
SDCC 2012: Mattel Voltron Interview with Scott “ToyGuru” Neitlich

Join me as I sit down with Scott “ToyGuru” Neitlich at the 2012 San Diego Comic Con to discuss Voltron! Included is an up-close look at the fully formed Classics Voltron, as well as some information about Voltron Force and the possible future of the line. Are we getting anything else after this subscription? Watch to see what Mattel has to say!

Video after the jump!




  • Lex says:

    Scott seems like a really nice guy. No idea who that girl was who stole Voltron… but I wish she would come and steal me next…

  • PAT says:

    Agree, Scott seems so nice. I like him very much and I'm sure no one else could be a better manager for MOTUC. Thanks for this interview Dan.

  • Mr Dobalina says:

    Freaking awesome, ow man, that thing is beatiful, look at the size :O, I will most definetly get that one.
    I used to so obsessed with Voltron back in the days.
    It will be perfect on display hehe, still have my original Lionbot boxed.

    Also the MOTUC line keeps on amazing me, I missed out on some, but will get em all.
    That Horde Prime fig also blew me away…
    You guys are doing such a great job maintaining childhood magic.


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