
SDCC 2012: Hsbro Marvel Legends, Universe, more!

Hasbro had a lot of amazing figures on display for their Marvel properties! The 3.75″ Marvel Universe line continues to grow with several new figures.

Fans of the 6″ Marvel Legends will also be happy to see that there are a lot of great characters being added to the line this next year. I for one am very excited for mostly of these, and I’m afraid that after seeing them, I am fully back on board with this line! So goodbye money!

Click through to check out the gallery!



  • I want that Hitmonkey!!!

  • I know nothing about her, but that Red She-Hulk (they really need to do something about that name…) looks awesome.

    I also LOVE the Mystique. I've yet to own a Mystique figure, because, IMO, all of the other ones done have been butt-ugly.

    I also think it's kind of funny that no one (that I've seen) has pointed out that the Dr. Doom is an old figure (the regular one, not the re-paint). It was released a few years ago in a Walmart exclusive FF wave (I think around the time the 2nd FF movie came out). It's a good figure, and being a Walmart exclusive, chances are high that many people couldn't find him, so releasing him makes sense. I just thought it was odd that no one has pointed that out. BTW: If you don't have him, the mask is removable, or at least it is on the old one.

  • Binks says:

    Goodbye money is right! Sheeesh!

  • Megaduce Flare says:

    I know I'm going to pre-order the ML '90s Jean Grey, Archangel, & whoever that green-skinned redhead in the Dark Phoenix-ish outfit is (IMG_5222~1 – row 1, column 3). I'll probably pick up the others, providing I can find them at retail.

    As for MU, except for the Cap / Falcon & Cap / Magneto? 2-packs, I like everything that I see. Though, I would like to know what's up the the silver slash marks on Rouge's face (IMG_52601 – row 14, column 2, you may need to super-size the pic to see them).

  • Grimmy says:

    wow, these are amazing looking

  • Harrig says:

    Why is there a grey Mighty Spector in there?

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