
Sponsor Update: Nerd Rage Toys 4/29

Here’s a quick update from sponsor Nerd Rage Toys

Hey everyone!

It has been an eventful week, post Boston Comic Con. We have added a lot of great new items, both vintage and new!

GI Joe Retaliation Wave 2 up for Pre-Order!!

New to this wave is FireFly, Flint, and of course, new versions of Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, and Roadblock. Also in this assortment are a few familiar favorites. The GI Joe Trooper, Cobra Trooper, Red Ninja, and Cobra Commander are making their triumphant return. Follow the link below to jump to our GI Joe Retaliation Page.

GI Joe Retaliation Wave 1 is IN STOCK!

That’s right everyone, GI Joe Retaliation figures are IN STOCK! They are going quick though, so get them while you can. If you had a pre-order with us, than fear not. Your orders are shipping as we speak.

Be the first on the block to show off your sweet collection of GI Joe Retaliation toys.Follow the link below to jump to our GI Joe Retaliation Page. http://nerdragetoys.com/?page_id=184&shopp_category=98

COPS n’ Crooks

Help battle Big Boss and his band of crooks with the Empire City C.O.P.S., or put them on your display shelf for everyone to see. We have lots of great figures and vehicles to choose from. Follow the link below to jump to our COPS Page. http://nerdragetoys.com/?page_id=184&shopp_category=96

Barnyard Commandos

Radioactive barnyard animals with sophisticated weaponry? Who wouldn’t want a set of these? Relive the 80′s nostalgia with a collection of these figures and vehicles. Follow the link below to jump to our Barnyard Commandos Page. http://nerdragetoys.com/?page_id=184&shopp_category=102

Food Fighters

If you ever wanted an obscure line of toys to add to your collection, it doesn’t get much better than these. Choose your side with the Kitchen Commandos or the Refrigerator Rejects, and defend your spot in the fridge. Follow the link below to jump to our Food Fighters Page.


VENOM is up to no good, and needs your help! Choose from a nice variety of figures and vehicles from our latest re-stock, and help MASK save the day! Follow the link below to jump to our MASK Page.


Nerd Rage Toys brings you a great selection of vintage Thundercats figures. Choose from all your favorites. Also, don’t miss out on the $5 Thundercats Classics figures. Follow the link below to jump to our ThunderCats Page.


GI Joe 30th Anniversary Blowout

GI Joe 30th Anniversary figures are looking for a good home. Check out our unbeatable blowout prices, and stock up before these guys are gone forever!Follow the link below to jump to our GI Joe Page.

Be sure to check out all of the great lines we have to offer.


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Thank you to everyone for your business.

-Nerd Rage Toys


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For the Love of Toys!