
Tag: Bishoujo

Kotobukiya Star Wars Bishoujo Jaina Solo Statue Review

For more information on Kotobukiya and their products, visit http://www.KotoUS.com and “Like” them on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/Kotobukiya

Kotobukiya’s Bushoujo statue line has crossed over into the Star Wars universe! Kicking off the line is the daughter of Han and Leia, Jaina Solo!

Join me for a look at this beautiful 1/7 scale statue!

Kotobukiya DC Comics Bishoujo Huntress Statue Review

For more information on Kotobukiya and their products, be sure to visit them online at http://www.KotoUS.com or “Like” them on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/Kotobukiya

From Kotobukiya comes the latest entry in their line of Bishoujo, or “pretty girl,” statues based on the characters of DC Comics.

Join me for a look at Huntress!

For the Love of Toys!