
SDCC 2012: Hasbro Star Trek Kre-O Sneak Peek

Hasbro ad a sneak peek of their upcoming Star Trek Kre-O toys at SDCC. The small display gave us a look at the USS Enterprise, along with a Kreons of Captain Kirk, Spock, and Dr. McCoy.

Click through to check it out! And tell me what you think! Will you be buying these?




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I'm definitely buying that Enterprise. I'd buy a shuttlecraft too. Overall, I've been pretty impressed with the Kre-O sets that I've purchased so far. Too bad I'm not really impressed with any of the new Transformers sets that were shown.
I was hoping for 3.75" figures, but I'm still excited about these kits!
Awesome news for the Trekkie fans.......I am still holding out for an 80's GI Joe Kre-o.........Pletty please Hasbro.
philip northen's avatar

philip northen · 657 weeks ago

lets hope is does as well as battleship

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