Category: Reviews
Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 by Pixel Dan
Join “Pixel Dan” Eardley as he takes a look at an upcoming new figure from the Masters of the Universe Classics toy line from Mattel! Today, Pixel Dan takes a look at the Toys R Us Exclusive MOTU Classics vs DC Universe Classics 2-Pack: Skeletor vs Lex Luthor!
Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 by Pixel Dan
Join “Pixel Dan” Eardley as he takes a look at an upcoming new figure from the Masters of the Universe Classics toy line from Mattel! Today, Pixel Dan takes a look at the Toys R Us Exclusive MOTU Classics vs DC Universe Classics 2-Pack: He-Man vs Superman!
Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 by Pixel Dan
Join “Pixel Dan” Eardley as he takes a look at an upcoming new figure from the Masters of the Universe Classics toy line from Mattel! Today, Pixel Dan takes a look at the Eternian Collectors Club exclusive: Wun-Dar!
Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010 by Pixel Dan
Join “Pixel Dan” Eardley as he takes a look at an upcoming new figure from the Masters of the Universe Classics toy line from Mattel! Today, Pixel Dan takes a look at the evil space pirate known as Trap Jaw!
Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 by Pixel Dan
Join “Pixel Dan” Eardley as he takes a look at an upcoming new figure from the Masters of the Universe Classics toy line from Mattel! Today, Pixel Dan takes a look at the leader of the Great Rebellion: Adora!
Thursday, December 17th, 2009 by Pixel Dan
Merry Christmas! Pixel Dan takes a break from looking at toys to review a Christmas Classic: The Pac-Man Christmas Special! From Pixels to Plastic is presented by
Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009 by Pixel Dan
Join “Pixel Dan” Eardley as he takes a look at an upcoming new figure from the Masters of the Universe Classics toy line from Mattel! Today, Pixel Dan takes a look at the reissue of the most powerful man in the universe: He-Man!
Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009 by Pixel Dan
Join “Pixel Dan” Eardley as he takes a look at an upcoming new figure from the Masters of the Universe Classics toy line from Mattel! Today, Pixel Dan takes a look at the royal leader of Eternia: King Randor!
Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009 by Pixel Dan
Join “Pixel Dan” Eardley as he takes a look at an upcoming new figure from the Masters of the Universe Classics toy line from Mattel! Today, Pixel Dan takes a look at the Green Goddess!
Monday, November 2nd, 2009 by Pixel Dan
Join “Pixel Dan” Eardley as he takes a look at an upcoming new figure from the Masters of the Universe Classics toy line from Mattel! Today, Pixel Dan takes a look at the evil ghost serving Skeletor: Scareglow!