
Toy Fair 2013: Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Castle Grayskull Playset Reveal

From the Mattel show room, Scott “ToyGuru” Neitlich shows off the brand new MOTU Classics Castle Grayskull playset at the 2013 NY International Toy Fair!




  • He_Maniac says:

    I will say the video looks better than the pictures. I still think it should be at least an inch taller in scale. The major concern for me is the eye sockets look off. A little too small and uneven in size. They look more sad than menacing also. Hopefully they will fix this before final product.

  • Jay says:

    That Wind Raider stand is retarded, you plug the wind raider into it and it totally cut offs the bottom level and sits too close to the leveled, its like parking an airplane 4 feet from your couch. Also, yes it is TOO small, it needs to be at least an inch to an inch and half bigger in all directions!! Im ok with the robot armor being a statue type figure, im sure people will customize it into an articulated figure. YAY, a throne the Sorceress CAN’T SIT IN…Overall, im about 75% cool with this, its just too small, I hope when they do the final sculpt, they can make it a bit bigger. Also, the skull face needs to look more menacing and not “worried”, an imposing expression makes more sence….im sure Dan will love love LOVE it, you know how I know, because he blindly loves EVERYTHING!!

    • Jay says:

      But im not so sure about the area UNDER the floor, there’s like a half inch of nothing/hollowness Will the 1/4 th circle/round part of the floor allow the castle to be folded up and locked so you can close the castle? There’s lots of happy with the castle and alot of not-so-happy with this castle…but I bought 2…we’ll see…This makes the Fright Zone more of a possibility than Snake Mountain I think, Fright Zone is just 3 pieces, a gate, a tree and a puppet, LESS involved than Snake Mountain…

  • dasbookpimp says:

    wow. that looked fantastic. I wish I had to Space for that. I do agree with He Maniac above that it looks lik eit needs to be maybe an inch (at most) bigger. Both otherwise I'm sad i won't be getting one

  • Frequincy says:

    Looks pretty sweet. I'm pretty happy with everything. The only thing I'm not too keen on is the Wind Raider stand being there. Why would it be inside the castle? I'd much prefer a Point Dred at some point. That's how my vintage castle is displayed, so I guess I'm just used to seeing it that way.

  • optimus21577 says:

    HOLD UP!!!! IT doesn't come with the weapons rack theyve been showing, or even the ORB!!!!
    That goes on top of the castle, he just stated in the vid that they came with other figures or sets.
    Either we get the whole darn thing or Im canceling mine! This is ridiculous! Do we really get the draw bridge,
    or does that come separately???? I am really annoyed! Matty!!! Do you hear me?
    $250 and Im going to get a castle with missing pieces????
    It doesnt even come with the swords!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Pixel Dan says:

      Sorry you're disappointed, but we've known since day 1 that we wouldn't have the Rack or Orb with this. We already have those. The rack was sold by itself, and the orb came with King Grayskull. The display just showed how they can be used with it. And the sword holder is there so you can clip He-Man and She-Ra's Power Swords in it. It was never meant to come with more swords.

      But that's why you have the ability to cancel. If it's not want you want, you're able to cancel.

      • Jay says:

        The FINAL Castle Grayskull better be scaled up a notch, its TOO SMALL!! But go ahead Dan, tell errybody how you just LOVE it…ok, GO!!

        • Pixel Dan says:

          I like how you can have an opinion, but I can't.

        • JVS3 says:

          I've known Dan for years. He has a genuine love for toys. And when he has a concern or dislike for a product, he expresses it in a respectful fashion. But to accuse Dan of ulterior motives because he doesn't share your opinion is absurd and petty. Every person is entitled to like or dislike something. But if a person has to frame their dislike in insults, personal attacks, accusations and/or conspiracy theories, then they've already lost the argument and will never be taken serious by anyone of consequence.

      • optimus21577 says:

        lol.. Thanks Dan, but your terribly misinformed, we didn't know anything from day one except for rumors. And when they finally showed the pics……. With all the pieces that WONT come with it. But we can get if we pay the F@#$% ridiculous mark ups on ebay for. Cause I still don't believe they ever did Teela. $175 for an action figure who's worth maybe $12 Come on!!
        Plain and simple, if your going to make the stuff, MAKE IT!!!
        I'm sick and tired of all the pics of figures Ive never seen for sale, sales that happen and sale out 60 seconds later!!
        Marlena at X-Mas… I have given Matty over $1000 cash so far, so YEA.. I consider myself a contributor at the very least, if not a fan who deserves to be heard.

        • He_Maniac says:

          I hate to say it, but Scott did mention that it would not come with the orb, the swords or the weapons rack around the time they announced CG and the mock up was shown.
          I hope they do make changes to the playset though. I do think we should get a outstanding playset since we contributed blindly and have put our faith in Mattel. I think it's a little bit of a sham to say, hey, if you don't like it, cancel. How about, Hey, we will do everything we can to bring you a product that is worthy of your loyalty.
          I would like to see them spend a little more time on the playset. I have a lot of faith in the 4 Horsemen, but I think they should spend a little more than 2 weeks and get it right.
          I'm really sorry PixelDan, love all that you do, but you do pretty much work for Mattel. You've lost your object opinion on MOTU Classics stuff.

          • Pixel Dan says:

            That's your opinion, and you're entitled to it. But I will disagree with you. It's easy to accuse me of something like that just because my opinion differs from yours. But I understand that's just the way it is. So if you feel that way, cool. I won't argue. Doesn't change anything.

          • He_Maniac says:

            If you think CG is perfect as is, it is your right to have an opinion. I don't complain to much when thing get messed up like backward parts or faulty materials, because I really love this stuff. I do address the problem and yes I complain, because I want the best product. You like the playset, okay. I'm not arguing that you do. I don't even think its bad. I just wanted to see that I'm getting the best product. I get concerned when you write or say things like "if you don't like it, cancel it." A lot of fans bought into this thing blindly to help get it off the ground. Without their help you wouldn't have this playset and now that we helped you're basically saying " thanks, but we don't need you any more." This isn't the first time I've heard you side with Mattel or help make excuses. You get free figures, personal interviews that help promote your website and notoriety. I get it if your biased, but don't sit there and tell me your not.
            I didn't originate the thought of you being biased, I've read posts on Facebook, He-man.org forum and even on your own site.
            Listen, I think you do a great job. It's nice knowing other people are toy fans and I think you help a lot of fans stay connected to other fans who love all this stuff. In my 'opinion' I don't think fans want to hear you reiterate Mattel's views. You're one of us, not a corporate monkey.

          • JVS3 says:

            These are Dan's reviews. They are based on his own likes and dislikes. If he likes something, he says it. If he has a problem with something, he says that too. Just like with other toy reviews, or comic book reviewers, or movie critics, my opinion is that you are welcome to respectfully disagree with those reviews. But at no point are reviewers required to cater their reviews to anyone but themselves. Furthermore, to liken Dan to that of a corporate monkey because he doesn't share your opinion is ludicrous. It's based on no evidence whatsoever and tarnishes any worthwhile assessment you previously contributed.

            Critics and reviewers should be used as benchmarks on what to expect from a product. If you find yourself agreeing with a reviewer most of the time, then you know you can usually count on their feedback as a useful guide. If you find you disagree with them most of the time, then you know you can usually count on the opposite of what they expressed. And if a reviewer is not consistent in either way for you, my advice is to find a new reviewer to follow that helps guide you better.

            I saw Grayskull in person and think it's awesome and won't be cancelling my preorder. But if you are unhappy, I recommend being proactive. If enough fans feel the same way and contact MattyCollector and Mattel directly and voice their unified concerns, threatening to cancel their order if those concerns aren't addressed, they might revise Grayskull. Alternatively, anyone who is unhappy with the MOTUC Castle Grayskull has the option to cancel your order.

            If you want change, go after it. But don't come down on others who don't agree with you. They are fans and customers just like you and are free to like a product even if you do not. 🙂

          • He_Maniac says:

            First of all, I'm not questioning Dans likes or dislikes. Second of all I'm not basing this on Dan's opinion on Castle Grayskull, which I stated earlier. It was his reiteration of Mattel's view that its appropriate to dismiss fans by saying if you don't like it, cancel it. It's a fans right to want the best product possible and expressing that is our right. A lot of people signed up for CG to help meet the quota and now we're told thanks for the help but if you don't like it, so long. Kind of rude. You and Dan mention that I don't like CG, which I never said. I suggested they do a couple of things to improve on it, that's all.
            I also didn't say he was a corporate monkey, I said he was one of us, a fan. I'm basing the biased angle on things he has written or said in the past, not on His like or dislike of Castle Grayskull. I admit I might be wrong I'm not Pixel Dan and I have no idea what he thinks but what from I've seen and heard a case for being bias could be made.
            I can only guess you are a friend of his, which is great that stand up for him, but I think he handled it well without your help.

          • optimus21577 says:

            Sorry, I have the vid announcing it on my harddrive and no where on it or on the site did it say anything about these items not coming with it. Maybe smewhere hidden, because I dont eat and breath this stuff every day. But I did watch every video Matty has put out on it, and until the other day, those things were not mentioned.
            Regardless, theyre selling an Grayskull thats incomplete, plain and simple. Theres no arguing the fact.
            Peace out.. Ive wasted enough time.
            (Matty, do your fans right..) Thats the last I have to say on ths subject.

        • Pixel Dan says:

          Not misinformed. Scott was very upfront about the Weapons Rack, Orb, etc from the beginning. Sorry man. I'm sorry you missed out on them. And I agree it sucks that they are expensive now. But unfortunately, that's the way things go with collector's lines sometimes. Seriously, just playing Devil's Advocate here. Go look up some of the NECA stuff on Ebay that's no longer on sale in stores. This isn't just a MOTUC issue.

          You are absolutely entitled to your opinion. I'm not going to argue that at all. I understand that people do take issues with this playset.

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