
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classic Collection Bebop Figure Video Review

Continuing on with the new Classic Collection figures, it’s time to take a look at the brand new Bebop from Playmates Toys!




  • Wrestlingsbest says:

    Hey Dan. I wish Playmates gets the ball rolling with Classic Collection. Maybe they will never be like MOTUC but they can also do great variants outside the vintage list of 1988-1995. Like for instance the TMNT arcade game was based off the Fred Wolf look we all love the best. So wouldn't it be cool to not just get the original purple Foot Soldier but also different colors like in the TMNT arcade game from yellow, red, brown etc with those different weapons used. If this was mattel we would of already had a Rock Soldiers of Dimension X & General Traag. I love the Playmates mold better for TMNT so not saying I want mattel to ever get the property bc it's already in scale with that line imo. But I understand distribution is much slower bc we are at the beginning stages & hopefully they think outside the box I mean Shell more.

    • Pixel Dan says:

      There are many figures I would love to see in the TMNT Classics line, but they definitely are operating much differently with Classics. It's going to continue to stay slow and steady, it seems. Bebop and Rocksteady are all we get this year. Next year is the Movie 1 Turtles. Probably won't get anything else until the year following that, and that's only if they continue to sell well.

      So really, this should show us how lucky we've been with MOTU Classics. 🙂

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