
SDCC 2012: What’s up with Mattel’s Major Matt Mason?

At the beginning of SDCC, I posted a gallery showing the very cool Major Matt Mason display at the Mattel booth. I had questioned if this was a hint to the new secret toy line Matty was about to announce. Of course, the secret line ended up being a line of action figures based on The Watchmen. So I went back to Mattel to ask about the display.

After talking to Scott “ToyGuru” Neitlich, I found out that this display was really nothing more than a way to pay homage to one of Mattel’s classic toy lines. Scott said they had some extra room, so he wanted to shine the spotlight on a toy line that is one of Mattel’s most famous vintage figure lines.

He did also mention that he was curious to see what the response would be, and see if it gets anyone talking. So who knows, if this causes enough buzz perhaps we may see Mattel’s Man in Space make a comeback!



  • Mindless-Focus says:

    I’m all for this, but they have to be in the 4HM ‘s OSM scale. Mel Birnkrant admitted that he made those to compliment the original Major Matt Mason. It be great if Mattel made these to complement the OSM now.

  • Jonwes says:

    Also, Mattel has a Major Matt Mason movie in the works, so this might have been partly to get people to remember who he was. Just a guess. 🙂

  • Skot says:

    I think it's a thermometer to test the interest in making a subscription line. If DCUC was a hard sale, and Ghost Busters was a bust, I don't really see this being the line they already hinted at as All-New for 2013.

  • Mindless-Focus says:

    The Watchmen line to the All-new for 2013…

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