
Golden Age Heroes are back – The Amazing Heroes Kickstarter is here

Fresh Monkey Fiction brings classic super heroes to life with Amazing Heroes Kickstarter.


Los Angeles, CA. (July 14, 2014) – Fresh Monkey Fiction announces the crowdsourcing campaign for their long awaited Amazing Heroes retro action figure line of classic Golden Age superheroes. This 4.5” action figure line brings a handful of cult characters to life, with both collectability and playability in mind.

For most of these characters, it will be the first time they have ever been made into action figure form.

“With The Amazing Heroes line we hope to invoke a bit of vintage nostalgia as we pay homage to the mid ’80s super hero toy lines that many of us grew up with,” says Fresh Monkey Founder Bill Murphy.

Getting these classic cult heroes made into action figures has been a dream of Bill Murphy’s, going back to his childhood desire to play with them alongside the then-current superhero toy lines.

The inclusion of Captain Action—the first superhero figure, officially licensed by Captain Action Enterprises—brings a gravitas to the line.

“As the Original Super-Hero Action Figure, Captain Action has a unique place in history for licensing comic and toy properties,” Ed Catto of Captain Action Enterprises says. “Arguably the first major toy to leverage multiple licenses, Captain Action created a true “shared universe” that most toy enthusiasts could only get with their own toy-box crossovers. For the first time, with Captain Action, it was ‘official’!”

Series 1 will include the following classic heroes:

Black Terror – “Golden Age Crime Fighter”

Golden Age Dare-Devil – “Avenging Hero”

Stardust – “The Super Wizard”

Captain Action – “The Original Super Hero Action Figure”

Also included is The Blank State, a customizable figure dubbed the “Villainous Copycat”.

The 40 day Kickstarter campaign for Amazing Heroes features two stretch goal figures: the Champion of Mars (“Hero of the Red Planet”) and Silver Streak (“The Red-Clad Speedster”). Incentives include the PDF Amazing Heroes Handbook with essays by comic book historian Christopher Irving (Leaping Tall Buildings: The Origins of American Comics, with photographer Seth Kushner) and Golden Age comic stories, as well as a chance for donors to have their own characters customized as either a one-off or for 300 units. Contributors can also order a case of 300 figures of another Golden Age figure—Daredevil in yellow and blue, Vulcan, The Liberator, or Lash Lightning—that will never again be made into an Amazing Hero.

To celebrate the Kickstarter, Fresh Monkey Fiction will run a “Find the Fresh Monkey” contest at San Diego Comic Con. If you find someone with a Fresh Monkey t-shirt, take a pic, then share it with the link to the Kickstarter on Facebook or Twitter, you will be registered to win a variety of prizes—including original art, comics, toys and t-shirts from some of our industry sponsors. Find out more details about this contest on our website this week.

We’ll also be attending the Captain Action Custom Figure Contest, Thursday, at 3:30 in Room: 24ABC to support our pals with Captain Action Enterprises and to answer any and all questions about Amazing Heroes.

The Amazing Heroes Kickstarter launches today, with a goal of $30,000.00, at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/549582372/amazing-heroes-retro-style-super-hero-action-figur




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About Fresh Monkey Fiction

Fresh Monkey Fiction LLC is dedicated to telling stories through art and design. We’re building a business model around leveraging the power of crowd funding to bring great products to the collector. Our motto is “If you support it, we will make it”. Our goal is to create amazing collectibles that encourage fans to explore the depths of their imagination and tell great stories. If we can bring a little bit of playful imagination to someone’s day, we’ve done our job.  Discover your imagination at http://www.freshmonkeyfiction.com.

About Captain Action Enterprises

As Retropreneurs, Captain Action Enterprises, LLC specializes in taking old properties and rejuvenating them for a new generation. Captain Action appears in an on-going comic book series, lithographs, statues, action figures, T-shirts, model kits and more. Additional properties include Captain Action Cat, the Zeroids and Savage Beauty. For additional information, please contact Ed Catto at ed.catto@bonfireagency.com.

Captain Action, Lady Action, The Zeroids and related characters are  ©2014 and ™ Captain Action Enterprises, LLC.



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