
Tag: BanDai

Bandai ThunderCats 4″ Tygus and Tiger Flyer Basic Vehicle Figure Review

Pixel Dan takes a look at the new ThunderCats basic vehicle Tiger Flyer with Tygus from Bandai! http://www.ThunderCatsNow.com



Bandai ThunderCats Tower of Omens Figure Playset Review

The 4″ ThunderCats toy line from Bandai brings us a new playset for or figures! Is it worth it? Pixel Dan takes a look to find out! For all of your ThunderCats needs, check out http://www.ThunderCatsNOW.com!


Bandai ThunderCats Armor of Omens Figure Review

Pixel Dan takes a look at the new Armor of Omens for the 4″ ThunderCats toy line from Bandai! For all of your ThunderCats needs, check out http://www.ThunderCatsNOW.com!


Bandai ThunderCats Classic 6″ Lion-O Figure Review

The ThunderCats Classic toy line from Bandai has moved from an 8″ scale to a 6″ scale! Pixel Dan takes a look at the first figure in this new series, the main hero Lion-O!



Bandai ThunderCats Classic 6″ Mumm-Ra Review

Pixel Dan continues his look at the new 6″ scale ThunderCats Classic figures from Bandai. Now it’s time to check out the arch enemy of the ThunderCats, Mumm-Ra the Ever Living!


For the Love of Toys!