
Hasbro Marvel Legends Bucky Barnes Captain America Figure Review

Marvel Legends is back, and I just grabbed my first figure from this new series. After not buying a Marvel Legends figure since the Toy Biz days, what do I think of this new Captain America figure? Does it compare to the greatness of Toy Biz? Will I buy more? Check out the review to find out!



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My story is very similar to yours when it comes to Marvel Legends, except i didn't sell any of my Legends. Just like you I loved the Toy Biz Legends and quit collecting when Hasbro took over the line. I thought the Hasbro Legends were horrible the first time around, but these new Legends are much better. I of course got suckered in and bought the Ghost Riders, Extremis Iron Man, and variant Capt. America from the Terrax series. I was pretty impressed with them. I'm just not sure I'm going to get into these. I don't care for the 2nd wave Zola wave figures, but I'll keep an open mind for future waves.
1 reply · active 668 weeks ago
Yeah, I will definitely be picking and choosing with these new ones. none of the build-a-figures scream "must have" for me personally. So I'll just grab the figures I really like. I want to find a FF Spider-Man, Extremis Iron Man, Steve Rogers, and Ghost Rider if I can. These things vanish from stores quickly!
Nice Figure but... it's Hasbro. I don't trust them for quality since they ruined their own transformers Prime First edition series with very crappy new Robots in disguise molds. Mattel does a way much better paintjob with their toys as hasbro and the motu classics look so awesome! This is one which hasbro never done or do. Hasbro sucks.
1 reply · active 668 weeks ago
I think both companies have their problems. I see people constantly upset about Mattel's QC issues with DCUC and MOTUC as well. So neither are perfect by any stretch of the means. :)
I have a pretty good Legends collection, myself, but I have to say that none of the new ones really jump out at me. I've passed on all of the ones I've seen so far.

I'll have to see what comes out in the future.

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