
D&D Toys and Collectibles Episode 150

I recently had the pleasure of being a special guest on the Dave & Devall’s Toys and Collectibles podcast! There’s a lot of great discussion in this one, including a lot of info on my life as a toy reviewer. If you’ve ever been curious as to what goes into my day-to-day routine, you shoudl enjoy listening to this one!


Dave and Devall are back at the toy bar for another week of toy talk!

This is IT! Episode 150! For three years, Dave and Devall have joined together every week to talk, discuss, argue and share their love of toys and collectibles with all of you, the fans! And we come, FINALLY, to Episode 150! This episode, we are joined by our good friend, the one and only Pixel Dan as we all discuss the ups and downs of being toy reviewers, the new Episode 7 teaser and MORE!

Click here to download the Mp3 and listen!

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For the Love of Toys!