
Kenner 1994 Alien vs Predator 2-Pack Figure Review

It’s time for a Retro Review!

With the new film Prometheus hitting theaters in the U.S. today, I thought it would be fun to take a look at a classic Alien action figure!

So join me for a look at the Alien vs Predator 2-pack released in 1994 from Kenner! Video after the jump!





  • Eddie3429 says:

    Love these retro reviews. Thinking of getting these as i believe they are as close to movie accurate as this line comes??? (little help)

    I did laugh when dan said the aliens were better know as xenomorphs ? i know thats what they are but to me they will always be aliens !

    5 stars, keep it up dan, loving this new site

    • Pixel Dan says:

      LOL…I guess I assumed all the fans of the film would refer to them mostly as Xenomorphs. If I didn't, I'd be under attack! 😉

      Yeah, these definitely seem to be the most screen accurate of the Kenner lines, I believe. That's the reason I picked up this set myself.

  • Brad says:

    The Predators have been referred to as the “YautJa” and the “Hish” in Expanded Universe Material, as well.

  • Poe Ghostal says:

    I've got these figures in my closet right now. I had 'em as a kid, and tracked down some MOC new ones a few months back. These came out just a little too late for me to really appreciate them as I would have when I was 10 or 11 years old.

    • Pixel Dan says:

      Awesome! I was the same. I was 12 when this particular set came out, and approaching my "too cool for toys stage." So I completely missed these as a kid. After opening up this set for this video, I'm very much interested in picking up some more. Heh.

  • Frequincy says:

    I have a MOC version of this I picked up new in highschool. The Kenner line is awesome!

  • pancuco says:

    I'm digging your reviews PD!I just recently received a 92 Kenner Lt. Ripley figure from a fellow blogger and i just love it!This review has me wanting to pick up some more 90's Kenner awesomeness 😉

  • razorsedge660r says:

    i loved these figures growing up i still got them, i love the predators from series two, stalker, spiked tail, and clan leader, you should def do reviews on them, and your right it was weird that they made toys out of these rated " r" movies, but the did that with robocop too

  • razorsedge660r says:

    after seeing Prometheus this weekend, how cool would it have been to get a kenner style engineer/space jockey, i would love to have one of those

  • […] line in the early 1990s. The best regular Alien in that line was the one from the Aliens vs. Predator 2-pack; it was based on the first film’s […]

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For the Love of Toys!