
MattyCollector SDCC 2013 Exclusives Reveals Day 1: MOTU Classics Rokkon & Stonedar

Mattel is slowing revealing their 2013 San Diego Comic Con exclusives over the course of the next five days. The first reveal is quite a doozy, as the SDCC Exclusive Masters of the Universe Classics figure set has been announced as Stonedar and Rokkon, The Comet Warriors!

From MattyCollector.com:

The Comet Warriors have arrived! This 2-pack of vintage MOTU Rockmen figures includes the young and excitable Rokkon™ and the wise and heroic Stonedar™. Recreate the Filmation look with snap-on arm and leg armor, or go bold(er) and transform into full rock mode with the additional snap-on front piece! Each figure also comes with trademark laser gun that they can hold, or can be snapped into chest. These figures, sculpted by the Four Horsemen, come in window box packaging and are not part of Club Eternia.

This product will be available for pre-order at MattyCollector.com on June 4, 2013, to be picked up at San Diego Comic-Con (details to come). It will also be available for purchase at the show, then at MattyCollector.com on August 5, 2013.

Pixel Dan’s thoughts: Seeing as how I’m a big fan of the Go-Bots Rock Lords figure line, you can imagine that I’ve also always had a fondness for the vintage Comet Warriors figures from MOTU. This is a pretty exciting announcement, since I think most folks didn’t think we’d be seeing these guys anytime soon because of all of the unique tooling required.

This also plays perfectly into the notion that Mattel is going to focus primarily on the Vintage figures in the coming year, and this set is sure to be received by fans much better than last year’s Vykron. I’m sure some collectors will be slightly worried about not getting a set of these classic characters since they are exclusive to SDCC, but the good news is that these will also be available on MattyCollector.com after the convention. If the past is any indication, these guys really shouldn’t be too hard to get a hold of. At least, not any harder than the usual MOTU Classics figure. I know, not exactly easy. But not impossible. *cough*HasbroExclusives*cough*

So yep, I’m excited for this one! I hope we eventually get a Granita to accompany Stonedar and Rokkon, but I’m happy to see these two as is.



  • vistachino says:

    Wow! THese came out of left field for me! and transforming no less. Awesome Mattel, Thank you! As you said Dan, hopefully they will be fairly easy to get.


    • Burgl3cut says:

      Wow! I too am guilty of thinking that Mattel was going to backburner these guys until the last minute. This is very encouraging that they are listening to customer comments and may even improve in other areas where dissatisfaction has been evident.

  • Master_Beas says:

    These were two of my favorite figures as a kid. Hope I can get my hands on one on Aug 5th. Also I am curious about the fans reaction is going to be about it being a SDCC Ex. It is always mixed….. Orko – He is a Fan Favorite why is he an exclusive. / Vykron – Who is he why is he an Exclusive. So I can't wait to see what they say this year.

  • Oswaldoworld says:

    So excited to see these guys and I hope we see another MOTUC SDCC exclusive this week. Preferably a more obscure character like Eldor! As much as I love my vintage Rokkon and Stonedar sculpts I do like they way these guys look minus the snap on parts. I was hoping to see them 100% new sculpts and be able to transform easily but these guys are looking fine. Can't wait for a review on these guys, Dan!

  • allfellfromsky says:

    Hey Dan how are you? listen I have a favor to ask, if you get to do another Roast Gooble Dinner podcast with Scott before SDCC, can you please ask him why Rokkon and Stonedar are missing the little strap detail above their knee caps on the final figures. You can see that detail on the figures on the picture next to the bios on the back of the packaging. The vintage figures had that detail and to be honest that little detail makes them look much better, especially after seeing the detail on the figures on the back of the package. 100 percent AWESOME!!!! Thank You Dan!!!!

  • jeevesosiris says:

    These figures look great I gotta say!

  • calciferboheme says:

    Looks like I need to start setting aside money for the Matty exclusives.

  • Motuportugal says:

    The way mattel design team changed the rock attachments from perferct to that and since rokkon is my most wanted figure (my mosquitor) I wont even try to get one and I'm done with this line now! What a dissapointment… They totaly screwed up the 4h wonderful work on my favorite figures… Even the new extended sculpt on the rock attachments are crapy and I bet they where changed inside mattel! Very bad move… Lost a costumer that would stick with the line until the very end collecting every released figure… Bye MOTUC

    • Pixel Dan says:

      I'm a little bummed we lost the straps on the legs as well, but it's not a deal breaker for me. I'm glad we're getting their ray guns, and I also love that the rock attachments for each figure are completely unique tooling. I was worried they'd just share rock parts even though the vintage figures had different designs, so I'm glad they are unique from one another.

      But I totally get if a character is your "Mosquitor" and you're disappointed with how he turned out. Sorry man! 🙁

  • Frequincy says:

    I think they look great. I'm really glad Mattel is trying to get 'core characters' out next year and this announcement seems like a clear indication. I still love this line.

  • TMC1984 says:

    these are AWESOME !!!

    pure vintage, pure classics !!! …

    they're gonna make neat desk-display items too, in rock form!! …

    now i gotta look sharp on august 5th! these are going to fly off the store …

  • Oswaldoworld says:

    I pulled out my vintage Stonedar and Rokkon figures the other night from my MOTU storage down below. I always loved their guns and how they plug into the armor on both figures. I actually prefer displaying them with the guns in chest when they're in figure form even though that option seems to be for when they are in rock formation. They're truly unique MOTU figures and I hope we see Granita sometime soon.

    After watching Scott's latest clip on the these two I love how the rock armor pops into the elbow joints and I'm guessing this is the same for the knee joints. I was a little concerned at first the armor might not clip on securely but it seems the Classics team has really thought this one through. I love Toyguru's little teasers but I can't wait for your review on these guys!

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