
MOTU Classics Mosquitor Dissected

My buddy Phill Naval was brave enough to take apart the armor on his new Masters of the Universe Classics Mosquitor figure to see just how the blood chamber was handled!

Turns out the translucent red piece of plastic actually has the very small bubbles sculpted on the inner side! I had mentioned in my video that I wasn’t sure if these were actual air bubbles, and thus if they would vary from figure to figure. This seems to prove that they should be identical on each figure. After seeing this, I will say that I sort of wish there were a few more bubbles sculpted on.

Aside from this, get a load of that detailed sculpt and paint job on the actual chest that’s below the red plate! Wow! That looks quite disgusting…I LOVE it! It’s sort of a shame that all of that detail is lost under the red plate.

Click through for a few more pictures. VERY special thanks to Phill for doing what I wasn’t brave enough to do, and send pictures for everyone to see!




  • Adam Thompson says:

    Looks kinda like the guyver.

  • Makes Mosquitor look more… juicy.

  • OrobasArt says:

    Hay Dan new commenter long time fan. I got a Mosquitor after watching your review and the right hand ripped off and this is even after doing the hot & cold trick AND lubricating them with vitamin e oil. Now I'm reading others are having the same problem. I loved this character growing up and really wanted this figure, but these gummy cheap materials killed it, so I'm return and not getting another. Do you think they will fix it latter on when it's re-release or the gummy hands will stay?

    • ADPriceless says:

      I'm yet to receive my Mosquitor yet (intl shipping) but this is a bit disappointing to hear. I doubt that he will be up for a re-release any time soon if at all.

  • Wow, that detail underneath looks great! All that great sculpting and even additional deco is lost under the red plastic.

    But my bigger concern is, on both my Mosquitors, the wrists are tearing.

    Dan, can you fully rotate your Mosquitor's wrist 360 degrees without tearing the peg off?

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For the Love of Toys!