
SpyMonkey Creations teases the Weaponeers of Monkaa line

Our friends at Spy Monkey Creations have been up to something pretty special! You may already be familiar with their amazing weapon sets created to fit many different action figure lines. Well after months of cryptic “Not just weapons any more” teases, the boys at Spy Monkey have finally released a little more information on their new project!

From SpyMonkeyCreations.com:

The Mysterious Armory. Behold it’s myriad of colors, powers, and configurations. Where did it come from? Why is it here? Who or What is responsible for arming the cosmos with such powerful weapons?

Well, we at Spy Monkey Creations are about to reveal the answers to those very questions this fall! The answers have some wondrous new surprises. Join us at http://www.weaponeersofmonkaa.com and the following linkevery Monday thru Thursday at 9am PST beginning Monday, September 3rd and ending on Wednesday, September 19th. Each day we will reveal a new chapter in “THE STRANGER’S TALE” as he embarks on a grand adventure of discovery and action.

Then on Saturday, September 22nd join the entire Spy Monkey Creations crew at Power-Con as we reveal everything The Stranger will witness and encounter in the coming weeks. It is sure to awe and amaze.

Sounds promising! I know I’m excited! I’ll certainly be bringing you all of the information i can squeeze out of the guys while at Power-Con later this month! Until then, be sure to visit WeaponeersofMonkaa.com and enjoy their teases!



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For the Love of Toys!