
The Roger Sweet Trio comes to SDCC as MOTUC Vykron

Mattel has finally revealed their 2012 San Diego Comic Con exclusives. Fans have been chomping at the bit for quite some time, speculating on what we may be seeing.

The goofy looking trio you see above is the Masters of the Universe Classics exclusive known as Vykron. At least, the barbarian guy is Vyrkon. I’m unsure yet if the other two have been given official names. But in a nutshell, it’s one figure that includes three outfits: a barbarian, a military man, and a space man.

For those in the know, you will immediately recognize what this is. But it seems that there are a lot of fans and collectors out there that are completely thrown off by this exclusive. Many seem to not know what these odd looking figures represent.

To many fans, these figures have been known as the “Roger Sweet Trio.” Back when Mattel was trying to create a new boys toy line, Roger Sweet created three prototypes for a proposed new line. He-Man, as proposed by Roger, was going to be an “every” man. He could be a barbarian, a military soldier, or a space traveler. These three prototypes are some of the earliest roots of the toy line that eventually became Masters of the Universe.

After the line got the green light, it was then Mark Taylor’s designs who helped shape the more barbarian, swords and sorcery feel of Eternia. And a hit toy line was born.

With this being the 30th Anniversary of Masters of the Universe, I personally feel that this is one of the coolest and most fitting exclusives we could have received. Not to mention this is a perfect candidate for a Con exclusive, in the sense that it’s not really a major character that everyone will feel like they need. Fans should feel comfortable passing on this one if they don’t like it.

I know it’s obscure, and yes, the designs are goofy. But I love it for that very reason. I’ve always been a sucker for concept figures as well, and there’s just something so cool about these three original prototypes from Roger Sweet being made into actual action figures. Plus, you pair these up with the already release Vikor and Demo-Man, which were based on Mark Taylor’s concept art, and we’ve got ourselves a group of action figures that represent the creation of Masters of the Universe.

The overall reaction to this new exclusive by the fan base has been very mixed. It seems there are quite a few people who are outright upset or disappointed that this is the exclusive. To be honest, I’m completely baffled by that. I understand that this is obscure, and many fans may not even realize who these characters are. I also realize that there are some who do know what they are, but still don’t want them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course. But I will stand by my statement that these are the perfect exclusive for the 30th Anniversary. And I will be very happy to add these to my shelf.

So, how about you guys?Love? Hate? Don’t care? I’d like to know your thoughts!

If you’d like to get a look at the original Roger Sweet Trio, check out my video on The Power and The Honor Foundation Catalog.


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This trio is a better item then something that was in she-ra once, and only in prototype for toys in the 80's. I don't mind this too much.
...I guess it's cool for what it is, but zero interest from me personally in regard to purchasing it.
I know what the roger sweet trio is but am not digging this exclusive at all. the head sculpt on vykron looks super ******ed and i wont even talk about the tank suit.
2 replies · active 673 weeks ago
PAtrick S.'s avatar

PAtrick S. · 673 weeks ago

I am very excited about this and I will 100% be getting this!!!!
ericthelegoman's avatar

ericthelegoman · 673 weeks ago

I mean it looks ok! But! The space SuiT looks super generic it likes a DOLLAR StorE toy and the tank sUit looks Plane out Dumb. i look at It as a protoType figure and thats it. vikor fitS in this line way better thEn this thing does! Im just saying i dont like it and i donT hate it.
I'm REALLY digging them. It's an original idea in terms of the line and motuc release! They're in a class of their own (like Vikor & demo Man)! Shocking that some aren't liking 'em.
Love it
Modern military firearms in MOTU? Silly helmets? Phallus Tank head? I love the fun stuff done on this line, but I'm having a hard time liking these outfits. They just don't seem to fit with the rest of the MOTU Classics look. Other than the buck, this could be a different toy line. At this point I'm a little disappointed. This is the first time I 'm not on board. I understand the stuff as long as they look like Masters Universe stuff. This seems to miss the mark.
Oops, Supposed to be - I understand the "fun" stuff
i admit when I first saw them, I was like "Really? Those guys?" But then I thought, "For a Con Exclusive, they're perfect." Like you said, an easy pass for casual fans. Then I looked at them a bit closer, and I realized they're a customizer's goldmine! I will definitely be getting one of these.
After an initial reaction of "Huh?" from me, it's growing on me a bit. I had seen the prototypes before, but they never really struck a chord with me and I had forgotten about them. In the end, I like the barbarian version (minus the DEVO helmet). the other two... not so much. I'll get one for custom fodder, though.

I think if I have any real disappointment it's that this is a character that only hardcore fans will recognize, and I don't think it really stands out on it's own as something "MOTU." SDCC is where you try to bring NEW BLOOD into a line and create interest, and unlike people who are already buying the MOTUC line (and not even all of them), your casual fan isn't likely to connect to this figure.

I think they should have done a Filmation He-Man/Skelly two-pack, and I'm not even a big Filmation backer (Give me a Filmation He-Man and Skelly, and I don't care about the rest). You know, something to make your casual fan (who may not be aware of the Classics line) who sees it at SDCC go "WOW! it's He-man," or something to that effect. since so many "vocal but few" fans really seem to hate anything Filmation, it would still be an easy pass for them, but would still be something that would get NEW people's attention. I personally think that Vykron is kind of cool (the barbarian one, anyway), but your average SDCC goer is probably going to think "WTF is that?"

This is just my opinion, of course, and I actually like the figure OK, but I think they dropped the ball as far as generating new interest in the line. It seems like they never want NEW people to discover the brand/line, but are rather placating the existing fan-base instead, which is not a way to grow a line. It just stagnates it.
3 replies · active 673 weeks ago
burningsatellites's avatar

burningsatellites · 673 weeks ago

Great idea for hardcore He-Fans!
cheo JPares's avatar

cheo JPares · 673 weeks ago

I more interested in the early era of motu, so to me is a great figure pack. Would love to see Oo-lar also!!;)
I am thrilled with this choice. I love figures with INTERCHANGEABLE parts, this set is going to rock. I plan only getting one and I might try to track down some spare bucks to build the other two. I don't understand the anger this figure is causing in some people. The SDCC exclusive spot is the perfect spot to release a figure like this, it's outside the sub and nobody is forced to buy it if they don't want it. I get it if someone doesn't like the figure and want's to skip it, but to be angry that this is the SDCC exclusive is just crazy to me. (I'm not saying anyone here is angry, it's more what I have read on the org).
King Kaiju's avatar

King Kaiju · 673 weeks ago

I don't collect this line but Gods that tank guy is so dumb he's wonderful.
The only problem i will have is if i cant get 3 of these bad boys! I love it and i agree PD, these are perect for the 30th of motu.

I know with every announcement there will be people that will complain, but some are just going to far with the complaining on this. I could have at least understood a little bit more if they were in the sub, but they are not.

I even saw someone post, this pack is the begnning of th eend of the motuc line lol drama queens if you ask me
There is a reason these never made it past the prototype stage. They're horrible. Not every concept is meant to be made. Just seems like The cheapest way to make a new figure. PlaNe buck with accessorIes that dont look like they belong in the line. CustOmize what? Not whole lot of options here. The accessorIes wont mix well with normal MOTU armor or weapons. I think some Fans are mad because we look forward to a cool SDCC figure to add to our collection. I can't understand how these are cool. They don't look like Masters figures! Maybe the Barbarian, but then they smacked a wIerd punch bowl on his head. Yeah, awesome.
Eterniandreams's avatar

Eterniandreams · 673 weeks ago

They look just as goofy as a picture of vikor,Fearless Photog and syklone.
The Line is goofY.
I wanted to have the trio since i Saw the picture.
There are minor things i would have pRefered differently,
But i have that wiTh most figures.
Overall, i love them!!!
Ugliest Motu Toy 2012... and the cup goes to... VYKRON, YAY! -,-
Why they do this crappy protoforms for the 30th anniverarsy? WHAT on this Figures have something to do with masters of the universe? And why should I pay averaging 40 Euro/53 Dollar for this crap?

until today 75% of the 30th Anniversary Toyline sucks...

Fearless Lensbroke = wtf?
the mighty Specktor = poor coloured DC Deathstroke Clone
Draego-Man = the only good figure
SDCC exclusive Vykron = ugliest motu toy ever...
Sir Laserlot = omfg... kiddie knight toy...

I'm happy to have Draego-Man and ignore the rest of the 30th anniversary figures, cause I think the last two which are coming later this year looks crappy too. The Masters of the Universe doesn't deserveD a 30th anniversary like this...

the little point which is most bugging is: Mattel say the haven't enough budget to produce the Shield for Draego-Man, but the CAN do this whole crappy Items for Vykron? O...kay... they treat us!
1 reply · active 673 weeks ago
simply put; this figure is not for me ...

i'm in this line mainly for a nostalgia-trip, and since i never had this figure when i was younger - i have no connection to it ...

i think it's [U]great[/U] that mattel are creating these concept figures, if only to honour the origins of MOTU and increase the lines longevity - but i won't be buying vykron ...

even though this is based off of a he-man concept design, it's essentially a ''new'' figure - and i'm not in this for new designs/new concepts ... just give me vintage :) ...
Sciencefriction's avatar

Sciencefriction · 673 weeks ago

My initial reaction was shock, but after that wore off I found I was actually quite excited about this exclusive. i love the sculpts, and even though i think they could have made the snap on armor (especially the boots) look a bit more close fitting, it's still excellent. now i have to decide how many to get to open and how many to keep moc, lol.
After thinking more about this, it's clear that this entire 30th Anniv "celebration" is not a celebration of MOTU, but Mattel celebrating themselves. It's just a big Mattel ego trip! They're not "celebrating" the characters that ARE MOTU, they're celebrating the people that had something to do with it. Now that's just fine, but give those people a plaque at Mattel headquarters, a gold watch, but to pass of these concepts as MOTUC is getting to be a joke when the customers are screaming for Ram Man, POP, NA, more Snake Men and Horde; characters that actually WERE MOTU.
And now Scott (Toy Guru) is admitting he doesn't know what we want... no kidding?!?!
Maybe if he would spend more time doing his JOB instead of getting his own and his cronies designs made into figs that they're going to try and sell us, we wouldn't have all the QC issues we have!
I GUARANTEE the Mighty Spector will have NO issues such as reversed shoulders, jacked up forearms, etc...he'll be pristine and shipped on time!
Again, while it's nice to honor people that were integral to the origin of MOTU, this is not the way to do right by the customers who have been supporting this line for years now.
With this latest decision I'm convinced the line won't see 2015...hope I'm wrong.
....come on Pixel Dan... we all know you can' say anything TOO negative about anything MOTUC or you'll stop getting your figs for free. ;)
4 replies · active 673 weeks ago

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