MOTU Classics Mosquitor Teaser #10
Monday, July 9th, 2012 by Pixel Dan
In what has become almost a daily update, I have received a 10th teaser image for the upcoming Masters of the Universe Classics Mosquitor…
Apparently Spector has defaced the image Joker-style. This is obviously the picture that the first several teasers were taken from, and it gives us the first real glimpse at his head. But much of the important stuff is still covered up, including his chest! Argh!
He can’t hide it from me for much longer. Only 4 more days to go until his official reveal!
By the way, Spector needs to work on his spelling…
I'm still not buying this story until Toy Guru gives us a walk thought at the convention.
Pixel can you remove the traces of colors with Photoshop, and so we can clearly see the picture?, I see that Toyguru use MSPAINT
Just wait til Friday, my man.
haha, TRUE!
this is the best one yet. Maybe he'll be the Bonus figure in order to force you to buy a sub.
You know what would be cool…….If it came with a alternate head that was Dan. It could be how he looked before Hordak started to alter him, much like Snout Spout, but we didnt get that alternate head
Or they should make his real name like Pixelon Danson.. or something like that. It does look like he has a human toned hand.
Can't wait for this guy. Also can't wait to see if Scott addresses Dan during the reveal haha
you sold your soul to the devil (scott neitlich)
He could have at least spelled his name right. Spector is a dumbass.