Masters of the Universe Classics SDCC Exclusive Vykron Figure Review
Monday, June 4th, 2012 by Pixel Dan
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Coming to San Diego Comic Con 2012 is the Masters of the Universe Classics exclusive from Mattel known as Vykron!
Based on the three prototype action figures of He-Man created by Roger Sweet, the set includes three sets of interchangeable armor, allowing you to display Vykron as any of the He-Man Trio figures.
Join me for an advanced look at this upcoming SDCC exclusive box set!
Hmmm, well I was on the fence about this guy. Shame about the sloppy paint and the armour being difficult. That said, I'm gonna pick up a pack off matty when he's released later. And I agree that this kind of figure is a perfect Con exclusive. Can't wait to see some pics of him battling Gygor
awesome review dan …
but – this isn't for me … i think it all boils down to (once again) the whole nostalgic-connection thing; i didn't own this when i was growing up, so i have no interest in it from the outset …
if we go a little deeper – i completely agree with you dan; this works great as a convention exclusive – as clearly not everyone is going to want to buy it …
coincidentally, i did buy vikor and demo-man – for me, those are the true origins of he-man and skeletor and those are the concepts on which the he-man and skeletor we know and love were based and formed upon – so i felt i needed those 2 figures in my collection …
as for vykron? i'm not really bothered that mattel had an idea to make him a space-man or a military-man (both awful concepts in my opinion) … the barbarian look is the one that was carried forward, so that makes vikor seem more significant to me …
so, for me it's vikor > vykron …
Nice balanced review – I actually like this a lot more after watching – damn you! I will probably still pass on it, but now there is a shadow of doubt after seeing military Vykron and the head sculpt…
I knew the military form would be your favorite ! It looks cool, you're right.
Vykron is really cool, I like the barbarian form very very much, awesome exclusive pack ! Thanks for the review !
I always thought I'd like the Space Man the best, but yeah that Military form really won me over after opening this set! I know he's odd, be he's just so cool looking at the same time!
Wow, this is truly an amazing figure. It's interesting to see how the idea of a man that could be anything eventually evolved into a toyline that could have anything in it. I was sold on this figure pretty early on, but your review makes me even more excited to get this figure in hand.
Hey Dan – Does the Armor fit on the other bucks. That way I can by another He-man instead of buying another whole set for the Tank-man . Plus i can use the Jet Armor on my TRU Stratos to make a Battle Style Stratos . Just wondering if they will fit or did the make it so that it can't other work with other bucks
I'll check this tonight. The chest harnesses should fit on any other figure just fine. The boot covers are molded to fit the furry boot tops, so they should go on any figure that has the furry boots. The arm covers are just made to snap on the wrist, so I think those will probably work on just about anyone. I'm going to try it all out later to find out for sure, though.
Hey Dan, I was wondering the same thing (mostly for the forearm bracer clips). Mostly curious to know if they'll fit on the Tri-Klops style bracers as well as the Hordak gloved forearms. Thanks
cool can't wait to hear about it. Again Cheaper to buy extra he-mans than other SDCC Sets. Only thing is extra Vykron head but thoses will be on E-bay in no time.
Alright, here's the conclusion. The Space and Military shin guards fit on any figure that have the furry boots. These are shaped to snap onto the fur part, and work well on any figure that has them. They do not, however, fit on any other boot design. They don't snap on.
Now, the Barbarian shin guards are different. They aren't form fitten, so they snap easily on any boot style.
As for the arm clips, these seem to work fine on any of the human armed figures, regardless of what size their wrist guantlet is. However, they do not really fit well on the finned arms. They don't snap on.
Thanks for the insight and your timely reply
When this was first revealed, I didn't care for it, but it ended up growing on me. I have to say that in the end, though, I don't think I'm feeling it. I'll probably pass.
Junk! Completely ridiculous! You shouldn’t have to find a way to like a figure. “Hmmm, its so goofy looking, I kinda like it?” it should be “this is awesome, I love it!” I wiLl not be getting this Poorly executed figure. Those who do, enjoy your pIece of junk.
I guess the thing to balance here is that at remotely the same cost as a regular figure you are getting one figure with a lot of accessories. Of course the armor and weapons seem to be a bit more generic than some, but I guess that at this price point it makes sense. Maybe what throws people off is that prior to seeing this release, in my head I always thought this trio of figures would be very very well done. But for reasons Dan pointed out I agree this was the correct route to go in the end, in terms of it being a con-exclusive. I am hoping that when we get to figures like Modulok and Multi-Bot that no detail or quality is sacrificed and he's just set at a higher price point to accommodate the integrity of his design. Thanks Dan for another awesome review!
Vykron's perfect for the motu line! all three concepts fit right in that motu world! mattel should have put three figures so we could display all three at the same time. anyway, good review! im sold! cant wait to add this to my motu collection.
I'm really getting to like these concept figures, especially of the main hero, and I blame you Dan. LOL
Though I don't care for the inclusion in the universe, I know they have to put something on the bio card.
Really think this was a good choice for the SDCC exclusive. I love that they made him and I really think they did it as well as they could without making three figures. I see a few folks on various boards saying they would rather have swappable boots, but I presume that would have been more tooling and also means we wouldn't be able to use these boot/fronts on other figures etc. all in all I think the figure is a lot of fun, which is what these toys are supposed to be. Great review.
I do think this is a perfect convention exclusive. I buy 2 of everything, 1 to open, 1 to keep in the box. Not sure how many of these I'll be buying. It would be cool to have all 3 displayed together but that is gonna be expensive. I still don't know why there is a need to have a bio for a concept figure. Call him "He-Man Trio Concept" and include some history on the figure instead of having a bio.
Also, very nice video review.
Yes! A history insted of bio, great idea.
Wish the (supposed) furry back part was a hook-on to the barbarian's chest strap. That mangy thing looks hideous. That way, we would've had another chest strap for He-Man too. Bad decision by mattel.
NICE review. I plan on using the military man armor on a Palace guard or Snake Man-at-Arms (as I want that figure more for Part 2 of the Powers of Grayskull comic) to create a 2nd tank-themed character. I'll probably have him hang out with his fellow odd-headed figures Snout Spout & Fearless Photog. I might then keep the Vykron figure himself in Space Armor or Barbarian armor, depending on when I get them in hand.
I was also on the fence but I think I will buy him after your review. I like the Tank look.
Heh… Vykron looks like he had an attack of Montezuma's revenge!
Or he spilled a giant bowl of Jello-Chocolate pudding in his lap!
I'm glad you picked up on that facial sculpt. I'm wondering if you could take regular he-man's hair and slap it on?! =)
I skimmed through the comments. I know this set has been met with a lot of negativity.
I think there are fans who collect this line purely based on nostalgia for the original figures — so to them figures like Carnivus, Faceless One, BG Teela, Marzo, etc. mean nothing. I have to admit, nostalgia does play a large part in my passion for this line — but there are a lot of great figures I didn't have as a kid that I really like. Of course there are others that I don't have much affection for, like BG Teela or Carnivus — it doesn't mean I think the figures are crap though.
While you shouldn't have to "convince" yourself that you LIKE a figure, don't force yourself to HATE something.
I love that last sentence. And I agree with it 100%!
Out of curiosity Dan, have you tried putting the Tank Armor on Man-At-Arms or one of the Palace Guards to see how it would look?
Yep, I sure did!…
The Photo Looks Great hope that you will post more.
Hey Dan, would you mind putting some of the armor on other figs for me? Specifically, I would love to see the tank chest piece on Tri-Klops and the viking chest piece on Vikor. Those two chest pieces just strike me as an interesting mixup option for those two figs. Thanx for another great review!
I'll see if I can snap these pics for you tonight!
I played mix n Match a bit last night. Here are some thing sI tried:
Military Armor on Man-At-Arms body:…
Space Armor on TRU He-Man:…
Wun-Dar's head on Military Body:…
I love the Military Armor on the Man-At-Arms body! That's very cool looking! Now I gotta pick up another Man-At-arms figure.
I have a spare palace guard. Military outfit is going on him.
I love the bio for this release. I love that Gygor tore him in half lol.
speaking as someone who loves swapping out weapons, gear, and even heads this figure really seems for me. of course the big let down's will be if the armor truly is this difficult to swap out and if the paint sucks, but I'm really hoping your review sample was just an anamoly, dan! Thanks immensely for the review.
But, but, but…. where are your review for Griffin and snake MAA??