
Tag: RetrowareTV

The Video Game Years – 1987 Pt 1 – Legend of Zelda, Wizards & Warriors, PacMania, Leisure Suit Larry

The Video Game Years is back! 1987 was a huge year and part 1 shows Zelda, Wizards & Warriors, the somewhat forgettable PacMania and the infamous Leisure Suit Larry. Plus Eric’s What Shoulda Been a Video Game. It’s The Video Game Years and 1987 will rock you like a hurricane.

The Videocade Commentaries – Ep. 026 – Fighting Spirit (ft. The Gaming Historian)

Welcome to another episode of The Videocade Commentaries! Today’s episode is a bit of a special one, as Ito, Eric, and Dan had a rare opportunity to be in the same place at the same time to record this episode! Not only that, but Norm aka The Gaming Historian also joins in on the fun!

So join the guys on the couch for a viewing of Fighting Spirit! It’s like Punch-Out but it’s not!

The Videocade Commentaries – Ep. 025 – F-Zero GP

Dan, Ito, and Eric are back! In fact, this is sort of a “lost” episode, as it was recorded MANY months ago! Our bad.

But the good news is that it’s hear for your listening enjoyment! Even better is that this episode features TWO cartoons! The guys are checking out the anime based on the F-Zero franchise and are watching both the Japanese and American releases of the first episode of the series! A little bit of Comparison Time for you!

Ermahgerd! FERCON PUNCH!

From Pixels to Plastic: 8-Bit Predator Figure by NECA Toys

NECA’s NES inspired line of repaints continues on with a 4th figure! Join Pixel Dan for a look at the 8-Bit themed Predator!

The Videocade Commentaries – Ep. 024 – Double Dragon (The Shield of Shadow Khan)

It’s time for an all-new episode of The Videocade Commentaries!

It’s Double the Double Dragon, because it’s another episode of the Double Dragon cartoon! Pixel Dan, Fantastic Lance, and Pretty Good Eric get together to check out the hour long special “The Shield of Shadow Khan!” Double Double Dragon!

From Pixels to Plastic: BioShock Infinite Motorized Patriot by NECA Toys

Join me for a look at the new Motorized Patriot from NECA Toys’ BioShock Infinite line!

The Videocade Commentaries – Ep. 023 – Double Dragon (The Shadow Falls)

The Videocade Commentaries returns!

It’s the first episode of 2014, and we’re about to get all humble never braggin’!

Saying goodbye to JewWario

Today I learned some terrible news. A friend of mine had passed away. He took his own life.

Justin Carmical, also known online as JewWario, was an online personality known for his series on import video games called “You Can Play This.” He was a member of the RetrowareTV.com family, a family I have been a part of dating back to when I first started producing videos. And most importantly, he was one of the nicest guys I have ever meet.

From Pixels to Plastic: 8-Bit RoboCop Figure by NECA Toys

Join me for an early look at the next figure in NECA’s NES inspired action figures! It’s 8-Bit RoboCop!

The Videocade Commentaries – Ep. 022 – The Night Before Cave Christmas

Merry Christmas one and all! It’s time for another retro-iffic installment of The Videocade Commentaries!

For the Love of Toys!