
Mattel reveals MOTUC Flogg and new Ghostbusters at NYCC

I’m not actually at New York Comic Con this weekend. I opted to skip this convention because I’m currently doing some much needed renovations at my house, and to be honest I was a tad burned out on the whole convention thing. But I made sure to tune in this morning for the Matty updates to find out what’s to come for my beloved Masters of the Universe Classics line.

Flogg01So first of all, Flogg was revealed! Yay! I know New Adventures isn’t everyone’s cup o’ tea, but I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for these characters. Especially the Space Mutants. Flogg here is basically the leader of that evil faction, and therefore much needed in the Classics line in my opinion. Honestly if they give us NA Skeletor next, I’d say they could pretty much call it a day as far as NA representation in the Classics line goes. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to have characters like Sagitar, but if they stopped with New Adventures after Skeletor and Flogg here, I think I’d be ok with that.

As an added bonus, Flogg comes with a Filmation styled Power Sword to give to He-Man. I love little add-ins like that.

GhostbusterssideshotHere’s something else I wanted to briefly talk about. Mattel officially announced the cancellation of the Ghosbusters Ecto-1 vehicle due to poor sales. But for whatever reason they are still going to go ahead and release the four Ghostbsuters with removable proton packs in 2014.

And to that I say “What’s the point?”

Take a look at that picture. Aside from the removable packs, the sculpts look pretty much exactly the same as the figures we already have. I don’t really need these guys again. And really, I sort of feel like the original releases should have already had removable proton packs. So without an Ecto-1 coming I just don’t see the point in picking these up.

So, I’m curious what you guys think. Do you want these new Ghostbusters? Are you raging mad that Flogg is being released in the MOTUC line even though you knew he was most likely coming? Let’s hear it.

Since I’m not at NYCC, I’d suggest following Toy News International for updates directly from the event. They’re doing a great job. Also, you can read more about the Matty reveals here.




  • Wrestlingsbest says:

    That sucks you can't be there, Dan. Who will post mattypalooza coverage at NYCC? ?

    • Pixel Dan says:

      Well, Mattypalooza happened this morning. 🙂 That’s where both topics I discussed above came from.

      Toy News International has great coverage of the event. They have lots of pictures up too! 😀

  • Bryyy84 says:

    I love NA and including the filmation sword with flogg will help him sell. I don't own the ghostbusters figures because the proton packs arnt removable but these new ones solve that problem so I will be picking them up.

  • TMC1984 says:

    yeah i kind of feel like "what's the point?"'with the revealed GB's too, although i feel like i should buy them to support the line … even though it's kind of finished?? …

    why not put some of the costs saved in ecto-1 towards tooling janosz and janine etc?? …

  • Frequincy says:

    So happy about Flogg. I agree, after NA Skelly, I think I'd be ok if NA was wrapped up. I want more like Master Sebrian among ohers, but I'm just happy we got what's been released and revealed, especially Flip Shot and upcoming Hydron. Slush Head and Optik were awesome and it's going to be real cool to display them with Flogg.

    Extendar looks pretty good. I need to see my vintage one though. I swear his hands did not turn greenish, but it's been about 2 years since he's been in storage in my basement. That seems to be what most folks are complaining about. Are you excited for this figure?

    The Ghost Busters I never really collected, mostly because money was going into more vintage stuff. Also because at the beginning of the line Mattel stated there would be no Ecto-!. I also (rightly in hindsight) had a feeling there wouldn't be enough ghosts and too many repaints. I love the ghosts and would have loved to see 2-packs and deluxe ghosts only releases. Maybe this release is for people like me who never collected the line but I'm still on the fence.

  • allfellfromsky says:

    Hey Dan, how are you? Congratulation, to you and your wife on your new and up coming addition to your family. I know it is an exciting time for you and your wife because I have had the privilege to experience the feeling 8 times, its wonderful especially with some one you truly love. I hope I'm not out of place but please let me give you a friendly advise, be very patient it is a very emotional time for both of you, use the love you guys always share and you will always find the answers. I can understand all the work in renovations you must be doing in your home. Again please forgive me for being so forward I wish you two the very best. Now as for your post I agree with you a 100% about the Ghostbusters two packs, it almost feels pointless unless you never bought the first release, as far as the new adventures he-man go I have to disagree about not releasing all of them. I just feel to excited about seeing how fantastic the four horseman will sculpt the rest of the crew NA. They just look to bad ass in classic form. I know you must feel the same. Again thanks for your time Dan.

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