
Pixel Dan on Toy Break episode 234

Episode 234

While in California for Power-Con, I had the opportunity to visit my good friends George and Ayleen Gaspar of October Toys, who asked me to be a special guest on Toy Break!

In this episode, we review MOTUC Mekaneck, open some blind bag Predasaurs: DNA fusion figures, and check out the new Weaponeers of Monkaa from Spy Monkey Creations!

It was an absolute blast and an honor to appear on this fantastic show! Make sure to check out the episode, and if you don’t already watch regularly, let this be your introduction! Toy Break is a show you all should be watching!

Special thanks to my friends George and Ayleen once again for having me on!




  • Jesús Santillán says:

    very ugly toys.:(

    • @fireball13z says:

      The Spy monkey toys? they are freakin amazing and tons of fun!

    • joe says:

      Beauty is in the eye of the beholder they say. Bummer you don't like these toys, I think they look great. My last toy purchase was the chogokin Going Merry from One Piece and it is insanely detailed, screen accurate, and filled with tons of extras. I love it, but sometimes I just want a toy to be a toy, fun, cheap, hand candy. These guys are on the opposite end of the spectrum from the Going Merry, but I find something appealing in their simple, blocky, retro looks.

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For the Love of Toys!