
Mega-Bit – Officially licensed figures inspired by Sega Genesis

So Analog has an awesome new Kickstarter campaign to fund their newest figure Mega-Bit! Similar to last years 10-Doh! mini figure, Mega-Bit is designed after a retro video game cartridge. This time around, SEGA has fully licensed the product, meaning Mega-Bit is shaped like a Sega Genesis cartridge with actual Genesis game art labels!

Clcik through for detaisl and pics, and then consider backing this new Kickstarter campaign!


From So Analog:

So Analog is a brand I developed to bring life back into the long dead forms of technology that many of us grew up with. In my world, R.I.P. stands for Retro Inspired Products.

Sega approached me at San Diego Comic Con in 2013. So, Mega-Bit has been on a long development path. You can read up on the history here.

Doing officially licensed product has a variety of challenges. So, when Sega approached me for a 2nd time, I had to reevaluate the situation. It’s taken almost a full year to get to this point, but we were finally able to come up with a deal that works for both of us.

Head on over to the Mega-Bit Kickstarter page and consider backing this awesome new project!

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