action feature well and despite some slightly raised goggles I think he's great.

  • Joshua says:

    5. Draegoman-the best figure of the 30th anniversary
    4. Poison ivy-my favorite dc classics figure this year
    3. Tmnt Raphael- finally back but with new voice but know Donnie has his 80s voice
    2. Fisto- my favorite motu figure to date. Love him
    1. Link- you said it all. Best figure this year

    Honorable mention shadow weaver

  • Pixel Dan says:

    I'm seeing a LOT of great lists here guys!! Keep em coming! 😀

    • Sizz-Lor says:

      If NECA's Big Red Predator or Final Chapter Jason Voorhees (clean) had been released a month earlier they'd both be on my list as well, both amazing figures. That is the most eye-catching Predator I've ever seen in any form!

  • sonadam9 says:

    My favorite five toys of 2012 would have to be
    5. The bridge direct 3.75 inch hobbit figures
    They have a good sculpt and paint job. But the plastic they used limits the articulation to where they can barely stand up on their own.
    4. Sea brothers zord vehicle and blue ranger add on zord of Megaforce megazord
    With this set you get a vehicle and a blue ranger figure. The vehicle buy itself is ok is not the greatest and the ranger figure only has articulation at the arms. The arms move up and down you can’t even stand him up but the vehicle dos combined with the Megaforce megazord which is the reason that a collector would buy this set.
    3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Shellraiser
    The Shellraiser is gets cool all the way around I have not complaints about it.
    2. Power rangers Megaforce megazord
    Is a good zord it’s what a Power ranger collector would expect. Has limited articulation jest the arms and the wings move and it stands up easily.
    1. Nickelodeon teenage mutant ninja turtles figures
    I can’t choose jest one figure for the number one spot so I am not going to try. My only complaint is that the kraang dos not have more articulation.

  • @FijiMermaid says:

    1) City Hunter Predator: NECA (2pack that included the Berzerker)
    2) Lightning Gremlin: NECA
    3) Shadow Weaver: MOTU Classics
    4) Link Figma Figure
    5) Freddy Krueger from a Nightmare on Elm Street 2: NECA

  • Terry says:

    1. MOTUC Granamyr
    2. Kotobukiya ArtFX+ Darth Maul
    3. MOTUC Fisto
    4. MOTUC Mekaneck
    5. MOTUC Kobra Khan

  • Constantinus says:

    1. TOD Sorceress
    2. Procrustus
    3. Granamyr
    4. Fisto
    5. Mosquitor

    … yeah, I only collect MOTU 😀

  • Thistlehair says:

    5. TMNT Classics figures
    4. NECA Rocky figures
    3. Trash Pack series
    2. Granamyr MOTU Classics
    1. Draego-Man MOTU Classics

  • 5. MOTU Classics Sir Laser Lot (Don't judge me)
    4. Transformers Masterpiece Optimus Prime (Curse this figure for making me open Grimlock, Thundercraker, and Skywarp…)
    3. MOTU Classics Draego-Man
    2. MOTU Classics Dragon Armor Skeletor

  • Grayskullian says:

    Top 5
    1. Castlegrayskull Man
    2. TOD Sorceress
    3. Draego-Man
    4. Snake-Men 2 Pack
    5. Horde Prime
    Hope to make Mosquitor #1 😉

  • jlp2711 says:

    Took me forever to choose and I still had to cheat a little. Keep up the amazing reviews and hope 2013 is just as good:

    5. Trash Pack: Slime Pack
    For all the reasons you mentioned in your review. I love the feel and smell of this slime so much, just awesome. Long live slime!
    4. Platinum & Tin
    Completing the Metal Men! with a very good looking female and a mini figure. Not perfect, but amazing that they did them at all.
    3. SLUG Zombies (Any pack)
    Small, cheap and so many creepy, disgusting designs. The homage ones are some of the best. Ash, Shaun, Tallahassee…
    2. Beast Saga Turtle (All very good but definitely my favorite so far)
    An Admiral Anamorphic Turtle in Battle Armor w/ a sword, shield & a die that shoots out of his chest. How can you not love him?
    1. MOTUC Stinkor
    Always my favorite, and he came out awesome. All the 200X parts and smell made him perfect.

    Honorable Mentions:
    Lord Vampyre's Castle (LEGO The Monster Fighters)
    LEGO had an amazing selection this year. Super-Heroes, Lord of The Rings, Monster Fighters…All had great sets.
    MOTUC Fisto
    Any other year would be in the top 5. Loved the included Sword & the 200X parts. Would have been top 10 even without them

  • Thomas Lovecchio says:

    -Marvel Legends Build-a-figure Arnim Zola, my personal favorite Marvel build a figure.

    4-LEGO the Lord of the Rings Mines of Moria set, based on my all time favorite scene in the LOTR trilogy

    3- Transformers Prime Megatron, out of all the different versons of Megatron, This one is my favorite

    2- DC Signature collection Atrocitus, red is my favorite colour

    1- Transformers generations Bruticus wave, wanted to add a real combiner to my transformers collection

  • Bswayn says:

    Man I wonder who won?

  • Pixel Dan says:

    The contest has ended! Congratulations to supergonzo1980!! Thanks to everyone who entered, and stay tuned for more giveaways to come!

  • Bswayn says:

    Congratulations to supergonzo1980!!

  • Rinzler says:

    Congratulations supergonzo1980!

  • Manuel Cravioto says:

    5. Marvel Universe: Kang
    4. D.C. Unlimited: The Flash (New 52)
    3. D.C. Signature Collection Metron with Mobious chair.
    2. Masters of the Universe Classics: Draego-Man
    1. Masters of the Universe Classics: Griffin

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