
Battle Beasts and Beastformers make comebacks

Diamond Select Toys has finally made an announcement about the future of their Battle Beasts line. For the fast couple of years, DST has been giving away free Battle Beasts MiniMates at various conventions, but never made an official announcement for an actual toy line.

News was finally released that the new Battle Beasts MiniMates toy line kicks off at this weekend’s C2E2 convention in Chicago with this exclusive translucent red Ram figure!

In addition, DST has announced a partnership with IDW to produce a brand new Battle Beasts mini series!

From BattleBeast.com: “We are thrilled to have found a partner in IDW, a company that understands toy fans just as well as they understand comic book fans,” said director of Diamond Select Toys Chuck Terceira. “Their experience with licensed comic books — and with the dedicated fan bases they write for on a monthly basis — is proof that the Battle Beasts brand is in the right hands, and we look forward to working with them for this mini-series, and, hopefully, beyond!”

  Now one thing to remember is that DST owns the Battle Beasts in name only! So these will not really have any connection to the old Hasbro toy line, which means we probably won’t see any of the original characters and we definitely will not be getting Water-Wood-Fire rub signs.

Now if you prefer those original Battle Beasts figures, then you may be more interested in Takara’s recent announcement that they are bringing back Beastformers, which was the name of the original Battle Beasts across the pond.

There isn’t much info on these new Beastformers figures yet, but we do have some prototype images courtesy of Dragonautes 2010. These do look to be a little more in-line with the vintage figures. I’m pretty excited to find out more about these, and am keeping my fingers crossed that they won’t cost too much to import to the U.S.


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