
Tag: Blind Bag

Pixel Dan’s Blind Bag Mini Figure Madness Ep. 17 – So Many Toys!

Welcome to a MASSIVE new episode of Blind Bag Madness! Hope you guys are prepared, because this is an almost hour-long epic of an episode! Yikes!

We couldn’t help it! Our awesome viewers sent us so many awesome toys, and we had to open them all! So our apologies if this episode is too long and boring, but we couldn’t help it! We love opening new toys!

So join Stina and I as we open SO MANY TOYS, such as:
-Monster Marbles
-Trash Pack Series 1, 2, and 3
-GoGo’s Crazy Bones
-Littlest Pet Shop
-Disney and Marvel Squinkies
-Disney Vinylmation
-Moshi Monsters
-Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

Wowwee Monster Marbles Series 1.1 Video Review

This is the 6th Video in Phantom Dan’s 13 days of Halloween Toy Reviews!

Monster Marbles! A brand new blind bag mini figure series that are starting to his stores!

Join me for a look at these cool new toys!


Pixel Dan’s Blind Bag Mini Figure Madness Ep. 16 – Suine Hallock is Here!

Welcome to the sixteenth installment of Blind Bag Madness! Crazy…we’ve done 16 of these?!

In this episode, Pixel Dan and Stina are joined by their friend Suine Hallock of http://www.HouseofHallock.com ! The gang has a lot of cool toys to open up today, including:
-Playmobile Figures
-LEGO Mini Figures Series 7
-Puppy in my Pocket
-Polly Pocket
-Filly Elves
-Trash Pack Series 1 from Germany
-Kinder Eggs
-My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
-Littlest Pet Shop (Target Exclusive)
-Predasaurs: DNA Fusion

Pixel Dan’s Blind Bag Mini Figure Madness Ep. 15 – Beast Saga

Sponsored Review: If you want to add some Beast Saga figures to your collection, then head on over to BigBadToyStore,com!

Welcome to another episode of Blind Bag Madness! Today, I’m opening up some of the brand new Blind Boxes from Takara Tomy’s Beast Saga toy line!

These new figures are imported from Japan, and are the new, updated version of the Beastformers/Battle Beast toy line! So let’s rip open some of these brand new blind boxed items and see what’s inside!

Pixel Dan’s Blind Bag Mini Figure Madness Ep. 14 – Vinylmation and Trash Pack Series 3

Welcome to the 14th episode of that show where a toy geek and his wife open up toys!

We’ve got a pretty cool batch of toys to open up today, some of which are new items we’ve never had before!

In this episode, we’ll be opening:

-Trash Pack Series 1 Blind Bags
-New Super Mario Bros Wii Danglers
-XBox 360 Halo Avatar
-My Little Pony FIM series 2
-Littlest Pet Shop Cutest Blind Bag
-Lala Loopsy Blind Bag
-Transformers Kre-O Blind Bag
-Disney Vinlymation Villains
-Trash Pack Series 3 5-Pack

Once again, we’d like to thank our awesome viewers who went out of their way to send us goodies to open up!

Pixel Dan’s Blind Bag Mini Figure Madness Ep. 13 – The all-pony, special guest installment

Attention: This episode is dedicated to all the Bronies out there!

Pixel Dan sits this episode out, as Stina takes over the show! Stina welcomes a special guest: friend Ricky, also known as Slave2EvilLynn on the He-Man.org forums!

Stina and Ricky share a love for the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic blind bag toys, so that is what this episode is all about!

So be prepared for a trip to Equstria with Stina, Ricky, and Battle Derpy! And if MLP isn’t your thing, don’t hate! There will be another episode of Blind Bag Madness up soon!

Pixel Dan on Toy Break episode 234

Episode 234

While in California for Power-Con, I had the opportunity to visit my good friends George and Ayleen Gaspar of October Toys, who asked me to be a special guest on Toy Break!

In this episode, we review MOTUC Mekaneck, open some blind bag Predasaurs: DNA fusion figures, and check out the new Weaponeers of Monkaa from Spy Monkey Creations!

It was an absolute blast and an honor to appear on this fantastic show! Make sure to check out the episode, and if you don’t already watch regularly, let this be your introduction! Toy Break is a show you all should be watching!

Special thanks to my friends George and Ayleen once again for having me on!


Pixel Dan’s Blind Bag Mini Figure Madness #12 – The “Oh Noes!” Edition

Welcome to everyone’s favorite show about opening toys on camera…Blind Bag Mini Figure Madness!

We have dubbed this episode the “Oh Noes!” edition for many reasons. This episode was filmed last week. then, the footage was accidentally erased during a file transfer! So, we had to shoot again even though everything was already opened. Then during the reshoot, one of the lights blew out so we had to shoot with only one light, and we have audio issues resulting in static from time to time. It’s like this episode was DOOMED from the beginning!
Nonetheless, we hope you still in enjoy it!

Pixel Dan’s Blind Bag Mini Figure Madness #11 – Zag Toys NitroMites Giveaway Edition

UPDATE: The contest has ended. All winners have been slected and notified! Thanks to everyone who took the time to enter, and stay tuned for more giveaways from Pixel-Dan.com!

It’s time for another edition of Pixel Dan’s Blind Bag Mini Figure Madness!

Today is a special episode! Zag Toys has supplied me with some of their brand new Blind Bags featuring their NitroMites!

So join me as I open up a few packs, then get ready to win some for yourself! That’s right! Thanks to Zag Toys, you can enter to win NitroMites for yourself!

Video after the jump!

Pixel Dan’s Blind Bag Mini Figure Madness #10

It’s what you’ve all been waiting for! Time for another episode of Blind Bag Mini Figure Madness!

Mr and Mrs Pixel have quite a haul today! Join them for the opening of several brand new mini figures!

In today’s episode, we’re opening:

  • -LEGO Team GB Olympics Mini Figures
  • -Marvel Mega Bloks
  • -DC Heroics
  • -Disney Squinkies
  • -Trash Packs Series 2
  • -MLP Friendship is Magic Series 2
  • -Halo Mega Bloks

Special thanks to Dylan, Pat, Ricky, and our sponsor FantasticPlasticToys.com

For the Love of Toys!