
Flashback Friday: 1990 Dick Tracy by Playmates Toys

Welcome to Flashback Friday on Pixel-Dan.com!

Flashback Friday is a chance for me to share some of my past videos with everyone again. This will allow newer viewers to see a video they might not have yet seen, and allow the long-time viewers a trip down memory lane! It also serves to show just how much my videos have evolved over the years. Warning: the quality will not always be very good in these older videos!

Today’s Flashback is a look at a terrific line of action figures based on Disney Dick Tracy live action movie! So get tot he HQ on the OT, and check out these awesome action figures from Playmates Toys!





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Ugh, the early 90's toys were a dark time for toys, these are a prime example of bad toys, Pirates of Darkwater was ok, but **** Tracy,Nope!
1 reply · active 628 weeks ago
Duck Twathy!
I loved the early 90s toys! They weren't quite as awesome as what I had in the 80s, but I still dug a lot of that stuff. I saw something on Ring Raiders the other day and it brought memories flooding back.

I absolutely loved the Toxic Crusaders too, especially the great vehicles! I'd love to see a Flashback Friday on those.

Dark time to some is a golden age to others I suppose.
Zap Rowsdower's avatar

Zap Rowsdower · 628 weeks ago

These **** Tracy toys will always have a special place in my heart. Although, I didn't have them as a kid, my brother had them all. (minus The Blank.) Even though I'm 35 now, man, there's something about this line that brings me back to when I was a kid. Strangely enough more so then other lines: Star Wars, GI Joe, M.A.S.K. , and even MOTU & Thundercats.

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For the Love of Toys!