
Tag: Bootleg

Cool Weird Bootleg Toys Live Stream with Channel Update!

Hey guys!

I’m currently in the middle of my big move to a new house. I know I’ve brought this up a lot over the past few months, but it’s full-on happening right now. As a result, my content will be sparse as I’m focussing on moving to the new location. This may take me a few weeks to get back on track, as along with moving I also have painting, unpacking, a new studio to set-up, etc. So please stick with me. I’ll be back on track as soon as possible.

In the meantime, in case you missed it, I did an impromptu live stream while moving stuff to the new house the other day. While sorting through some of my totes, I found some really rad Skeleton Warriors and TMNT bootleg figures, and I just had to share them. Enjoy the show!

For the Love of Toys!