Tag: Knock-Off
Monday, March 31st, 2014 by Pixel Dan
Goodleg Toys writes to let us know that their latest figure from the War on Prehis line is now available for pre-order! Click through to get all of the details.
Monday, December 30th, 2013 by Pixel Dan
Join me for a look at series 2 of the 80’s style fantasy themed action figure line known as Realm of the Underworld!
Wednesday, November 28th, 2012 by Pixel Dan
Warlords of Wor is a great new line of 5″ Art Toys from ManOrMonster? Studios. Bog-Nar kicks off the line as the first figure released!
Join me for a look at this incredibly cool Mutant Muck Menace!
For more information on Bog-Nar and the Warlords of Wor toy line, visit http://WarlordsOfWor.com
Thursday, November 22nd, 2012 by Pixel Dan
Sometimes you come across some amazingly ridiculous knock-offs and cannot resist grabbing them!
Join me for a look at this wild die-cast metal knock off from the 80’s! It’s Thunder Prince from the Treasures of the Temple Warriors toy line!
Video after the jump!