
Diamond Select C2E2 2012 Exclusive Battle Beasts MiniMate Figure Review

Battle Beasts! That has been a HOT word as of late! Diamond Select has finally announced their upcoming line of Battle Beasts MiniMates, and kicked the line off with a translucent red Ram exclusive figure at the 2012 Chicago Comics and Entertainment Expo.

Join me for a look at this new figure from the line that doesn’t have anything to do with the vintage Battle Beasts toy line from Hasbro other than the name itself!




  • King Kaiju says:

    Why didn't you compare him to the last C2E2 Battle Beast?

    • Pixel Dan says:

      I couldn't find him…heh. He's down in my basement in a box somewhere. 🙁

      • that happens to me all the time. i've seriously gotta plough through my totes and boxes and finally do a real display. goal is to paint the walls in one room to authentic looking backgrounds for my core group: MOTU (1st, always), Transformers, GI Joe, star wars. also want to set them all up in dioramma/ action style and avoid the lined up rows as much as i can. Voltron will also be there. wish me luck!

  • Mindless-focus says:

    aNd here's the new takara Beast Fight figures: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.4074577

    not sure why everything is in upper case. my caps lock is off.

    • Pixel Dan says:

      It's my comment system. I'm trying to fix it.
      Takara's Beast Fighters have me much more excited right now. I've already got a bunch on pre-order!

  • fball13z says:

    I cant wait to see these painted, but yeah the Takara stuff has got me very excited and i already have way too much on preorder lol

  • […] Dan has a review of Diamond Select’s exclusive Battle Beast figure from […]

  • PAT says:

    Like you said, it's got nothing to do with the vintage Battle Beasts but it's gonna be cool. What worries me most about these ones are the legs articulations. The figure really looks awkward because of that.

    Thanks for the review !

    • Pixel Dan says:

      Agreed. Also, the legs seem so much skinnier than the upper body, since its mostly just the MiniMates legs, and the toros has a special piece over the MiniMates torso. The upper body just seems so much bigger.

  • Talyn says:

    Another great review man. I agree on all points, much more looking forward to Beast Saga.

  • He-Maniac says:

    I wasn't interested in these at all until I saw this review. Giving these a bump in interest now. Not sold on them yet though.

  • Frequincy says:

    I think I'll seek out the Beast Formers instead.

  • Stink-e says:

    Hmmmmm…..I don't understand why they're called "Battle Beasts" if they have nothing to do with the original "battle Beasts" ??? How can they even do that? I assume the patent on the original line called "Battle Beasts" must have expired, and they're looking to piggy back of their success? Just doesn't seem right, or ethical to me. That would be like a company starting up a line called "Inhumanoids" and making monster figs.
    I'm going to reserve judgement until I see the comics and the finished, painted figs. I was really expecting these to be the Wood, Water, Fire, theme like we had in the old days. I thought that was really cool, cuz you didn't know what team they were on until you opened them up and rubbed the sticker.
    Thanks for posting this and clarifying what the line actually is.

    Keep smiling Dan!!

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