Thursday, July 3rd, 2014 by Pixel Dan
So Analog has an awesome new Kickstarter campaign to fund their newest figure Mega-Bit! Similar to last years 10-Doh! mini figure, Mega-Bit is designed after a retro video game cartridge. This time around, SEGA has fully licensed the product, meaning Mega-Bit is shaped like a Sega Genesis cartridge with actual Genesis game art labels!
Clcik through for detaisl and pics, and then consider backing this new Kickstarter campaign!
Wednesday, May 9th, 2012 by Pixel Dan

Thanks to a plug by my friend Poe Ghostal, I found this incredibly cool site that I felt I also needed to share. is a site dedicated completely to the Sega Pocket Power toyline that was released by Tyco in the late 80’s /early 90’s.
This is one of those toy lines that I had mostly forgotten all about, but always remember when I accidentally stumble upon pictures of the Thunder Blade Helicopter or the infamous Glo-Bones.
I remember always wanting many of these as a kid. Especially that Glo-Bones. Unfortunately, I never had him or most of the toys in this unique toy line. However, it turns out that I did have one, and I never even knew it was part of this line. At least, I didn’t remember that it was part of this line.