
Mattel The Watchmen Rorschach Figure Video Review

Who watches the Watchmen? Well…I’ve got a review! Does that count?

Mattel’s new line of DCUC styled Watchmen figures are here! Join me for a look at the first figure from Club Black Freighter, the masked vigilante known as Rorschach!







  • SuperSaint says:

    I really wanted to pick this guy up. I neglected to get the subscription and now regret it. I just couldn’t justify picking him up individually and paying $35 for one figure shipped. Sadly, I misunderstood the early access jargon and thought it meant I’d get early access to everything for sale on the day of instead of MOTUC extras. So I pass on the watchmen sub under false pretenses…

    Pixel Dan- any thought in cutting open the coat to gain more range of motion on the legs?

    • Pixel Dan says:

      You could. It's soft enough that it would be easy to cut. But it's sculpted in a way that it's overlapping, as a closed coat. So it might look a little odd.

  • Patrick S. says:

    Oh yeah!!! This is a dream line for me, can't wait to get mine!!! Great Review!!

  • @fireball13z says:

    I got mine today and my god I have been waiting years for a comic watchmen line!

    • Pixel Dan says:

      Right there with you, man. It's one of my favorite comics, so I am stoked to finally get propert comic-styled action figures of these characters!

  • Binks says:

    The Watchmen movie gets a bad rap! Everytime it was on HBO I always watched it and it got better with each viewing. The packaging for this line is brilliant!

    • Pixel Dan says:

      Amen brother. The Watchmen is still one of my favorite comic book films. Love it!

      • I was kind of iffy on the theatrical version. However, have you seen the "Ultimate Cut"?

        It is all kinds of awesome.

        I don't often sub, as I don't have a lot of extra cash, but at only 6 figs, you can bet your butt that I subbed to this line. I LOVE Watchmen!

  • Calcifer says:

    I got him right at noon and was fortunate to have a smooth time on the site. I also picked up a couple of WWE legends to save on shipping, so that was nice. I'll probably try to have enough money for at least two figures every time one of these will come out for that reason.

    Watchmen is one of my favorite comics of all time. I'v actually been making custom mighty muggs of the main characters for one of my best friends, one a year. I've done Rorschach, Nit Owl, Dr.Manhattan, and The Comedian so far. I'm thinking of finishing it out this year and giving her two presents though, so I can move on 😛

    They really nailed this figure though, and the packaging looks really cool. I really can't wait to get the entire set. I hope we get prototypes of the next ones after Dr. Manhattan at Toy Fair.

    • Pixel Dan says:

      Very cool about your custom Mighty Muggs!

      I also hope we see some new reveals at Toy Fair. I imagine we will.

  • I would love to see this line continue next year and give us the Minutemen.

  • Buzz Chuck says:

    Did he come out of the "plastic shell" without damaging it? I was worried about crushing or deforming the white plastic taking him and the base out.

    • Pixel Dan says:

      He popped out with ease, and no damage. He can fit right back in just fine. Now I'm sure if he is repeatedly removed and put back in, it could wear out the plastic over time. But so far it's good!

  • Dankone says:

    I was pleasantly surprised by the packaging! Didn't see any reveals on it. Really well done.

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