
Pixel Dan’s Toy Room 2013 – Renovations in Progress!

Merry Christmas!

It’s not a full-on Toy Room Tour, but see what Pixel Dan is doing to renovate his toy room from the ground up!



  • Frequincy says:

    I had water in my basement this spring also. My basement is finished, which sucks cause all the paneling and framing has to be removed to waterproof around the floor. The block foundation is in good shape, just water seeps in between the walls and floor in certain areas.

    The toy room looks fantastic. Cool video. Happy holidays and cheers!

    • Pixel Dan says:

      Yeah, a ton of folks in our area got water this year. It was a much more wet Spring than normal. And with all those years of very little rain and then the sudden total saturation this year, it caused a lot of problems for people…even those who have never had water before. Sorry your finished basement got damage. I was so aggrivated when our basement took on water, but we’re very lucky the basement wasn’t already finished and there wasn’t any additional damage to any of our belongings. Now I just hope this waterproofing system I paid a ton for works like it’s supposed to. I’m sure it will, and it has a guarantee and all…but I’m always going to be nervous now. 🙂

  • Frequincy says:

    It is aggravating LOL. None of our stuff was damaged, just the framing and paneling. Springfield was in draught last year and like you said, this spring, was completely saturated. All my toys are down here, so I need to get some work done!

    The basement doubles our living space. With a 2 year old, that helps a ton, as your soon to find out. Congrats to you both. I am having a blast playing with my son's new toys, helping him with them and seeing him learning to open presents. Can't wait till he's a little older and gets into He-Man. He loved the Christmas Special this year!

  • jzidlicky says:

    Where do you get the tiered figure stands from? Your toy room looks great so far!

    • Pixel Dan says:

      I got those from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. They are meant for organzing kitchen cabinets. They run about $7 each and work great!

      • AdamVerde says:

        I recognized those spice-rack stands right away PD!! 😀
        I bought a couple for my Matchbox and Hot Wheels collection, but I'll have to try using them for figures as well – got mine at WallyWorld for around 3 bucks each, but that price is for the all white "drawer" style, the fixed mold with black rubber grip tops were closer to the 7 dollars BB&B has them for. Thanks for the sneak preview video!! Can't wait for the next Geek Easy PC!! 🙂

  • Johan_Eggink says:

    I built a new house and moved in this year.
    Room for displaying is already an issue.
    I should have included a basement 🙁
    I am claiming an attic room, but it has those not straight up 45 degree roof sides which make displays a nightmare.. 🙁

    Anyways, yours is looking great lol

    • Pixel Dan says:

      We have an unpstairs loft area in our house as well. Half of it is an attic, but the other half is a living space. It has those same slanted ceilings, so I totally know what you mean. I have my video game stuff set-up up there, but run into similar issue of where I can put things because of the ceiling.

      Thanks for watching the vid!

  • TMC1984 says:

    still the best MOTU collection on this planet!!! … awesome!

    thanks dan 🙂

  • calciferboheme says:

    Awesome video.. I've been renovating my collection area too, also partially do to flooding (and partially do to getting more shelves). Though my flooding was because of the water heater and not confined to a basement, since I live in an apartment.

    Anyway, love the collection and can't wait to see everything together. I have to say I enjoy you lone AWA Larry Zbysko figure hanging to next to Clubber Lang. 😛

  • TunnelRatTrap says:

    Awesome video Dan, love it.
    Just a question though, please — where did you get the (custom?) shield for 200X Snake Armour He-Man?

    Also curious about that knitted Orko.

    • Pixel Dan says:

      I bought that custom shield WAY back int he 200x era from the He-Man.org forums. I think Joe Amaro made it…I'm almost positive. The knitted Orko was a gift from a viewer. Very cool little piece!

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For the Love of Toys!