
Masters of the Universe Classics End of Wars Weapons Pak Video Review

It’s the final Weapons Pak for the MOTU Classics line! The End of Wars Weapons Pak brings us another assortment of repainted weapons, accessories cut from previously released figures, and a brand new Kowl action figure! Join me for a look!




  • Burgl3cut says:

    Another great review, Dan. I am definitely looking forward to this release. I still say that Mosquitor blood tanks wood have been cool in this pack. Here's hoping for a pack-in in the future.

  • pmias says:

    Great review!
    But could you please take a few shots of the green weapons with Galatic Protector He-Man? I’m very curious how this looks 😉

  • Benighted_death says:

    I never bought any weapons pack but this will be my first! And on another note…looks like the 2014 sub wont go through….sadly

  • Magneto76 says:

    As always Dan thanks for the review. I noticed you didn't try the Trap-jaw and Roboto parts with Horde Prime or Cy-Chop…I've found they all work well. I would love to see somebody repaint Cy-chop's "hands" for Trap-jaw..

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