
The Geek Easy Podcast – Ep. 021 – 2015 is Year of the Geek

It’s 2015, and time to get back in the Geek Easy!

Dan and Jonathan have SO MUCH to discuss since the last time they sat down together. 2015 has been a highly anticipated year for movies, as they guys have mentioned in the past. Well the Year of the Geek is now here, so Dan and Jon discuss many of the things they are excited for, including:

  • Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailers
  • Ant-Man Trailer
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer
  • Comic Book Shows on Television
  • and much more!

Throw in a little toy talk and you’ve got yourself a geektastic return to the Geek Easy! Fill up your glass and settle in! It’s time to nerd out!


Oh, and when you’re done with the episode and you have some extra money to spend, then go buy yourself some awesome toys at Nerd Rage Toys! Also be sure to check out Nerd Bids, the pop culture auction site!

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One Comment

  • bat22 says:

    Thank you for addressing the blatant racist backlash against the Black Stormtrooper. Nerds/geeks have traditionally been portrayed as the downtrodden but for a long while there's been more than enough racism and misogynism going around the boards. If you haven't already, I recommend you watch the 2011 film ATTACK THE BLOCK. Because of that film, and the second trilogy, John "Moses" Boyega is actually the actor most enticing me to see this film rather than the prospect of the original trio.

    On the new lightsaber, I'm more like "meh". There's no reason another variant shouldn't exist, and I see the logic for a crossguard, but the design doesn't look defensive enough for the hand. Of course crossguards have also been used offensively, and a couple extra laser spikes are dangerous. Prefer the double-bladed lightsaber but this is far from a deal breaker.

    It would be great if Spidey, the Four, and the Mutants came home to Marvel but they're on a roll w/ no shortage of superheroes building towards Thanos. Sony just seems to be buckling under their ambition to build Rome (that is, the Spidey equivalent of the Marvel cinematic universe) in a day. With Garfield gone and Emma Stone's love interest dead, I wouldn't be surprised if the talked about Sinister Six flick goes the way of 2008's Justice League movie.

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