Comic Images Masters of the Universe Plush Video Review
Thursday, April 18th, 2013 by Pixel Dan
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Masters of the Universe Plushies are here! Join me for a look at this new series from Comic Images that includes plush versions of He-Man, Skeletor, Beast Man, Trap Jaw, Battle Cat, and even a 30″ Power Sword!
The new Comic Images MOTU Plush are available now at Fantastic Plastic Toys
Beast-Man is my favorite out of those and I would love to see them make Orko,Mer-Man,Man-at-Arms and even She-Ra.
Buzz Off would be cool
I want a Mer-man!
The sword is really cool! I would have loved that as a kid. Battle Cat is my favorite of the plushies. I also have to agree, that Orko would make a great plush!
Best NA Mutant to date!