Warlords of Wor Bog-Nar Figure Video Review
Wednesday, November 28th, 2012 by Pixel Dan
Warlords of Wor is a great new line of 5″ Art Toys from ManOrMonster? Studios. Bog-Nar kicks off the line as the first figure released!
Join me for a look at this incredibly cool Mutant Muck Menace!
For more information on Bog-Nar and the Warlords of Wor toy line, visit http://WarlordsOfWor.com
I own a bognar and its the best! It's worth every penny!
Cool figure but not worth $100.00 bucks.
I would love a new mass produced line in the style of 80s MOTU and this looks great, but for that kind of money its just not for me
This is awesome, but $100 is crazy (although I understand why they cost that much). Hopefully we can see the creator get this off the ground, get a little help with production, and see these get out there more.
Cool review Dan .. BTW link is not working
Looks awesome. Is a bit pricey, but it's limited to only 100 pieces. I've spent more for a single action figure before, so I'll think about it. The website link is: http://warlordsofwor.blogspot.com/
$100 is way too expensive. I love the magnetic parts though. This is a great idea, but the cost has to come down quite a bit. I could see these being a big hit if they can find a way to bring down the price.
The thing to keep in mind is that these are low production, hand made "Art" toys. You can't really compare these to the action figures you buy in stores that are produced in factories. It is very expensive to manufacture a figure of this quality, so the cost is justified, but certainly not for everyone.
But you can compare it to an action figure you buy I’m a store because at the end of the day, it’s an action figure. The presentation, if intentional, is lacking and the target market here is definitely divided. 80s toy collectors are drooling, but their wallets are crying. I have a few expensive vinyl figures, but even thu are half of this price. I get it’s one man doing these, but hopefully they catch on and he finds a way to make them a little more wallet friendly.
I'd love to see these in stores
As a collectible, it's way out of my price range.
Very cool, though, and I like the idea behind them (and the magnets are awesome).
The BLATANT MOTU rip-offery that these figures are pisses me off to no end!
[…] Warlords of Wor Bog-Nar (Pixel Dan Video) […]
[…] Warlords of Wor Bog-Nar (Pixel Dan Video) […]
[…] Warlords of Wor Bog-Nar (Pixel Dan Video) […]
Pardon the dumb question, but does the limited quantity mean he's made all of them and they're in stock?
Hey, Man-E… Bog-Nars are being produced on a made-to-order basis until the edition closes, so they are still available.
I’ve already bought one. I just wanted to know the approximate delevery time. “Made-to-order” doesn’t help because I don’t understand what that means.
Hey Dan have any of the magnets on your Bog-Nar come unglued? One has on mine, lucky it wasn’t an artigulation joint. Just one on his back.
[…] the mini-comic Kickstarter video and a video review about the Warlords of Wor action figures by Pixel-Dan.com, but this is just a small sample. For more information click the above links to support the […]