
Tag: SDCC 2012

BifBangPow Venture Bros SDCC Exclusive Brock Samson Bloody Variant Figure Review

Sponsored Review: For a great selection of action figures including Venture Bros, be sure to visit FantasticPlasticToys.com

The new Venture Bros. toy line form BifBangPow kicked off with an exclusive offered by Entertainment Earth at the 2012 San Diego Comic Con!

Join me for a look at the Bloody Variant of Brock Samson!

Marvel Universe SDCC Exclusive Super Hellicarrier Playset Review

For the latest in Marvel collecting news, be sure to visit MarvelousNews.com daily!

Hasbro was all about the oversized exclusives at this 2012 San Diego Comic Con! Upping the ante of one of their already large playsets comes the Marvel Universe Super Hellecarrier!

The Super Hellecarrier adds 12″ in length to the retail version of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Hellecarrier, making the playset measure a massive 4 feet in length! While still not to scale with your 3.75″ Marvel Universe figures, that’s still quite a large playset for this day in age.

Join me for an in-depth look at this large playset to find out how this looks displayed with your Marvel Universe action figures!

Star Wars SDCC Exclusive Carbon Freezing Chamber Lost Line Figure Review

For the latest in Star Wars collecting news, be sure to visit JediInsider.com

Each year at San Diego Comic Con, Hasbro seems to try an up the ante of their Star Wars exclusive. This year continued that trend with the release of the Carbon Freezing Chamber “Lost Line” figure set!

This set includes 6 Star Wars action figures representing each of the movies in the Saga. Each figure comes on an exclusive “chase” cardback featuring some “lost” artwork that Kenner almost used for the vintage toy line. In addition, this set also includes the exclusive Jar Jar Binks frozen in carbonite figure that you can only get with this set!

So sit back, relax, and join me for an exhaustive look at this very cool box set!

Icon Heroes SDCC Exclusive ThunderCats MiniMates Figure Review

One of the surprise exclusives at the 2012 San Diego Comic Con was this ThunderCats MiniMates set from Diamond Select and Icon Heroes!

This set includes MiniMates versions of Lion-O, Panthro, Jaga, Mumm-Ra, and Snarf!

Join me for a look at this very cool piece of ThunderCats merchandise! Video after the jump!

Pixel Dan on Toy Break reporting from SDCC

While at San Diego Comic Con, I had the priveledge and the honor of making a guest appearance on Toy Break’s SDCC 2012 Special Delivery episode! Doing what I do best, I give a run-down of Mattel’s upcoming Masters of the Universe Classics figures! Check it out! There’s a lot of other cool stuff to see as well! Video after the jump!

SDCC 2012: Masters of the Universe Classics Reveals Images

By now you all know what Mattel revealed for the rest of 2012 and beginning of 2013 for Masters of the Universe Classics.

So, check out this gallery of over 100 images from the Mattel display!

Then, head over to MattyCollector.com and Subscribe to the 2013 line-up! 🙂

Click through for the image gallery!

SDCC 2012: Voltron and Voltron Year One Comics Interview with Brandon Thomas

This one is a rare, non-toy related interview from me.But seeing as how I am a Voltron fan, I just could not pass up the opportunity to talk to Brandon Thomas, writer of the current Voltron and Voltron: Year One books from Dynamite Comics!

So sit back and hear about the inspiration behind the current Voltron books, and maybe get a sneak peek at where the stories are headed!

Video after the jump!

For the Love of Toys!