
The Geek Easy Podcast – Ep. 006 – Thor: The Dark World Review

It’s a Marvelicious episode of The Geek Easy!

Pixel Dan is joined once again by good friend Jonathan Leonard for an episode all about Marvel’s movie universe, including a discussion on the new trailers for X-Men: Days of Future Past and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, as well as the recent announcement of new Marvel shows coming to Netflix!

Then, grab your cape and hammer for a spoilerific discussion on the latest Marvel Studios film: Thor: The Dark World!



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  • sethmeisteroni says:

    Worth the wait!!, Thx Dan & John, I'm geeking out hard right now on all Marvel Stuff…I'm playing the Marvel Heroes MMO(check it out!), bought some comics since I was 15 ($4 bucks now!!!), and signed up for Marvel Unlimited (best way to afford comics). Since the netflix annoucement I've been way into the Hell's Kitchen Heroes. Luke Cage is gonna be huge. He's the imgonnagitusucka! of superheroes. …I love to see some more slapstick marvel movies…I'm reading G.L.A. from 2005 (only 5 issues) kinda the Mystery men of Marvel.

  • sethmeisteroni says:

    BTW…I still follow the OG PNC crew. In a way your sorta paralleling Marvel. You guys have all done a great job of branding yourselves. I've added Ryan Porter to my podcast list to get my comic reviews. Were getting some team-ups, but when are you guys gonna pull an Avengers and Re-Assemble the Ultimate Nerd Coalition? Killin could be the Loki lurking in the shadows..While his #1 henchman DiRT does all the work:)

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