
Flashback Friday: 1988 Mattel Food Fighters Toy Line Review

Welcome to Flashback Friday, the newest feature of Pixel-Dan.com!

Flashback Friday is a chance for me to share some of my past videos with everyone again. This will allow newer viewers to see a video they might not have yet seen, and allow the long-time viewers a trip down memory lane! It also serves to show just how much my videos have evolved over the years.

Warning: the quality will not always be very good in these older videos!

Today’s flashback is an overview I did on the bizarre 1988 Mattel toy line known as the Food Fighters. If you have been following me for some time, then it’s no secret that Food Fighters is one of my all-time favorite obscure toy lines. It’s just so weird that it has always appealed to me. It’s a strange concept, but these toys are a lot of fun!

This particular video is also a very special one. This is one of my earliest toy videos. You can really see how far I’ve come as far as quality is concerned. When this video was originally put together, it was intended to be an episode of a series I was planning on developing called “Plastic Treasures.” It was set to air as the next installment after my “Many Versions of He-Man and Skeletor” videos.

However, instead of going forward with Plastic Treasures, I developed the idea of a series called “That New Toy Smell” with friend Jason Devall. Since this video was already done, it became the first episode of that show, and the rest is history.

Original air date of this video was September 6, 2008.

Enjoy this blast from the past! And stay tuned, as more Flashbacks are on the way!




  • He-Maniac says:

    I was noT a fan of this toy line. In fact as kid I remember hating this concept. I’m still not a fan of the talking food concept. I can’t get over the visual of someone taking a bite out of the characters.
    Thanks for the Flashback!

  • Zargon2099 says:

    I LOVE this action figure series. I have all of the original characters, but no variants (it looks like you have the variants of Major Munch, Sergeant Scoop and Short Stack (my favorite)). I am with you Dan, this is awesome. I want the vehicles too, especially the Carton tank. I still have their bios and mini-stories. I dream of one day having the rights to these characters to either base a comic book or cartoon. I have created new characters and given more background on how their world works. Great flashback!

  • calcifer says:


    I swear I was finding these things in stores until 93… Maybe it was just 91 or so. I miss the totally off the wall toys we got during that time period though. We're starting to get some crazy stuff again, but it still hasn't reached the levels of insanity.

    Have you ever done a video for Barnyard Commandos? Because you should.

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For the Love of Toys!